The Confusion of Fear and the Law that Overcomes It.

Proverbs 9:10 KJV (10)  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Judgment (9) comes because we break the 10 commandments, commandments were given to us after the exodus out of Egypt where God instilled fear upon the Egyptians only because they were worshiping false gods who robbed the people from knowing HIM. He told Moses to tell Pharoah to let HIS ELECT go and worship HIM outside the city of Egypt where HE could establish proper worship and reveal the importance of the sacrifice. At the time they had no understanding as to govern themselves. In the wilderness, they learn all that pleases God and what does not. Until the time of Moses, there were no laws,  only the ones that are written on our hearts from birth. Before God handed Moses the law a great King by the… Read moreThe Confusion of Fear and the Law that Overcomes It.

Water Into Wine Hypocrisy or The Best Lesson Evah?

Ever hear how the first shall be last? In this message, we find Mary’s only commandment given in scripture to the servers of the wedding feast,  “Do whatever HE tells you.” Several things are involved in this story; it may be the most significant message in the scriptures better than anyone I know that Jesus’s first miracle is similiar to what will be the earth’s last miracle for the Church. Growing up in an Alcoholic home, this is the story I heard about the most, and everyone who has a problem with drinking uses it to excuse their ignorance of the message it conveys. Wine has always represented throughout the scriptures the spirit of God. In this scenario, Jesus is letting us know HIS Spirit is the sweetest and best Spirit and at the end of the age when HE changes us from this world into the other (rapture) to… Read moreWater Into Wine Hypocrisy or The Best Lesson Evah?

Heaven’s Heroes and Highest Honored Positions

Featured image by I could never be a Doctor, I can not stand the sight of blood and broken bones make me squeamish. Two careers that are unnecessary in heaven are doctors and lawyers. They are here,  we know Luke was a doctor but he cared for the truth and spoke the language of life to be one today you need to know the language of death LATIN, take it from a person with the initials Babel it is not a language born in the heavens. It was used to create a cast system that has flourished to this day. All that is wrong with the world has its roots in this language. I am just shining a light on a system that brought us here. The pen is the sword and the word the power. The eternal soul is more important than the temporary flesh that carries it,… Read moreHeaven’s Heroes and Highest Honored Positions

Without Spot or Blemish the Bride of Christ

Ephesians 5:25-27 KJV (25)  Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; (26)  That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, (27)  That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. The church has many members and the head of the church is Christ this could function as a great machine to win the world to HIM if not for jealousy. Some claim they have giftings that have been given them by God but they ignore the word in favor of gifts,  while others reject the gifts and stand on the word. As a church knowing the master is near we need to agree on headship and its, not at the top of the pyramid nor… Read moreWithout Spot or Blemish the Bride of Christ

Spies Are Not the Only Ones With Encoded Messages – God is in the details.

You hear it said the devil is in the details,  he just likes stealing the credit and robbing God of any glory.  I will say this for him if it wasn’t for him none of us would be here making choices or suffering the way we do.  Is he real and does hell exist?  I have no doubt in my mind, and those who end up in hell don’t see the value in the worship of the SON. All things are made for the glory of God. Today we stand six feet apart the center of the star of David is comprised of six sides as two pyramids war with each other forming this place that nature designed. God has HIS bees place their pupa in this same shape until they are ready to fly.  The center of the star can be sectioned out to include another six triangles giving… Read moreSpies Are Not the Only Ones With Encoded Messages – God is in the details.

Last Rights – No such doctrine and consider the source.

Honey you know I love you,  however, I want to be with all the others, and in the end, we will be together forever just not now?!? God may tell us HE is not a respecter of persons, however,  we can be pretty sure and guarantee that HE respects himself. Would any intelligent woman or man take you after a statement like that? Is God not intelligent? How will you be any different when you get into heaven if you do not do what HE asks now? Last rite is a wicked idea born from wicked individuals who reveal more doctrines of demons than any other church I know. This is where all this non-Biblical stuff comes from the lies and the treachery. Live for and like the devil and when you enter their care facilities they will comfort you and your health and neglect you from knowing God’s word… Read moreLast Rights – No such doctrine and consider the source.

A Better Antichrist Coming One that Won’t Disappoint

The reapers have begun to reap what else could it be?  Opening up the word of God or lifting the effigy of Jesus that was built before the creation of man was not enough for the Pentacostal / Ecumenical that entertain the idea they are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT how can that be when I hear so many of them defend a Church that destroys nations and whose HISTORY was killing the saints along with anyone who read the word of God or accused them of being the harlot? Vote for Uncle Joe he is a good Catholic. We love you Jesus but we cannot tell the difference as to what is good and what is evil?   So soon we forget their true god.   What was that HOLY SPIRIT for again? To this very day, they still have idols in their Medical establishments. The Bible reveals there… Read moreA Better Antichrist Coming One that Won’t Disappoint

In Hollywood the Common Phrase is “What’s My Motivation?”

