Smiting the Rock Again.

I am not a big fan of the NASB because it is the devils attack on Abel by not offering him any respect still, let alone the offering symbolic of the Son of G-d the first priest was Abel. Genesis 4:4 in the NASB it has been changed to regard. So we see G-d uses the term respect and the first time we see the word regard is in Genesis 45:20 used by a pagan Pharaoh,  that’s only the half of it. It changes G-d’s word and reveals what this is really all about. The devil wants to disrespect G-d and his word. The word RESPECT shows up a total of 34 times in the KJV. We know 3+4 are added together we get our holy number seven. Three for the trinity and the four for the first four commandments dealing with G-d the trinity.  RESPECT  is seven letters …Also 3 x… Read moreSmiting the Rock Again.

Bill Orielly and the Holy Spirit

Does the Holy Spirit favor National Socialism of the Nazi kind? I truly doubt it but in the light of my Protestant/Catholic ministers message on Sunday he certainly does. You can only warn and do so much to try to open the eyes of the damned, those who are building their own gallows and calling evil as good. There is a reason our enemies rise up against us, and it usually happens to be G-d allowing  evil to be punished by the wicked or vice versa. Whose attention is G-d trying to get hold of in these last moments of time? Who is He trying to get to repent? Who uses his name in vain and treats G-d’s holy things like tools to destroy nations while ignoring the messengers he sends? America should never deny their Protestant heritage or the reason why our Puritan settlers came here in the first… Read moreBill Orielly and the Holy Spirit

We learn nothing, so why even bother?

I do not expect those who never heard, to understand the knowledge of the Holy, how can they? For we are told unless they hear they will not come. How can they hear if no one tells them? Soon we will be gone and only the 144,000 left in place. False teachers have said angels will appear and seal each on their forehead with the seal of G-d. So if G-d who desires that no one perishes is going to wait after we are gone to expose great angels who seal the 144,000 why wait to do it? Why not do it while we are all here so we can help explain it and bring souls to the cross. If angels did appear that would not require 144,000 it alone would be a definite faith booster for most people, and that is not how G-d operates. G-d takes no pleasure… Read moreWe learn nothing, so why even bother?

An Atheist resolves in 15 minutes what clergy have missed for centuries.

My brother has always been an Atheist, this past week he paid me a visit from S. Carolina. He came into my little apartment here at building 21 in Derry. For those who have been following the numbers that surround me in my life 777 equals 21. He saw for the first time the inside of my home. I have been here 16 years, the ten commandments poster, the poster of all the names of Jesus, the cross above my door, the good shepherd picture of Christ holding the baby lamb whom one cannot miss as they exit through the door. I have many missionary cards that are stuck in the door jam. I am reminded to pray for each ministry. I showed him my media center and took him into the bedroom where I keep my PC and where the magic happens in producing the videos for We… Read moreAn Atheist resolves in 15 minutes what clergy have missed for centuries.

A facebook chat. Did she get it? Do you?

Friday 7/17, 9:12pm Face Book Friend I thought I have asked you this, but who is “brother Abel”?  7/17, 9:14pm ME My initials are before adoption EL. At adoption BAB first being last. BROTHER ABEL .  7/17, 9:17pm Face Book Friend You write this up yourself? But how do you know the meaning? I did read a couple of them!  7/17, 9:41pm ME How did Daniel read the handwriting on the wall or Joseph interpret dreams?  7/17, 9:45pm Face Book Friend From G-d, so are you saying G-d gives you dreams or the Spirit speaks to you?  7/17, 9:48pm ME Jesus has reserved for himself 3.5 years to complete his harvest. He sent some one ABEL to do it.  7/17, 10:03pm Face Book Friend And when did this start?? But doesn’t the scripture say that Jesus doesn’t know when He is coming, only His Father? ME missed opportunity… (Should have added… Read moreA facebook chat. Did she get it? Do you?

False Teachers cannot be trusted. Ya think?

Ever hear the one where a ‘Christian’ says, “If you go to that movie you will become possessed or listening to this song you will be cursed?” The truth is Christians, whom have the Holy Spirit would not stay to see or listen too wrongful things as the Spirit will turn away within them. They sense what I call the horror of G-d being gone his face turned aside. Thanks for the warning though but I too have the Holy Spirit. If it becomes a problem, you will know it. Oppression is usually what follows not possession separation occurs as the wicked thing becomes more acceptable to them more than the joy of being with G-d. Next they become false guides and false teachers themselves. Jesus becomes their license to misbehave rather than their reason to behave. The worldly are not troubled by this because they have no G-d in… Read moreFalse Teachers cannot be trusted. Ya think?

The wicked walk on every side when…

the vilest men are exalted.  Psalm 12:8 Who put this vile man in the White House? 700 billion disappeared from your economy in 2008 to place a counterfeit Muslim messiah in the White House to create false peace in the middle east and no children of light notice? It was the large banks with the big money using America’s muscle to consume others. Idolaters are all around us in our politics and no children of light notice? Pastors seeking power from above looking for the Antichrist and how does that bring G-d any glory? How does that bring the people any warning? After reading Ezekiel 33 you may feel your minister is out of touch with reality and does not know G-d if they seek to exalt the vile men already above! Don’t be blind to what G-d wants to do, it is your loved ones at stake and some… Read moreThe wicked walk on every side when…

Preparing to take in the harvest… 6000 years in the making.

