It will not get better it must be divided- the waters must part and final decisions be made.

In the United Kingdom alone there are over 6 million CCTV camera’s watching the streets and if you have a Netflix account or can view a few episodes of “Caught on Camera”  you will see why so many need to be warned of their eternal fate and they must change course or forever suffer the consequences. The worst of it is because a Certain mainline Church kept the word from them by insisting on control of it and interpreting it and the fools who supported them instead of trying to reach them with the truth that they do not know God. Michaelangelo Knew they did not know God,  Charles Spurgeon knew,  Finney knew, Wigglesworth knew, Whitfield knew,  Mordecai Ham knew,   just about every elect person knew except those who are not. Now it is out of control and will need JESUS and Friends to make it right. The wicked are… Read moreIt will not get better it must be divided- the waters must part and final decisions be made.

How to escape death…Jesus Died and Lived to tell Us about it.

1 Corinthians 15:55-58 (55)  O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (56)  The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. (57)  But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (58)  Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 5 5’s in 1 Corinthians 15:55 (555 55) for those who can’t see it. 555 comes before 666, not learned in seminary but from Sesame Street most seminaries have Jesuit educators who distort the truth for Mother Church God did it this way in hopes of saving billions! Death came through rebellion and upon the insistence of seeing the most high God. Jesus reveals death did not begin in the garden but… Read moreHow to escape death…Jesus Died and Lived to tell Us about it.

Tongue Talking the Real and the Fake

Those who have read my testimony know that when I received the Holy Spirit, I went home after a study where the teacher went down the list of gifts found in scripture, talk about being set up by God. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 (1)  Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. (2)  Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. (3)  Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost. (4)  Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. (5)  And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. (6)  And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. (7)  But the… Read moreTongue Talking the Real and the Fake

Mrs. Doubtfire not looking as funny now is she saints?

You want a fire than you need to honor the word of God and fire means souls saved through repentance not compromise. Those who have seen the movie “Mrs. Doubtfire” starring Robyn Williams about a husband who is separated from his children through divorce dresses up as a woman to pose as a nanny to again be close to his children it stars Sally Fields as his ex-wife who began her career as the Flying Nun but that’s for another blog that deals with seduction and acceptance of demonic doctrine. Though Williams was a great comedian the way he ended his life reveals he was not happy on the inside he could have helped so many with sharing the wealth with those in need.  A life in Christ is a life well lived,  a life apart from Christ is not a life at all and a life with the wrong… Read moreMrs. Doubtfire not looking as funny now is she saints?

Knowledge of Good and Evil

Tree of knowledge

The tree has 94 fruit positions which is the atomic number for Plutonium and points to Psalm 94:1-23   It was Christmas 2008 when Jesus spoke to me that it was ending he was shutting it down making the point “that they learn nothing.”   All because of a Mormon relative of mine who at a Yankee swap wanted to trade my gift “The Word of Promise” for a bottle of booze. A Mormon wanted alcohol?!? It does not matter what faith you may claim to belong to.  If you do not know Jesus, you do not know God. It is Jesus within the true believer that reconciles us back to God it is His Holy Spirit in us that leads and guides us to all truth and keeps us from harm if we are willing to listen. Alcohol is part of the death mechanism built into this world; it cannot… Read moreKnowledge of Good and Evil

Super Hero’s

Are they the new age gods that every lost child’s fantasy is to become like. Before Jesus,  heroes were false gods that men even served. Thor seems to be making a comeback along with many other false gods. The pursuit of power and the lies told to the angels who had followed Lucifer, because of his lies in the rebellion. He was going to make them gods,  well the entire thing reveals his new world order is going to be a disaster still we have to finish what we have started. Can you imagine a world of sin filled superheroes with super egos vying for who is the best for leadership?  We have that now without wearing the leotards. Our desire to want power or see displays of power comes from a position of darkness in my honest opinion. The sign gifts were given to help us in growing closer… Read moreSuper Hero’s

Doomsday Preparedness

I do not know why I missed the National Geographic’s series done in 2011 on Doomsday Preppers; it may have been because I’m too cheap to have added it to my Comcast lineup. I just began watching it on Netflix and was very impressed with the ingenuity of some of these preppers, being prepared for natural disasters is wise but for the most part it reveals to me the lack of faith in G-d, it flies in the face of “Give us this day our daily bread.” Necessity is the mother of invention and out of preparing came great techniques to feed people with hydroponics raising fish for food and circulating the fish waste water to fertilize the plants then return the water to the tank clean. This man who designed this system is valuable to reaching tribes in Africa and in desert climates where the church can duplicate his… Read moreDoomsday Preparedness

You move I’m a lighthouse!

I love this story. I have heard Charles Swindoll tell it several times. A Navy Admiral thinks he is on a collision course with another boat and gets on the radio and insists because of his rank and authority that the light is approaching them to turn starboard 30 degrees. The reply comes over the radio you turn starboard 30 degrees. The Admiral tells him his rank, and he is leading a barrage of navy ships that if he refuses to move, they will open fire on his position. A moment of silence than the reply I am an ensign in her majesties service, and I man the lighthouse you turn 30 degrees. Lucifer was once the light bearer, but he is no more. The lights that open up the word of G-d in crop images I can safely say I am the lighthouse. As such I will not cower… Read moreYou move I’m a lighthouse!

Standing on my promise not laying on my back.

G-d is one who keeps HIS promises, and HE holds us to ours. The devil would rather see us laying on our backs rather than standing on God’s word. We cannot claim the devil has counterfeited this experience when in fact it was in Hinduism first and was there before the church became wild with it. The culture from the area master slayer himself Benny Hinn had been born around,  it is middle eastern in its origin. The video attached does a side by side comparison of the religion of Hinduism its practice and the one we are seeing in the Church. Unfortunately, a church I attended was grouped into the mix though they toyed with it as well.   The laughter movement was of God what they were experiencing was not the Hinduistic spirit but the angels at play doing something more for my benefit and the Church and world… Read moreStanding on my promise not laying on my back.

Simplicity made into strife.

These thirteen verses of scripture speaking of Jesus say all one needs to know and believe to be saved when it was given the first time 3000 souls came to Christ. Acts 2:29-41 (29)  Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. (30)  Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; (31)  He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. (32)  This Jesus hath God raised up, of which we all are witnesses. (33)  Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having… Read moreSimplicity made into strife.

Become a Skywalker like Theophilis and I. Read the book of Luke

The Gospel of Luke was written to convey the truth his friend was seeking concerning Christ.  Theophilus wanted to know if HE indeed was the long-awaited Messiah or is there another reason? We know that Luke was not a first-hand observer or one of the original 12 disciples we know from Paul that Luke was a physician Colossians 4:14  Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. Being a Physician made him a keen observer and a person who paid attention to details. Because of Luke we also have the book of Acts also written to Theophilus whose name means friend of God (be)loved by God or loving God,  according to the wiki. In those days Luke was considered a highly educated man who probably could mend a broken bone, amputate a body part to spare a life or cure a headache,  he would be regarded as an important person… Read moreBecome a Skywalker like Theophilis and I. Read the book of Luke