The New Man- for the Politically Correct -The New Person

Samuel prophesied over Saul that he should become a new man. And the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man. (1 Samuel 10:6 KJV) To leave planet earth we all need the new man experience. God is not letting everyone into heaven, or it would not be heaven; it would be a continuation of this, and this is not acceptable. Acts 17:27-30 KJV (27)  That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: (28)  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. (29)  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is… Read moreThe New Man- for the Politically Correct -The New Person

The Power of the Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. (John 1:1-5 KJV) There is power in the word,    it speaks life and reveals the war in the spiritual and tells us how we are to defeat the power of darkness who hates the word and hates the truth that the word reveals. This post is an extension of the last message the power of TRUTH. For it is only in the word we find the TRUTH. What places men in bondage is the lack of TRUTH the servants of lies are not… Read moreThe Power of the Word

The Power of Truth

In the King James, “Truth” is mentioned  237 times in 224 verses in the NASB 188 verses and in the  NIV 127 verses, the ESV 130 verses, the Douay Rheims 281 verses 295 times and the last the Geneva  Bible with only six verses. This information is provided by the software e-Sword that is a free study tool by a wonderful brother in the LORD  Rick Meyers it can be had here at The Geneva Bible came over with the pilgrims, and for a long time, there was a Geneva Bible only movement just as there is a KJV only group today I’m not one of them but my pastor would have you believe I am because he does not like me explaining things or addressing the truth. The Douay Rheims has added books to the Bible that are insignificant to salvation they are historical but not divine in… Read moreThe Power of Truth

Which of These is Better?

The first one on the right hand the ability to feed the hungry, clothe the poor shelter the homeless provide for the orphan and aid the widow in the name of Jesus while sharing the word with them while we show them Christ’s love. The second one on the left hand the power of the gifts one being very delusional not even really scriptural or belonging to the early church that has people blind to the needs of others and supportive of a Roman religion that calls itself Christian and by every count it is nothing like the Church Jesus Christ of Nazareth established who feel doing the same thing over and over will bring about change? Who historically have turned their back on Protestants time and time again now have a Protestant Nation in their pocket. It is the epitome of dysfunction. The thing that stands out as obvious… Read moreWhich of These is Better?

Unity idols or no idols that is the question?

Substitute Ancient Aliens with Fallen Angels and several questions get answered. Take free will and give it to another rather than God than expect demons to enter primarily through hypnotist or psychologists who promote the idea of aliens over truth. People we do everything we can to get you to the cross and open your eyes to the awakening. If the post Amazing Facts did not grasp your attention or open your eyes, then let’s talk about the short-lived television series “Threshold” that used one of the crop circle designs as a premise for the theory aliens were invading and changing us.  For people who did not know what this fractal pattern was, well done. They just thought they would use it because it looked cool. The truth is demons have been turning us against God since the beginning of man, by the distortion of the truth.   The smaller… Read moreUnity idols or no idols that is the question?

Carl Sagan Had an Appointed Time and Made the List.

Carl Sagan was another naysayer of God an Astrophysicists who studied the stars. You may remember him doing a show called “Cosmos”  where he spoke in terms of billions and billions of years, he was fascinated with creation but could not be bothered to develop a relationship with the creator, and because he was an atheist denying God he had a large following. Neil deGrasse Tyson, another misleading individual was a mentee of Carl Sagan. Psalms 53:1 KJV The fool hath said in his heart; There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good. Who would follow a fool but other fools? Sagan is famous for sending out that Arecibo message into the cosmos of which this year I completed the interpretation of the returned message in my Getting the Message Series having waited on those other ten moons of Jupiter… Read moreCarl Sagan Had an Appointed Time and Made the List.

Undoing the Original Curse

Tree of Knowledge

This is not the fall of Adam and Eve. The earth had a curse on it before their one disobedient act. Jeremiah 4:27-28 KJV (27)  For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end. (28)  For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it. The story deals only with Cain and Abel, but there were others before them,  before the fall who fell under the same curse as them. It is where Cain gets his wife.  Keep in mind there were no laws on marriage at the time the blood was pure and not defiled brother-sister, and first-cousin unions had to have happened in the beginning before the fall in order to multiply,  sin was just… Read moreUndoing the Original Curse

Jesus sends the Twelve Apostles Out

The image represents the twelve sons of Jacob who make up the house of Israel each according to age if we count all three sides of the twelve towers of refuge we get thirty-six, and it is in Genesis 36:1-43 we find the descendants of Jacob’s brother Esau. Like Jumanji, when it’s over it all goes back in the box, some will be in heaven while others will not. Matthew 10:1-8 KJV (1)  And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. (2)  Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; (3)  Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus,… Read moreJesus sends the Twelve Apostles Out

Compromise is not a winning strategy.

