Pentecost and Pentecostalism Part Two is that Really the HOLY SPIRIT?

The image is the star of David fashioned to look like a  crown of thorns. God loves Israel more than the Bakers who prepare the meals. So let ‘s try and keep our heads about this and use the new food he has sent. Food that brings life and hope. The Holy Spirit was sent to help bring to our remembrance all the things the LORD had taught us while HE was here. HE is also the author of the very word of God, the one who filled the prophets of old to relay the message to us. John 4:24 KJV  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. HE was given to us to lead us into all truth. There are three things that bear witness to the truth. In the first part, I said what they were without pointing… Read morePentecost and Pentecostalism Part Two is that Really the HOLY SPIRIT?

Open letter to all the Jewish Children of Abraham

This was to be part two of “Is That really the HOLY SPIRIT?”  However, God placed it on my heart to do this for you before continuing with part two. The call of the Christian Church is to reconcile the lost back to our Creator YHWH and free us from the curse of sin brought on us by Adam and Eve, who took of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The objective of the Christian church was to make the Jewish people jealous of our relationship with your God that we have through HIS SON so that they would find him as well.   As you will see, this is about you and HIM. Your hardships and ordeals were brought on by a wicked spiritual force ugly and mean. You were hated because of your priesthood who sought a leader like David, or Moses ended up with someone they… Read moreOpen letter to all the Jewish Children of Abraham

Pentecost and Pentecostalism Part One is that Really the HOLY SPIRIT?

One had its beginning fifty days after the ascension of Christ as Jesus took HIS Place at  HIS Fathers Right Hand, and the angels rejoiced over the victory of the Son of God.  They had been waiting a long time to meet the one Father spoke so highly of,  faith was necessary in heaven as well and always shall be a requirement.  We will only ever see the FATHER  in the life of the SON and in HIS new creation.    I believe that when Jesus entered heaven, it was grander than his entrance into Jerusalem a week earlier. I believe the rejoicing of the angels spilled over into the earth, and for every soul saved that day only added more to their celebration. Peter, on that day, became empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT  to preach on Pentecost the same PETER  Jesus asked three times to feed and take care… Read morePentecost and Pentecostalism Part One is that Really the HOLY SPIRIT?

Betrayed by a Friend

Can there be anything more hurtful than to be turned over to the powers of those who seek you harm? All because they see no value in you. Judas was one of these people claiming to be a  follower of Christ, but the only value he saw in HIM was a pittance a few pieces of silver compared to HIS overall true value. How many of us today sell  HIM out for little and settle for little when  HIS worth in the Father’s eyes is the heir of all things?  It is  Christ who calls us out and makes us friends rather than leave us to suffer the wrath of God on sin. Judas was looking for another kind of King, a political king with armies that would overthrow Rome. He, like many of the followers of Christ today are short-sighted even so close to the end they cannot see… Read moreBetrayed by a Friend

Crossing the Line Breaking Through.

Revival nearly broke forth in Town of Salem NH  almost ten years ago, the one that would have turned the world upside down for Jesus,  it was shortly after my encounter with Jesus in May 2009 whom I had given my life to in May of 1982. He had come to wish me a happy birthday after I found the truth hidden in Egypt and only after sharing with other believers that I believed Obama was the Antichrist and if he was I wanted to shake his hand and put my arms around him and thank him for coming, my Jesus is next. It was at that moment; my heart had been the purest it had ever been. We are to forgive our enemies and do good to those who do us wrong.  Consider what I had done in my confession, the worst enemy I sought to forgive.  If we… Read moreCrossing the Line Breaking Through.

