HE will complete the work HE began in you.

What exactly is that work that Jesus began in you?  Some think it is the power to raise the dead and open blind eyes and to heal the afflicted. We can all open blind eyes by telling people the truth, especially when it comes to the eternal road they find themselves on it is either towards heaven or hell. God sends no one to hell; it is all in who you choose to follow. Not everyone is healed, give your body the nutrients it needs to do the work it was meant to do.   A proper diet or lifestyle change can do miracles, and having Jesus by your side is the way to do it. What sense is healing? Yes, God gets a brief hallelujah and back to the poison that caused the problem. I say grace at every meal more often, I make eating a part of my thankfulness… Read moreHE will complete the work HE began in you.

Building the Kingdom of God in HIS Kingdom there is Justice for all.

When I first became Born Again in 1982, I was told we were building the Kingdom of God this was while I was at  Wang Laboratories working as a Computer  Technician troubleshooting to the component level microprocessor circuit boards.  So I understand the below image it is that of an  Alarm Clock using four seven-segment LEDs. With seven segments, you can make 0 thru 9 with the seven segments and with four binary numbers; you can count as high as fifteen.   The top four always the top four if you add  1+2+3+4 you get ten there were ten commandments given to man, and the first four dealt primarily with GOD the maker of heaven and earth. The other six told us how to live with each other. So important they were to God that if we broke any one of them, we were unfit to be part of  HIS… Read moreBuilding the Kingdom of God in HIS Kingdom there is Justice for all.