The Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Two.

G-d does not take away our free will. HE requires us to see things HIS way. HIS home, has HIS rules. No one gets in without Christ and a repentant heart, sorry no exceptions. Half of the world’s culture of gamers who are in their mid to late 30s understands this simple truth. One thing has more power than another. We need rules to be presented to those who are staying in the tribulation. That means a lawgiver (rule maker) is going to be needed. Moses was the first law giver speaking on behalf of G-d who was called to lead the first Exodus and show the world what a real priesthood looks like. Jesus came to overcome the law and expound upon its purpose and meaning to bring an end to the priesthood. Satan wants to deny the end of it, to deny the Son ever came and finished… Read moreThe Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Two.

The Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part One.

The church seems concerned about fitting into today’s culture. G-d was way ahead of everyone. HE knew our love for games, and role-playing would be the winning moves in the last days. In every video game quest,  one object always has more power over the other. Get ready to play the final game and remember we already won, we only need to take our roles. Now we need the hearts of the children to turn to rescue their fathers and open their eyes to the grand event coming. Staying behind is a poor option for anyone. Sadly even people close to me are getting left including my only son, so please pray for him.  The tribulation will be worse for him than any other if I win millions to Christ. G-d hated Esau because he sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge, what my son walked away from is… Read moreThe Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part One.

Eat this…Not that

I began a weight-loss program that forces the body to metabolize fat faster. While doing so I came upon a website that told you to eat this food opposed to another food, which was less healthy. Then G-d placed on my heart to do something along the same lines. Just as many foods contain poisons along with unnecessary calories some Bible teachers do the identical thing. It is always best to look closely to the manure the teaching sprouted from. It may not be as organic as a real man of G-d would like. The fat may just end up in your head and heart trouble will still be a problem. In the recent movie “The Martian” starring Matt Damon, he survives his ordeal stranded on Mars by creating a greenhouse growing potatoes using his own bile in Martian soil. Fine for him,  but would you eat one of his… Read moreEat this…Not that

Many are called few are chosen.

I cannot serve two masters; I cannot side with two theologies. Especially with one that approves of idols, and denies Christ’s finished work on the cross by insisting on works for salvation. While it continues a useless ideology such as a priesthood to deceive others. The original priesthood which began in Egypt by pagans was also used to deceive people. The Jewish Priesthood which begins in the wilderness ended after the final offering was made on the cross once for all. The veil was then torn so that all could enter the presence of G-d through the finished work of Christ. Should you be alarmed that you have been deceived by Roman Catholicism? If you have been, then good chances are you are not elect. Be alarmed, be very alarmed G-d leaves no room for error concerning who the harlot is. He is having HIS angels leave behind all things… Read moreMany are called few are chosen.

The test…

Lying to children is not the best idea on the planet, pretty soon we skew the line of truth for them and ourselves. More often than not, we end up walking on the side of error. Storytelling began long before the age of TV and radio it may seem entertaining, however, it also is very dangerous. Can you discern the fable from the fact? Below I posted a video it is worth a saint’s time to watch it with an open mind and a prayerful spirit. It was not made by me but by another, no sense in duplicating another Saint’s work, always give credit where credit is due. I had bible teachers who spoke highly of these men in the video, only the elect cannot be deceived. I consistently sought G-d on doctrine that honors or dishonors HIS character. It was not only for me ” What would Jesus… Read moreThe test…

The most important of all gifts…

The word of G-d will stand forever whereas the sign gifts will cease, giving us a clue as to what G-d holds as the most important and the best of all gifts the Bible… HIS word, the very teachings of HIS only-begotten Son are found in only one book the Holy Bible. These teachings are often times twisted to excuse wickedness or support false teaching. One teaching that seems to be recurring is in the selection of the 144,000. Many claim it is after the church is gone. What if there was a way, we could do it ourselves and bring G-d glory and exalt the name of Jesus at the same time winning others to Christ? Will G-d condemn us to hell if we did so? What is G-d’s will on the matter? Jesus said HE would (SHALL) send forth HIS angels into the harvest fields, and it is they… Read moreThe most important of all gifts…

Becoming Children Again…

This may seem somewhat absurd to the less discerning among us. Lord knows some of us had such a terrible upbringing that we are glad to be grown up. Well out of the care of those who truly didn’t show a godly love to us. It is all the more reason to read the rest of this to find out why we must become like children again in order to enter G-d’s heaven. The Rapture requires it. G-d demands it. G-d loves children…How they laugh how they make us feel to those of us who want them the innocent trusting spirit which relies on someone greater to watch and protect them. If you do not love children, you do not know G-d. Jesus spoke…Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14 The word Suffer comes from the greek… Read moreBecoming Children Again…

The elect can discern good from evil.

Ted Cruz  don’t have to sell his soul to get the votes he needs.  We can take the White House without compromising G-d’s word. Matthew 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. One of the gifting’s more important than any other is the ability to discern good from evil. Singing praises to G-d is wonderful and should never cease. More important than worship is what the devil hates the most is you finding the truth that allowed you to sing praises to G-d. The word elect is found 20 times in a KJV bible while it only appears 8 times in an NASB. Without going too far out on a limb here it is safe to say… There is less elect found reading the NASB, in the NIV it appears just… Read moreThe elect can discern good from evil.

G-d’s timing…

Whether building a house or a kingdom timing is everything. You cannot place the roof on before the foundation or the walls to hold it in place. In my last post, I talked about everyone possessing a firearm in the last days, I did not explain the simple logic behind it. I knew the wise would figure out most of what we are doing. G-d wants everyone to choose between love or violence. Violence of course is absent of love.  Those who commit it have never really known deep-rooted love. Those who try to love the violent do so without requiring complete holy repentance. Christians should never forget only G-d, and HIS word can change the inner heart of any man. It’s what changed us and tampering with perfection is not smart at all.  To hide G-d’s word from the world is to create monsters and enemies against us.  This would also make… Read moreG-d’s timing…

G-d Guns and Glory

Luke 22:36  Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Every year at this time, the subject comes up over which candidate will promote our second amendment rights? My feeling is if our enemies have guns we should have them as well to act as a deterrent. Near the conclusion of this post I will tell you how owning a gun will help others surrender to Christ in and before the tribulation. I will also reveal rules to be obeyed in the end game as to who can shoot who during the tribulation,  if you should be left behind Matthew 13:41. Those which are presently on the road to damnation, which is an eternal separation from G-d the ones who rejected Christ as the only way will of… Read moreG-d Guns and Glory

The revealing is in the cover up…

Women who lack the ability to trust look in places to find what their husband may or may not be concealing from them, in finding the hidden things the truth reveals itself. Sometimes the truth can be very alarming but finding it frees us from being made a fool of. I would rather be a fool for Christ than a fool of fools. The wicked try to hide their deeds, in doing so they don’t fool the watchers. Instead, they actually give themselves away. The masses can be duped, but the keen observer of G-d can never be. The elect of G-d cannot be deceived. We do not readily buy into the lies of darkness who try to hide the works of evil. Truth is light and light cannot remain hidden. Until it shines through we remain unsatisfied justice is what light craves. Those in darkness really don’t care about… Read moreThe revealing is in the cover up…

G-d the gamer…

We are a society that spends billions of dollars on video games, and the boxes that we play them on. I never cared to play them, as a kid playtime rarely came recess was the highlight of my day, and I was manic once on the playground. I was born in 1959, so there were not a lot of cool toys in my childhood, a ball on a wooden paddle attached with an elastic kept us busy for minutes. G-d likes games but not the bad ones. Eternity is a long time and while worship will abound, we will still interact with one another. The games of today prepare us for violence and war. This is not the direction we should be seeking. G-d tells us HE will give us the desires of our hearts. I know HIM well enough to say, yes HE definitely will. G-d is a lover… Read moreG-d the gamer…

Knowing G-d

Proverbs 11:1  A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. If G-d expects it from us would it not stand to reason HE holds it to himself as well? How wrong it would be for HIM to ask us to balance justly if HE did not? In the parable of the man whom owed a great debt and was unable to pay it, the man to whom it was owed forgave his debt. Later the man in whom it was forgiven then proceeded to demand what was owed him from others. Once the one who forgave his debt heard what he did to the others he refers to him as wicked it angers the one whom forgave him. The key word is BALANCE like the word RESPECT it is a seven-letter word. The angels existed before man. Man was given 6000 years to complete… Read moreKnowing G-d

Witnessing to the world.

Many Christians wear witness T-shirts to spread the good news. I like creating my own.  I recently made this one front and back one that can unite us together in a common goal. On the back the your’s truly could simply be just my name on other shirts. You do know who built the original symbols of the battle don’t you? We had to solve the first puzzle before solving all the others. A pastor recently said that he did not see great crusades before rapture in the Bible??? Well I guess it all depends on who you choose to follow. My Jesus can do anything… Front Back

The sceptre of David belongs to Christians

The sceptre holds more power than those who hold the keys. Daniel 4:25 That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. For those who have difficulty with a King James Version that has G-d’s protection over it,  so that it can’t be corrupted at the hands of greedy men. Thee, thou, and thine (or thy) are Early Modern English second person singular pronouns. Thou is the subject form (nominative), thee is the object form, and thy/thine is the possessive form. …changing these words to a more modern English, that even I can understand. However,… Read moreThe sceptre of David belongs to Christians