What to Look Forward to in 2018

With the increased consumption of fuel oil to heat our beloved American homes this winter a certain faction that rules over us and hates our Protestant lifestyle sees a need to curb our consumption. The same spirit in them seeks to have those weapons point towards the return of Christ who is at the door. War is profit for those who invest heavily into the military-industrial complex.  Seeing how most of that money is belonging to the RCC invested through the Rothschild’s bank it is they who have taken over our politics and forced our country into war after war.  It is the Roman way of conquering. While Jesus seeks to conquer with word and love, not violence.  They are pretending to be our friends in Christ they are liars and know not the G-d of Israel. The end of sacrifice came when Jesus cried out it was finished and… Read moreWhat to Look Forward to in 2018


Let’s all do it again every week without the gifting but let the love and the spirit of G-d keep us until Christ comes. That day shall not come of the gathering of ourselves with Christ in heaven unless the man of lawlessness arises first. There is no law against LOVE! Luke 1:26-38  And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,  (27)  To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.  (28)  And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.  (29)  And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.  (30)  And the angel said unto her,… Read moreMERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL

The Church’s Black Friday?!?

How precious it was the moment I first believed. This is the day before Christmas, and all over the world, people are gracing G-d with their presence.  Churches are seeing people they have not seen since Easter.  The message will make them all feel good and bring no conviction to return the following week. You know you have the HOLY SPIRIT in you when you are faithful to honor G-d as HE desires to be honored.  The key word is not only JESUS it is also RESPECT.  RESPECT HIS WORDS.   The Angels are leaving the unfaithful behind. I know children eight and under are sure to be raised up to keep them from being molested by the wicked holy and not so holy men. Tomorrow morning these children will be opening presents, and for a moment, they will understand about the gift of giving. We tell ourselves Christmas is for the… Read moreThe Church’s Black Friday?!?

On the Testimony of Two or More

The following video clip was done by the Seventh-day Adventist whom will be receiving much of the funds to bring in the harvest. They held out the longest before selling out.  Could be because so many other denominations no longer stand on the word of G-d the one Jesus taught. One thing remains clear all involved will remain with them through the tribulation unless repentance takes place. When I think of all those children including myself,  who grew up suffering because of them and their religious fakery. They hid the word that G-d is opening to the world in these last days.  I know pastors who talk like the elect and for the last eight years, I have watched them and they reveal how uncaring they are of the ones that are being lost to eternity. You would think the word of G-d opened to the world would be a cause for them to celebrate. Why… Read moreOn the Testimony of Two or More

Who wouldn’t like that Jesus?

At this time of year drinking was always the norm in our home my stepfather was not a drinker he seen what it had done to his own father. Every new year my family would go over to my Uncle’s who was my stepmother’s Brother-in-law. He was a big deal at his church he had statues of Mary in the Bathtub and St. Francis and St. Thomas plaster figures that always had a fresh paint job. He would have a new picture of the Pope like we changed pictures of our President in federal buildings only in America we did it more often than they did. They had a little knowledge of what Jesus did, unfortunately, they did not know HIM, to them everything was permissible including the things the new testament saints condemned. That’s what made America great no one was trying to play G-d and we started America by… Read moreWho wouldn’t like that Jesus?

Treasures in the Snow

I know of a greater treasure. G-d asks Job a question some believe Job lived after the flood and long before Moses after 2350 BC and before 1750 BC. The question to Job was found in Job 38:22-23  Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,  (23)  Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? Glass was available to these people, so it is possible lenses to notice such things were also available.  But nothing near intricate as a microscope.  A snowflake melts instantly in a warm hand so one would have to be in a lying position on the ground to view the crystalline structures in Job’s time. Man has machines today that can make snow but nothing like the master. The masters are oddly shaped like the star of David, or the star of… Read moreTreasures in the Snow

Fantasy and Illusion vs Truth and Reality

Throughout history, we have had our share of storytellers and their stories.  Drama and playwrights have been with us since the time of Ancient Babylon.  We are at a point in our culture where technology plays a powerful role in shaping our worldviews. The world tries to ignore Jesus but it is hard when the one Jesus lifts up is the one who loves HIM. Somewhere at the bottom of the hill is a man who will be a carrier of light and truth. Lucifer made the mistake of listening to the congregation of angels whom he was sent to bring back to the heart of worship. Instead of following him to righteousness they lifted him up maybe even chided him at his position with G-d (seems G-d cannot have a special friend)???  Lucifer with his stones they could see and faith in the promise of the most high coming was… Read moreFantasy and Illusion vs Truth and Reality

Jesus Christ is Coming to Earth

So you better watch out, don’t be caught in a lie. Fall on your knees I’m telling you why, Jesus Christ is coming to earth. He knows when you’ve been bad or good HE knows if your AWAKE So be ready for heaven’s sake. HE has a list HE’s not checking it twice, HE’s taking the ones who gave HIM their life. Jesus Christ is coming to earth. He knows when you’ve been sleeping around HE knows when you mock HIS work, So you better get with the program And find out about new birth. John 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. I just attended a Christmas festivity and it was well done,  very well done.  We rode on a wagon through the many imaginative Christmas stories that are shared… Read moreJesus Christ is Coming to Earth