Episode Twenty-Four 12 Birds in Flight We Will Fly Away

The truest wise men 888 in the center beaks and eyes adds to TWENTY-FOUR… Father, Son, Holy Spirit I jokingly refer to this one as the birds of Preterism. I’ll fly away. Made up with twelve birds. All the tail feathers are 6 x 8 48 which is two TWENTY-FOUR’s as well. Eights are great and HE won’t be late. Psalms 24:1-10  A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.  (2)  For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.  (3)  Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?  (4)  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.  (5)  He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the… Read moreEpisode Twenty-Four 12 Birds in Flight We Will Fly Away

New Steps to Peace with God Released Due to the COVID-19 Scare.

They have six to eight hospitals in every state in the Union and several around the globe. Now they have the Whitehouse the W.H.O Ho, Ho, Ho. It is one of their brainchilds to bring in the NWO.  This is to keep the priesthood alive by making America like China. Protestants will suffer in the new regime. They are not for pro-Protestant life or freedom at all. Jesus is on HIS WAY! Americans must rise up now or learn to speak Chinese the dragon’s Church is attracted to the dragon. Walmarts are running out of things soon they will be re-education centers. You peel more shrimp now, then we move you to garlic! No more this Protestant Jesus.     So why do you think Catholics are not Ambassadors for heaven or even going to be allowed there? If they came in they would ruin heaven like they did America… Read moreNew Steps to Peace with God Released Due to the COVID-19 Scare.

G R U Listening to God on COVID-19?

Minions can be so helpful at times the image is a crop circle that reveals sound waves that penetrate the ear. Our God (Jesus) gave us two and one mouth for a reason. If we had two mouths and one ear had “evolution” really went wrong, then we would be offending twice as many people, and it would go in one ear and never come out. Next Post after this or soon will be what did you do with your “Precious” G O L E M? When you know the voice of God or even that of another friend, you can pick them out in a crowd just by the sound of their voice.  Some people like Richard Little, Frank Gorshin, and there have been several others who have been able to make a living impersonating the voices of famous people. Now they can cry out to God in several… Read moreG R U Listening to God on COVID-19?

Eyes Opened What Did My Eyes SEE?

The featured image is \ 3 circles with four eyes but when you section them off you get seven eyes. Just like the lamb of God in revelation the seven eyes of the spirit. 14 Raised Sections two oddly different Psalm 14:2. As I sat drinking my chemical infused water to do an MRI,  I could not help notice that I was sitting in front of a CMC  hospital. Then the LORD spoke to me and said they have several of these in states all across America and in every country in the world. He is not to blame this judgment it is not coming from God but their god who engineered it. We would not sit in their churches to place our coin in their baskets but the money they stole gets our money in the end.  There are three things wrong with our world I see as the… Read moreEyes Opened What Did My Eyes SEE?

Dancer Say’s I’m Getting Outta Dodge

Meet Dancer, can his feet move or what? Here he is throwing his little hands up in the air, is it Praise to God or waving his arms like he just doesn’t care? Hard to tell these days.  I know him and his twin brother Prancer he is WARNING us he has escaped the enemies hold on him having been bound to pulling that sleigh around since Saint Nicholas plotted against Children to give them toys and goodies rather than the word of God. He’s getting out of Dodge because he and I know something wicked this way comes. It started with PSA’s “Save the Food,” then it was the closing of “Radio Shack,” a place I worked at, “You’ve got questions we have answers,” that was before my discovery in Egypt and how it tied into America. Tandy Corporation was very instrumental in helping our war vets after WWII… Read moreDancer Say’s I’m Getting Outta Dodge

Meet Mrs. B. Eagle

She never soars like an eagle because her church treats her like a dog. God never wanted a priesthood after HIS Son’s Resurrection. The reasons should be obvious enough. He allowed Rome to destroy the temple because that was, at the time, the enemy’s soldiers with all their false gods. So it was easy to manipulate them. Destroying the temple is what God wanted to expose the enemy to the world. He did not need the priesthood any longer, and if you do not understand why? Then you may be a Mrs. B.Eagle yourself, waiting for someone to lead you and take you for a walk. Because you do not walk with God, God rejoices in truth, and no-one seems overly excited to see me. Daniel 8:12 America was made great because of whom we worshiped in the beginning, but slowly the wolves started putting up their kennels to make… Read moreMeet Mrs. B. Eagle

Scripture “U” Should Take a Closer Look At

With the “Rise of GRU” being released and I do need my minions, I thought they would find this quite interesting as I was revamping the GR44 sites Father, had me take a closer look. They are located within God’s appointed time’s page. Darby, as you know, was a great man of God but has been attacked because he believed in a pre-tribulation rapture, so this may be excellent, great, stupendous news for some of us,  anywho. No, I meant anywho. Let’s visit Rufus Sewell’s look-alike, aka John Nelson Darby’s day of passing as it points to the scriptures. Rufus Sewell, by the way, Rufus did a great job on the series “The Man in the High Castle” on Amazon Prime. He played a high German ranking officer, the Uber Shtick and Stein, or something to that effect. Who watched his son give up his life for the cause,  he… Read moreScripture “U” Should Take a Closer Look At