God does not wink at sin, and I am a sinner who needs Jesus in HIS life every day and if HE is in my life daily will I not love what HE loves and hate what HE hates? Still, as a human with feet of clay, I fall until I am corrected and placed back on the right path. When in a marriage, it is good to let go and find a compromise in the fabric or colors of the walls or of the car but not in the education of children.  When it comes to peace and a peace plan, there is no compromise it is Christ alone. Starting a revival by compromise is like hating your brother and bringing your gift to the altar. Most revivals are begun by the preacher, not the truck driver. If walking in the spirit means having to ignore the truth, it… Read moreCompromise is not a winning strategy.

Good Omen’s

Amazon has a new program out called “Good Omens” where they claim all the horses are ready, but they cannot find the antichrist.  As a Christian I don’t watch it it’s ridiculous the world knows nothing of the plan of God thus making a series on the matter can only come from hell, and their antichrist is an 11-year-old Damien on steroids and as always I am offended. God of heaven does not see him in that light, the devil is the only one who sees him that way and with reason. Hollywood always gets it wrong unless they are Cecil B. Demille who gave us “The Ten Commandments” with Charlton Heston. The truth is antichrists are everywhere including in the church. He is anyone who does not seek to honor God or HIS word and denies HIS SON glory.  Ones that stand out are those who would hide the… Read moreGood Omen’s

Amazing Facts

There are seven churches mentioned in the book of revelation that no matter what your particular denomination or ministry may be fits into one of the seven. The church as a whole should, of course, be of one body and one mind and wouldn’t it be nice if we could assemble as one like a Transformer to glorify God and look to Israel and thank her for her role in making us Christians? She is God’s woman, and I believe it is HIS will that we do so before HE returns. Isaiah 54:7-9 KJV (7)  For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. (8)  In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer. (9)  For this is as the waters of Noah unto… Read moreAmazing Facts

The Family of “C” Street

Netflix has a 5 part series of a Christian organization whose influence has touched many nations it is billed as “An enigmatic Christian group known as The Family wields enormous influence in Washington, DC, in pursuit of its global ambitions.” Meant to deter,  only encourages we are closer to the end. I served in a Christian Film Festival for 20 plus years leading people to Jesus. We would take their names and addresses and find a Church or those who were present helping to send their minister to follow up on a house visit. What we never did was send them to a Catholic Church. Catholic’s would not participate in this wonderful informative ministry because we were in their eyes, and it has never changed,  heretical in our theology. I have a vision for global film festivals and altar calls. So I sit in a church who refuses to rise… Read moreThe Family of “C” Street

William Wilberforce Made the Appointed Times List

Wilberforce was convinced of the importance of religion, morality, and education. He championed causes and campaigns such as the Society for the Suppression of Vice, British missionary work in India, the creation of a free colony in Sierra Leone, the foundation of the Church Mission Society, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. His underlying conservatism led him to support politically and socially controversial legislation and resulted in criticism that he was ignoring injustices at home while campaigning for the enslaved abroad. ~wiki This man like Lincoln aided in ending slavery the wicked were making a profit off the backs of human souls and oppressing them.  There is no need for cruelty, and we should all work in order to eat. If one is wealthy, the work should be helping those less fortunate to find Jesus and purpose in their lives. A movie was done about his lifes… Read moreWilliam Wilberforce Made the Appointed Times List

Douglas Evans Coe “Christ Only Evangelist” Made the Appointed Times List with Flying Colors.

Until recently, I had never heard of this man it was the documentary  “The Family” that introduced him to me.  I wept at the work he had done touched by his spirit this man was the real deal and he did extremely well for the kingdom, and when I added his numbers, God again revealed to me as he always does.  Doug Cole’s ministry touched many kings and where many of the 144000 will be called from. I was blown away by this man’s outreach his Bible that he gave to all those in power was called simply “Jesus”, which only had the four gospels and the book of Acts within. He knew where to find God in the universe all the other books and prophecies ever written all pointed to Jesus, so he was not wrong in teaching just Jesus. One of the crop circles has the books indicating… Read moreDouglas Evans Coe “Christ Only Evangelist” Made the Appointed Times List with Flying Colors.

He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay.

The Netflix series “The Family,” they brought up an interesting subject in episode two Jesus came for the sheep but who is going to love the wolves? Here I give my two cents. Other wolves will love them that’s who.  The nature of a wolf can be bread out of them; it is how we got our domesticated pets and sheepdogs. Jesus is the good shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep to find the lost little one.  We are warned of wolves who prey on sheep for sustenance we are warned of wolves in the church. Usually, a good shepherd can spot a wolf among the sheep. When an individual speaks on a topic that should involve the whole congregation, and the pastor says it will confuse them, who is he to make that decision? That’s a wolf at least have some discussion on the subject matter.   Such as the… Read moreHe paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay.