I Love to Tell the Story

I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory,To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. Father wrote HIS Story into my life and it is a story I love to tell. I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story because I know ’tis true; it satisfies my longings as nothing else could do. Refrain: I love to tell the story; ’twill be my theme in glory to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story; more wonderful it seems than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the story, it did so much for me; and that is just the reason I tell it now to thee. I love to tell… Read moreI Love to Tell the Story

Who is behind it Angel or Devil Test Your Powers of Discernment?

Below this short brief is a series of movies and programs you may or may have not seen, each with a message attached,  is it a message from a heavenly perspective or a demonic perspective? If it encourages sin there is no question where it is from God tempts no one. Not even when HE paraded Eve past the Angels on her way to Adam they had not known the pleasures of the human form and there was no desire until the time of Noah. Let us see how well you can discern if it is God in the message who casts away all fear because HE loves us completely or is the devil behind it? The Bible is the manual for life the word is God-breathed and several times the blood of the prophets was shed for having spoken it. We are told by the word where there is… Read moreWho is behind it Angel or Devil Test Your Powers of Discernment?

Learning to be Discerning Separating What is Good from Evil

There is a four-fold battle taking place with man in the middle, it is his eternity at stake to the path which he will choose. The other three fight in a spiritual plain over us pulling us to one side or the other. America has fallen because of the traitors among us who for the most part lack wisdom and discernment and cannot tell what is evil or good. It was good when Jesus cried out it is finished even better that the priesthood HE ordained was scattered because it no longer served a purpose that it had been designed to do,  the job was done. The lamb of God was slain,  the curse of death defeated. We could all place the blood over us to escape the angel of death even escape COVID 19. Evil could not accept the defeat and restored the priesthood through the pagan gentiles who… Read moreLearning to be Discerning Separating What is Good from Evil

She had never came to my class before.

I was blessed to be the Sunday school teacher at the Baptist Church I had dedicated my son to the LORD through.  My first year was the Junior High where I taught from an outline I purchased at the book store. Occasionally we would read the parts of  “Adventures in Odessy” by Focus on the Family the students were wonderful and all came from good Christian families. Except for my son who came from a broken Christian home,  I had met his mother at this same church the year I became “Born Again”  like Hosea I was smitten and all the signs pointed to us being wed we had only known each other two years before being married. Her stepfather was moving to Miami and she was on her way to Texas at Baylor University but never made it because her father did not have the funds to put her… Read moreShe had never came to my class before.

19th Anniversary Never Forget the Lives Lost to Defend Us and Open Our Eyes

Some material is linked to my Amazon account, you will not be charged more; I may get a small portion only if it reaches its maximum monthly payout. All Eight sites are supported by my income. I do not advertise or sell ad space or use the Google Adwords program. My rewards are in, heaven with the souls that are won through these sites. I hope you become one of them if not already a brother or sister. It was only COVID 19 years ago that the twin towers were taken down in NEW YORK City, which seems to be the worst city of our present Pandemic where most lives are affected by it.  Is it more influential against certain segments of our population? Why are American’s being hardest hit by it, whereas the epicenter (where it began)  China is not? See for yourself COVID-19-realtime-map. 9/11 is the opposite of… Read more19th Anniversary Never Forget the Lives Lost to Defend Us and Open Our Eyes

Getting it Right With Free Will

Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. You cannot give something away that does not belong to you. In heaven, the SON is honored and not being continually sacrificed as some do here on the Earth. In Heaven HIS teachings are honored and followed where HE still lifts up HIS Father. The Bible teaches He is the same yesterday today and forever. That means what HE was against by showing us a revelation of destruction of it HE is still against. Even if Dolly Parton says its OK. I cannot compromise what I know is against all that God created and it is not why HE made man. The angels who are leaving some of us behind watched as the hand of God using the light Lucifer once carried made the above image.  In the old testament as with the new women and children were not… Read moreGetting it Right With Free Will

Finding Your Way to a Straight Street Moment

Matthew 7:13-14 KJV (13)  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Matthew 7:14 (7 77) Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Saul from the tribe of Benjamin was on his way to Damascus to catch himself some of those evil people calling themselves “The Way” only to have them arrested imprisoned even martyred in Roman games.  Rome was more than happy to aid in eradicating these people claiming the SON of God was crucified and resurrected. It was more dangerous back then to be a Christian than it is today. The enemy has a mean growl but his bite and sting of death are gone. Vote Biden / Harass and it will be… Read moreFinding Your Way to a Straight Street Moment

The Secrets Hidden in the Star of David

Added Those who seek to travel into the heavens use the star to reveal that they will not travel into the heavens.  Their star says no go our star says peace and safety. God promised HIS children would fly away into the heavens in a twinkle of an eye. I have given out this explanation in the past but this time the enemy will help me make my point more meaningful. Fallen Angels are demons who are trying every way they can to try and get back into heaven without honoring the will of God, still spirits here in the earth jumping in and out of those who are not protected or discerning as to the end game of their actions. Traveling into space is our attempt to enter the heavens spurned on by theirs in our zeal to make better weapons and rockets to carry them with.  We inadvertently… Read moreThe Secrets Hidden in the Star of David

True Repentance Only Happens When One Repents

Some people are better at reading the signs than others because of their relationship with God. Such as Daniel or Joseph. David was a man after God’s own heart.  The Spirit of DEATH was once covered with every precious stone. Death is represented by skulls and bones. Ezekiel 28:13 KJV (13)  Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. God let him dress himself to lay him before kings so that they may behold him. Those who are not kings obviously cannot see him. Before this COVID breakout, I was attending a Church that began discussing repentance, still waiting? To say… Read moreTrue Repentance Only Happens When One Repents

Doctrines of Demons Serve a Nefarious Purpose Hence From Them

Take the quiz below see if you are in the know,  two cannot walk as one unless they be agreed Amos 3:3. One can set a thousand and two ten thousand to flight. Their rock is not as our ROCK. The quiz is not on any other site but Whitehorse so I can see where I stand. Misery loves the company and those who have not hidden God’s word in their heart are open to the seduction of strange doctrines.  The purpose of the doctrine to divide and conquer keeping away the lost souls from Christ. Many of them have obtained the art of outward appearances but their actions and the non-biblical doctrines say still LOST. The United States was United to overcome all powers both foreign and domestic we allowed for the freedom of religion, but the state was to keep out of the church’s affairs, Strong families make… Read moreDoctrines of Demons Serve a Nefarious Purpose Hence From Them

For their rock is not like our Rock, Even our enemies themselves being judges.

The enemies of the Gospel will even see their deception and how they manipulated the nations of the world against our ROCK. May they fall upon our ROCK and be broken rather than be crushed by it. I pray in Jesus’s name. Deuteronomy 32:31 KJV (31)  For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges. Daniel 8:12 Jesus did not have to practice HE is the way the truth and the life.  Someone else is sent as revealed by Daniel 8:12. Moses first time striking the rock (Exodus 17:5-7 ),  it pours forth water. This happened in the wilderness trek to the promised land flowing with milk and honey. God asked him simply the second time to speak only to the rock and the water would flow but his anger at the people caused him to strike the rock twice rather than speaking to it. … Read moreFor their rock is not like our Rock, Even our enemies themselves being judges.

The Confusion of Fear and the Law that Overcomes It.

Proverbs 9:10 KJV (10)  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Judgment (9) comes because we break the 10 commandments, commandments were given to us after the exodus out of Egypt where God instilled fear upon the Egyptians only because they were worshiping false gods who robbed the people from knowing HIM. He told Moses to tell Pharoah to let HIS ELECT go and worship HIM outside the city of Egypt where HE could establish proper worship and reveal the importance of the sacrifice. At the time they had no understanding as to govern themselves. In the wilderness, they learn all that pleases God and what does not. Until the time of Moses, there were no laws,  only the ones that are written on our hearts from birth. Before God handed Moses the law a great King by the… Read moreThe Confusion of Fear and the Law that Overcomes It.

Water Into Wine Hypocrisy or The Best Lesson Evah?

Ever hear how the first shall be last? In this message, we find Mary’s only commandment given in scripture to the servers of the wedding feast,  “Do whatever HE tells you.” Several things are involved in this story; it may be the most significant message in the scriptures better than anyone I know that Jesus’s first miracle is similiar to what will be the earth’s last miracle for the Church. Growing up in an Alcoholic home, this is the story I heard about the most, and everyone who has a problem with drinking uses it to excuse their ignorance of the message it conveys. Wine has always represented throughout the scriptures the spirit of God. In this scenario, Jesus is letting us know HIS Spirit is the sweetest and best Spirit and at the end of the age when HE changes us from this world into the other (rapture) to… Read moreWater Into Wine Hypocrisy or The Best Lesson Evah?

Heaven’s Heroes and Highest Honored Positions

Featured image by iStockPhoto.com/Sorbetto I could never be a Doctor, I can not stand the sight of blood and broken bones make me squeamish. Two careers that are unnecessary in heaven are doctors and lawyers. They are here,  we know Luke was a doctor but he cared for the truth and spoke the language of life to be one today you need to know the language of death LATIN, take it from a person with the initials Babel it is not a language born in the heavens. It was used to create a cast system that has flourished to this day. All that is wrong with the world has its roots in this language. I am just shining a light on a system that brought us here. The pen is the sword and the word the power. The eternal soul is more important than the temporary flesh that carries it,… Read moreHeaven’s Heroes and Highest Honored Positions

Without Spot or Blemish the Bride of Christ

Ephesians 5:25-27 KJV (25)  Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; (26)  That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, (27)  That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. The church has many members and the head of the church is Christ this could function as a great machine to win the world to HIM if not for jealousy. Some claim they have giftings that have been given them by God but they ignore the word in favor of gifts,  while others reject the gifts and stand on the word. As a church knowing the master is near we need to agree on headship and its, not at the top of the pyramid nor… Read moreWithout Spot or Blemish the Bride of Christ