Jesus set aside 3.5 years to bring in his harvest as a servant of the King of kings,  I have been working diligently on the crop images and videos to share with the lost and to inform them what is going to happen and what will be happening,  once we are gone. The purpose to make sure the creature loses as many souls as we can muster during the tribulation. I think G-d has covered everything I need to do in order to compel the lost in. However, you’re going to have that skeptic or two, that needs to see the dummy running around with a head injury crying… “Follow me, I am G-d.” He won’t know who to speak worse of Jesus or me, if it’s me, it’s no wonder he needs to build an image. Can you imagine staring into the mirror and seeing the face of the… Read morePreparing to take in the harvest… 6000 years in the making.

The wicked rob G-d of His glory!

Jealousy is one of the reasons we ended up here…But to allow it to condemn millions of souls to hell is a wicked thing indeed. Not just any souls but the souls of the loved ones in ones own flock as well. Would you want to be this man on judgment day as lost loved ones of his own church family are turned away because of his petty jealousy? David was not the one who suffered; it was Saul his jealousy ate at him until he was destroyed by it, his pride kept him from seeing it. Just like a minister I know who has been raised up in the church the good son who never left home and experienced the world, jealous of his prodigal brother. However, his brother is not as imprudent as he may think. He is an elder from above with biblical supporting evidence (Genesis 4:4, Revelation 4:4) beginning… Read moreThe wicked rob G-d of His glory!

We don’t have to agree to be friends in Jesus???

One of Satan’s master works… Is this exact phrase; “We don’t have to agree to be friends in Jesus.” Said to me by my Pastor as he extended the right hand of fellowship to me as I became a member of the AG church. Can you say, compromise with me and let’s not expose all the darkness over the world any nicer way? , Of course you can’t. Compromise is the Jesuit way, after all they are masters of delusion. Take their leader Ignatius Loyola. Satan was not covered half as nice as this head Jesuit was, look at this statue built in his honor. Satan is no doubt very proud of the souls these people have sent him, and it shows in the way he adorns the master deceiver. So idolatry is OK and destroying America with their bigotry and belief that all things should be under the Pope,… Read moreWe don’t have to agree to be friends in Jesus???

Cattle Drive Up Ahead…Move along little doggy.

I have said in the messages on this site this is a cattle drive to the cross the event we are waiting for only happens once and blessed are those whom make it. Those who are left and those whom are closest to me that are left behind are not going to be safe in the tribulation.  This creature hates what I am up to, so that when he gets his turn family members better be gone. He will show you no mercy to the point where you may even hate G-d and me.  Others he won’t bother with as much,  it is me he hates the most.  Placing his chip on you and getting you to swear off G-d may not be all that hard for him to do, some of you are already there. There is a reason he builds an image of himself to sit in the… Read moreCattle Drive Up Ahead…Move along little doggy.

The Right Hand of G-d

Psalms 21:8 Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee. We know that Jesus sits at the right hand of G-d,  but who sits in HIS lap? It is a tradition for the first born to receive the greater inheritance because he is the oldest and to be the wisest by his experience and age. Medieval biblical commentator Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman — known as the Ramban — claimed the definition of birthright might have been different before the Jews received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Prior to the giving of the Torah, suggested the Ramban, the birthright established the firstborn as being the head of the family. The birthright entitled the firstborn to inherit the position and authority of his father, which affords him greater honor and prestige than his younger siblings. An earlier commentator, Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra, apparently agreed… Read moreThe Right Hand of G-d

A good Detective always gets his man.

Solving great mysteries is the job of any good detective. We have been told that there are considerable mysteries of G-d that are too awesome for us to understand, by those who don’t understand many of them. In this video, I give you the tools you need to figure one of them out. Who is the responsible party for destroying great civilizations? Jesus and I are like the “Hardy Boys.” Psalm 21:8 I will find all His enemies because he has called me his right hand.  Like Benjamin brother of Joseph I have come into Egypt and father want’s to see me come home. It is not the percentage of Roman Catholic’s in our politics that disturb me as much as the number of their minions in our Churches continuing to defend and support them when G-d is making it perfectly clear they are being left behind! While they continue… Read moreA good Detective always gets his man.

Always be prepared… A scout motto.

We have terrorist preparedness, weapon’s preparedness, retirement preparedness and this lists are endless to what you need to be prepared for. The church, on the other hand, has something much more important to prepare for. That day is closer than you think, and we need to be ready. As we prepare the world will get invited if they refuse to join us, then we know what is coming, this will give them a better chance if they get left behind. We need to prepare them for what will unfold. I do not think it is advantageous to keep giving the attention to all of Satan’s works, you do know he loves it when you pay attention to his works rather than G-d’s don’t you?  My word for the body is to look at what G-d has left us in England and get a grasp as to what He is asking… Read moreAlways be prepared… A scout motto.

Preventable vs Non Preventable

In the transportation industry, accidents do happen and when they do they go before a review board. They are either deemed preventable or non preventable. In the case of the New World Order, it is non preventable. It will happen but not before we as Christians set it up for them. The longer we delay the more souls will be lost as seen in the middle east right now. Satan was promised by G-d seven years and G-d keeps his promises. Going back to Psalm 21:11 where they (darkness) imagined a mischievous device, they are unable to perform. It was intended to harm G-d’s people built by those deceived to believe they are G-d’s people. Supported by Jesuit ministers who are placed as Protestant ministers or seduced by them to protect their one-world agenda. Preventing a crime scene is what I should have named this.  Isn’t it amazing all our… Read morePreventable vs Non Preventable