Gone but not Forgotten

There are only two places in scripture the word Babel appears once in Genesis 10:10 the other Genesis 11:9, which is the opposite event of  September 911. This post was done on 10/10, and I wanted to remind everyone that free will hasn’t changed, nor will it. Babylon is mentioned 294 times in 260 verses in scripture. It was the first kingdom after the flood of Noah.    We find that it had become a cesspool of every foul creature false gods who were given false power. Babylon is where the first priesthood originates, causing the people to build a tower to reach into the heavens. It is darkness in their hearts demons trying to work their way back into heaven from where they were cast out. Which should make us see that if heaven is such a bad place, why then do they try so hard to get back… Read moreGone but not Forgotten

China the Vatican’s End Game for America

Donald Trump has invited China to investigate Joe Biden, this theatre of deceivers; you were warned about by people like Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones, and even  Pixar, and I warned you by explaining “Finding Nemo,” which is Omen spelled backward in case you missed it. The angels have tried multiple times to warn us, and good does operate through man as does evil, and if darkness is in you, how great is that darkness?  A question posed by Jesus. In Pixar’s “Finding Nemo” The clownfish cannot find the son and is searching for the son, he represents to me Israel this small little nation and Dory does her best to help him find the SON  but is extremely forgetful she is likened to  Protestant America who joined forces with their enemies through “A”  Pentecostalism that they created and gave into them and is leading Israel into the mouth of the… Read moreChina the Vatican’s End Game for America

Walking on the Water With POPE Peter???

How to focus on what’s important. We are to believe that a restored priesthood of 313 AD of Gentile origins has Peter as their first Pope, the one in whom Jesus commissioned three times to go to the lost sheep of Israel and feed them.  They have failed severely, having placed a rock of offense in the path of the Jews.  Idolatry is forbidden by our God among them, and the Muslims feel the same,  no idols. John 14:12-14 KJV (12)  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (13)  And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. (14)  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do… Read moreWalking on the Water With POPE Peter???

Treasure Hunting the Scriptures Locating the Clues

The greatest treasures are found in the Bible; then, the next greatest treasures would be a man who finds a good woman or a woman who finds the right man who produces their own gems and makes them children of the kingdom. Proverbs 22:6 KJV  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. God loves to treasure hunt; the greatest treasures stand out by themselves as he places the finishing touches and places polish on the stones. God values every preacher who sees the value of Christ and honors God’s word. Honor the word, accept the plan. In the word of God, the real precious jewels are the scripture passages that stand by themselves, so important are these scriptures are to the riddle they are recorded only once. If the world were a chessboard, God added another piece… Read moreTreasure Hunting the Scriptures Locating the Clues

Hath God need money for Revival?

This sentence was spoken to me twice sixty days apart when I tried to explain what God had told me.  Once by the treasure, he used the “Hath” having possessed a KJV and the second time by the Pastor with the NASB who used the “Has” word for word.   I could see it was the same spirit defenders of the dragon and his treasury. The answer is no he does not need money for a revival any more than he needed that fancy covering cherub, it was to express the value HE placed on   HIS SON.   HE is doing the same thing here that HE did in heaven.  When the Pastor of the AG church stood on the altar and said to the congregation, I love you three times and asked them the question, “You know that  I love you- right?  The treasurer was sitting on my right, and I… Read moreHath God need money for Revival?

No Fishing in the Sea of Forgetfulness

Before anyone enters into heaven sin must be discarded, removed, eliminated from the individual it is not welcome in heaven to go there with it would make heaven like earth and God has plans to destroy this earth in favor of a new heaven and earth where sin has no place in it. HE promises all those who come to HIM, that HE will take our sins and cast them as far as the east is from the west. Take our hearts of stone and turn them into flesh. Make us into a new man if we would only allow HIM too. Psalms 103:11-13 KJV (11)  For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. (12)  As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. (13)  Like as a father pitieth… Read moreNo Fishing in the Sea of Forgetfulness

Finis Jennings Dake Did He or Did He Not Make the Appointed Times List?

You decide this time. The list began after Father led me to look closer at the death of Stephen Hawking and the amazing coincidences he and Albert Einstein had in common.  Hawking was, after all mechanically vocal about his unbelief in God.   As a Christian, I do not believe in coincidence, just the divine hand of God at work. I began my quest for others like him who would deny God and where their deaths pointed — knowing that God would extract glory from those who outwardly were opponents of HIS.  God desires that none of us should perish in the place made for the devil and his angels, where those who deny him end up. Everyone believes they go to heaven when they die; God’s home is heaven. Let me make this as clear as I can. We are here because of the first set of angels who are… Read moreFinis Jennings Dake Did He or Did He Not Make the Appointed Times List?