To all the Jewish Children of Abraham

This was to be part two of “Is That really the HOLY SPIRIT?”  However, God placed it on my heart to do this for you before continuing with part two. The call of the Christian Church is to reconcile the lost back to our Creator YHWH and free us from the curse of sin brought on us by Adam and Eve, who took of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The objective of the Christian church was to make the Jewish people jealous of our relationship with your God that we have through HIS SON so that they would find him as well.   As you will see, this is about you and HIM. Your hardships and ordeals were brought on by a wicked spiritual force ugly and mean. You were hated because of your priesthood who sought a leader like David, or Moses ended up with someone they… Read moreTo all the Jewish Children of Abraham

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When you fall in love you don’t expect it, it just happens, you want this person near you for as long as you can, so I get it, you just never expect it. I am usually pretty good at fixing people up, so I must say you are onto something here.  I married a Christian woman who I was smitten with; we married when she was 18 I was 23 the angels love Romance and marriage and babies I like Father only had one son.  We were only together three and a half years 3.5 when you came in like a flood because I took my eyes off Jesus but for a moment.  You destroyed my relationship, and now it’s my turn. Besides, you don’t have a Romantic bone in your spiritual body, one of the reasons why your children do not marry or have natural relations.  The peace plan… Read moreBeauty is in the eye of the beholder.

619 is better than 19 without the 6 here is why.

First, I want to thank whoever did this image; it is a million-dollar Jewell, and the center Jewell is the Pearl of Great Price. He is known as the SON of GOD, and God loves HIS SON that Father gave HIM the Universe as HIS inheritance because of HIS obedience to keeping the law of God. It was man who tried and convicted HIM placing HIM on the cross. It was UNJUST on man’s part by every sense of the word. It was beneficial to those who would believe on HIM for they shall be called the children of God HE came first for the Jewish people and extended it to the Gentiles, the pagan cultures who gladly received HIM and turned from their false gods and found the true and only God. Except for ONE distinguishable group who keeps the truth away from all the others. Sadly, those who… Read more619 is better than 19 without the 6 here is why.

Made in China Planned From America – The Dragon is Real

You see this crop circle below with the all-seeing eye surrounding the Ying and Yang the Chinese people love the Dragon they dance with the Dragon in parades the Dragon is a symbol of Imperialism?!?  You just can’t make this stuff up. Father sent me to slay a dragon, but I find too many people are in love with him more than Jesus. The Chinese people indoctrinated their children by watching ours flock to comic books and so they made their manifesto into an easy to understand comic book and handed it out to everyone. Coming to a city near you https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Xinjiang_re-education_camps You can see why Rome with their CIA want them to take America. Rome needs an army they are depleting our finances that would support our soldiers so they can have China move in without provocation. I know some others who like to dance with the Dragon as… Read moreMade in China Planned From America – The Dragon is Real

Your turn, my turn squared…Exodus in both.

Show the world the truth.

History repeats because there is an intelligent war raging in the heavens over man. G-d, our creator against another intelligent being who we find out in the end, is not as smart as he thought. I missed out on a lot growing up as a child, but this is more than I could have ever had hoped for, Joel 2:25-26 thank you, Jesus! For the Christian, we understand it is a test of our love and devotion to G-d, who held back nothing from us. Deuteronomy 13:3 (3) Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your G-d proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul. On a more personal note that reverend who preaches at the AG church who called me a dirtbag and still he preaches… Read moreYour turn, my turn squared…Exodus in both.

Reaching the Stargate generation.

The idea of leaving Earth for another world has always been the vision of many SciFi fans. It was planned by G-d long ago to do just that. Leave the wicked and remove the righteous who accepted His Son. The very reason man is here, to begin with, is because a group of rebellious angels did not want to honor G-d’s Son before the dawn of man. Their rebellion of heaven led to the making of a man here on the Earth. We don’t want to leave anyone behind, but I undoubtedly can’t get the message out on my own concerning the hour that quickly approaches.  I have been called a lot of things in my life.  The one that hurts me the most is the one where I am called a liar. Why would G-d open His hidden mysteries in the Bible or the answers to these crop images to a liar? … Read moreReaching the Stargate generation.

2 Chronicles 7:14 Dragnet and Catch Them All

We have been planting seeds from before any of you were born with every intention to win you to the love of Jesus Christ and taking you away from here. What is unfortunate is because I will not bow down to your Pontificate Maximus many will not hear the truth. Many say they know God; only many of them cannot prove it. Is that the HOLY SPIRIT guiding you to ROME and building America into a dung heap with superpowers to boot? It is sad what is happening with COVID-19, but it came from China, and I have, along with others, been warning you that the dragon does business with China, and Protestants suffer because of it as does the lost. Place a six in front of that 19 forgive me some of the images may be upside down???   If God decides he would like to condemn me to… Read more2 Chronicles 7:14 Dragnet and Catch Them All
