Finding omeN

An omen as defined by our internet free dictionary is… 1. A phenomenon supposed to portend good or evil; a prophetic sign. Let’s find the omen in the video “Finding Nemo” first we will begin by understanding that a war is being fought around us, in us, and through us, those sealed by the Holy Spirit are not prone to evil but to be good. Those who have been on the fence as undecided often times do good to be on the safe side, so they think. However, good is never good enough when it comes to a holy G-d sending a clear message. Jesus made it clear one must be born again in order to enter heaven becoming a brand-new creation, for a new creation. Those of us, who are aware, we are just passing through being tried and tested. A brand-new heaven and a brand-new earth await the… Read moreFinding omeN

Respect is a SEVEN letter word!

Seven has always been a sacred number in scripture 777 gives us 21 or in my case jackpot. 21 7s gave us 777 SEVEN days a week. Psalm 21 conveniently told us the attempts of the devils at building their device against us cannot be completed. They need a peace plan, and I know where to find one. We are in the 21’st century Jesus is at the door closer now then ever before. This word RESPECT something that we all seek at some point or another. It is revealed to us the first time in scripture in Genesis 4:4, which is 8 split the wrong way. At the cross the perfect 8 rightly divides giving us 33 or the reason it happened to begin with goes back to Genesis 3:3. Respect shows up a total of 34 versus of scripture, 34 times it is no mistake a signature move… Read moreRespect is a SEVEN letter word!

Let’s have a surprise party…

Then tell all those who it’s for we’re doing it for them before we have it. Not much of surprise at all if you do that. I like surprises and so does G-d. He likes throwing them, though he is one tough person to throw a surprise party for, it could be those seven eyes of His. It seems its never what we expect, the Jewish people were waiting for a great king like David, who would over throw the Roman empire and restore to them their land free from unclean gentiles. What G-d sent them was not expected, a carpenter’s stepson from Galilee friend of sinful men who hung around smelly fishermen and tax collectors. He is the great king, and he was doing just that, taking what was unclean and making them clean. We do not need to reinstall new politicians to give us back America we only… Read moreLet’s have a surprise party…

Who are the Four and Twenty Elders?

In the KJV we find this phrase four and twenty elders 6 times mentioned in Revelation it was written in the Greek as four and twenty and not mistranslated. The NASB mentions it as twenty-four and only five times. Everyone knows 6 x 24 = 144 it is a signature move on Father’s part. The Bible is swarming with gems like these to reveal its authenticity. The 144,000 we know are going to be used to help those left behind in the tribulation to encourage their faith and tell them of our whereabouts, while assuring them of the reality of heaven. Let us look at Psalm 144 as part of this encouraging. Psalms 144:1-15 (1)  Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle; (2) My lovingkindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer, My shield and He in whom I… Read moreWho are the Four and Twenty Elders?

Preparing the Bride

Every decent wedding has in it preparation, planning, and performance the latter is done by rehearsal. In the kingdom of G-d, we speak of a wedding, are we to have a good wedding or a great wedding? What does an extreme wedding need that an excellent wedding has? It should be extra preparation, greater planning and excellent performance. The performance should be as real as it can be to show who it is in whom we know is coming. The signs are all here and when I mean here, I mean here. The invited guest who have filled their lamps should be ecstatic and attend this full-dress rehearsal as if the real deal. Those who were invited to the actual wedding and said they were not interested should be made to tremble with the thought of missing out of the grand gala event. Who would not want to be part… Read morePreparing the Bride

Where is the real party place?

The images were not hard for me to solve being a well read student of scripture and prophecy also being G-d’s horse / light bearer helps as well. You don’t have to cut off heads like in the movie Highlander to obtain the vast knowledge of the kingdom og G-d. You only had to see what the devil was hiding in Egypt and know how it was supposed to be. Does this creature look like something you would want to party with, or shoot with a can of Raid? The water stains depict the flames he lives around G-d cares for us and does all that he can to reach out to the lost in these last days. See who the real war is with. Counting the two eyes we have a total of 14 that make up this dragon.  The three average sized spirits by his tail gives us the passage… Read moreWhere is the real party place?

Your turn, my turn squared…Exodus in both.

Show the world the truth.

History repeats because there is an intelligent war raging in the heavens over man. G-d, our creator against another intelligent being who we find out in the end, is not as smart as he thought. I missed out on a lot growing up as a child, but this is more than I could have ever had hoped for, Joel 2:25-26 thank you, Jesus! For the Christian, we understand it is a test of our love and devotion to G-d, who held back nothing from us. Deuteronomy 13:3 (3) Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your G-d proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul. Here are some interesting facts concerning the word of God. In the NASB, the word prophet appears in 220 verses of scripture… Read moreYour turn, my turn squared…Exodus in both.