The featured image has a target on it; it is the star we find on the Hollywood walk of fame it is a group we need to target intensely after all they have out of so many others have sold their soul to the prince of darkness to have what they have. So it is now time to collect on their contracts,  we need a peace plan,  we need a temple built, we need the oil. What does the oil represent again? It’s just like wine it’s something spiritual. As a player in the final act of history, I need to ask, “What’s my motivation?” The bands are bands of bondage made up of guilt and shame. They defend their self-abuse as being part of the role they play.  The ten bands represent the broken commandments ones we all have broken, for there is none righteous, no not one Romans… Read moreIn Hollywood the Common Phrase is “What’s My Motivation?”

The Sacrificial Lambs of the New World Order

God likes being God and HE will not be stepping down from HIS position throughout all eternity. He made a way that we can be part of HIS kingdom the very reason we are here is that the angels insisted on seeing the SON. God had been cornered free will was going to need an example and of course the only one who could show them is HIMSELF. Jeremiah 4:19-26 KJV (19)  My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. (20)  Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. (21)  How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? (22) … Read moreThe Sacrificial Lambs of the New World Order

The Art of Reconciliation – Jewish Lives Matter

Because of them, God reveals all lives Matter. The Egyptians held the descendants of Abraham as slaves for over 400 years in an attempt to hide the sin of the one who felt that he could do better at being God. His greatest blunder was building a graven image and mocking the SON. The model he made faced east as the sun rose to say that when HE comes, HE can stare into the glory as he had too.  It was a poor design because at the end of the day the shadow of his pyramid placed the effigy of the SON into the shadow of his new world order. One that began before man was here. This war continues on, and men who are ignorant of the spiritual influence in their lives of this adversary we call Satan are his sock puppets putting it all together for him. I… Read moreThe Art of Reconciliation – Jewish Lives Matter

No man may come to God unless the Spirit of God draws them.

How will they know if they hear not the word? Their rock is not our ROCK! John 6:39-51 KJV (39)  And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. (40)  And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. (41)  The Jews then murmured at him, because he said, I am the bread which came down from heaven. (42)  And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? how is it then that he saith, I came down from heaven? (43)  Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not among yourselves. (44) … Read moreNo man may come to God unless the Spirit of God draws them.

Vengeance is Mine Saith The Lord ~ The Justice of God

Justice is mentioned 28 times in 28 verses of the Bible. Psalm 28:1-9 is entirely appropriate when we speak of God’s justice Psalm 28:5 what are the works of God’s hands? I can read the handwriting on the wall though I cannot turn stones into bread or perform as Smith Wigglesworth,  I could do greater things if they would just place Virgo beneath Cancer where she belongs. Matthew 23:23 KJV (23)  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Deuteronomy 32:30-43 KJV (30)  How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up? (31)  For their rock is not… Read moreVengeance is Mine Saith The Lord ~ The Justice of God

I hate that I have too say I told you so. Poison candy coated, is still poison.

Santa laughs and smiles too at Christmas; trust me on this, only our Santa does not love children. He only pretends too. This image is on a billboard found on I-293 in Manchester NH, the queen city where I was attending Church when I got my call 11 years ago from God to warn what was coming, and the leadership belittled me and saw no value in the crop circles or who was making them. Like so many other churches I tried to warn. They open up the word of God and I was getting no we don’t want to do that. Jesus needs to be lifted, and these websites should be going viral. They reveal the word of truth and introduce others to what is going on. Can we make it happen before the next pandemic where those who refuse the mark will be eliminated from the earth’s society… Read moreI hate that I have too say I told you so. Poison candy coated, is still poison.

If It Wasn’t For Them? Which them again?

It is a phrase used often to justify a group whose actions lead to either what is good or what is evil. Evil tries to make that which is good to look evil and what is evil to look good, evil denies that it even exists but that’s evil for you. The HOLY Spirit is given us to help us in our journey and to aid us in discerning these two distinct paths. It is not a blurred line we are to have 2020 vision. Voting for the lesser of two evils still gives us evil. The very purpose the whole stage exists is to see the difference in both and to choose one over the other. Jeremiah 4:22 Lucifer was the closest one to God in the kingdom and he chose unwisely. The message he was sent to give the angels before the rebellion is found in scripture it… Read moreIf It Wasn’t For Them? Which them again?

True Health Care Holding Up the Serpent

As recognizable as the white lab coat, black bag, and stethoscope, the staff entwined with serpent are universally understood as the symbol of medicine. From hospitals, ambulances, and pharmacies to medical device manufacturers and physicians’ offices—the staff and snake are everywhere. Hailed as the staff from Greek Mythology as the Rod of Asclepius, but our emphasis on it is not the mythological but the actual event that is revealed to us in the Bible in which Jesus mentions that HE too must be lifted as this serpent was.  The one from mythology is like Gilgamesh, a twisting of God’s word, and that is exactly what serpents do; they are twisted, and they twist the word of God and add confusion to what is meant to be God’s love story to us all. Numbers 21:9 KJV (777 Linked with Judgement 9) (9)  And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put… Read moreTrue Health Care Holding Up the Serpent