An empty soul is the devils playground…

It breaks my heart to hear of people like Robyn Williams, who brought laughter to so many see no hope in life. Had he taken the path of life and gave it back to the one who made him, he would have found his true purpose. Which was not only to bring joy to others but to G-d as well as he would pass the glory back to the one whom made him. His wealth could have reached out and touched others in need, and his sense of true purpose would have been complete. It is when we rob G-d of glory, we take on the attitude of his enemy. Those who love G-d love life and those that hate him embrace death. Everyone is trying to find themselves, I say go to the one who made you and He will tell you who you are. I always enjoyed the… Read moreAn empty soul is the devils playground…

Tares among us are like Popcorn…

Keep the heat on and apply pressure they will pop. Jesuits who have destroyed every nation agents of the dark one who have infiltrated Protestant churches will also have to face the supreme judge. It is evident by what G-d has revealed in his word and in America, these people intend to do the kingdom of G-d great harm. These are the ones left behind in the tribulation who have their heads cut off for the testimony of Jesus Christ. They awaken to late and miss the first wave out. Blessed are they that make the first resurrection Revelation 20:6. Former Catholics fill our churches many have not separated themselves completely from the beast’s clutches. They still feel a need to protect the dragon and not set any of the others free from her clutches. The Jesuits are not so they never left and remind the former of the trivial… Read moreTares among us are like Popcorn…

The two witnesses one is definitely Enoch…

The Bible has always been under attack by the enemy, but I have noticed that one book, in particular, the demons hate the most out of all. It is the book of Revelation. Found within it is the sealing and the finality of their fate and the fate of men who follow them. Revelation 14:6-13 (6) And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, (7) Saying with a loud voice, Fear G-d, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. (8) And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the… Read moreThe two witnesses one is definitely Enoch…

Hallowed Ground which Kingdom on Earth Honors G-d?

G-d takes no pleasure in punishing the wicked, He rejoices when they repent and come to see the light. In this image we find the beginnings of a design built by man it was to be a hoax a communications array or  a satellite antenna type device. Man has spent insurmountable amounts of money to communicate with intelligent life as for me I do it on my knees or invite him to drive with me wherever I go. The point of this crop circle is to show you how hallowed ground must begin as hallowed ground,  if man  began something and then we blend G-d into the mix we get the ending result,  the enemy stealing the show because it didn’t start as hallowed ground. Rome would be the example of man trying to mix the holy with offending idolatry as we know they have. In the end, Satan gets their souls. However, this is… Read moreHallowed Ground which Kingdom on Earth Honors G-d?

Hallowed Ground Where Devils dare not Tread.

There are places demons cannot go it is called hallowed ground for a very good reason G-d has secured it for himself. If you are a born-again believer and know that the Holy Spirit has entered you and taken up residence in your heart and mind, then automatically you are hungry to fill this new man / spirit with holy food which we know as the word of G-d. The enemy cannot claim what G-d has made his. What he can do is oppress and rob you of a closer walk by having you unknowingly offend G-d. This is a clever device on his part because so many others are doing it that it seems harmless, when, in fact, it is a door for more separation. He knows that G-d will not be mocked and those who do, don’t get super sized. The other is the condemnation of you for… Read moreHallowed Ground Where Devils dare not Tread.

A well trained horse can add and subtract.

Psalms 32:9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. Don’t be fooled,  the horse math is simply a well-trained trick. However, there are creatures who can count such as desert ants who leave no scent trail from their home to the source of food, they count their steps.  When it comes to the enemy he conditions us to believe that he is god, his techniques go back to Egypt using priests who used superstition to keep a hold over their frightened congregants with promises of a life beyond.  When the gods need appeasing it is sure to be whatever the household of the priests are hungry for. There is a life beyond however,  getting there is the reason we are here. The angels refused to believe that the… Read moreA well trained horse can add and subtract.

The war of the ages in its final earthly years.

We have two opposing forces one is Good and is known to those whom serve Him as Lord and G-d.  The other wanted to be G-d and overthrow G-d’s kingdom I just refer to him as the enemy others call him the prince of darkness and we can see by the posted videos here that the war is very real.  Watching beautiful children losing their souls to something that can never satisfy them. Now that we have the technology and the tools, we can reveal him along with G-d’s word so that others can see the war and its reality. Choosing his path one will find themselves in a continued state of want without supply. Meaning there will be no sex, no drugs, no music, not in this creatures’ domain. The great circle used as the slider image was not made by ancient aliens, but demon infested societies as the… Read moreThe war of the ages in its final earthly years.

Stop tithing G-d does not need money!

The Jesuits appear to be running the AG churches that’s becoming clear to me. However, inside there are some really sturdy saints who are not easily fooled. First off, the headline I open with is to grab your attention, let us not rob G-d but the reality of the fact is the devil, my pastor, and our treasurer at my church think the prince of darkness is G-d. Here is how I can tell. When I tell them, I need the finances of the dragon’s treasury to bring in the harvest these men jump up and ask me does G-d really need the money to bring about the harvest? They don’t deny it’s the dragons or that the souls in it belong to him; they just guarantee it stays that way. No pastor oozing in love we can have wedding rehearsal for the bride of Christ and build Mr. the… Read moreStop tithing G-d does not need money!