They didn’t know the SON!

We are forewarned that liars will have their part in the lake of fire, that G-d detests those who would lie. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (4)  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: (5) And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. (6)  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: (7)  And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. In heaven, the FATHER exalted the SON and had the angels worship HIM in faith, on earth, the SON exalted the FATHER and drew men to worship HIM.  Telling us that without faith it is impossible to please G-d. The… Read moreThey didn’t know the SON!

Things the POPE can’t do.

Turn water into wine, Walk on water, Heal the sick, Raise the dead, Take Jesus off the cross like a Protestant, Tell the truth. Turn stones into bread, or feed the flock with the bread he was given. Or tell you what any of these mean. Coincidently neither can my Pentecostal Pastor but he will defend the Pope and the Catholic’s and make them feel they are Christian to condemn and damn their souls to an eternal hell.  What a beautiful man in the eyes of Satan,  Pastor has power, that I do not. I realized it is called the Jezebel spirit, usurping the power of a king. All I have is the truth. 🙁 What the Pope can do is pull Christ out of heaven in a false sign and wonder and sacrifice HIM on an altar over and over again through his priesthood a million times a day all over the… Read moreThings the POPE can’t do.

Not looking for the approval of the Jesuit Judas

G-d has made HIS decision clear so why has no one rallied to lift up Jesus and open up the word to the lost? The whole world could see them and many have.   The unbelievers have more faith in them than believers do. If there was some way, we can show the word that they point too. My biggest mistake was not seeing the Jesuit trained Pentecostal who has it in his head that he is something special because I gave him the crop circles, Which were meant to help take down Satan’s kingdom. Which he has refused to do every day,  for the last nine years.  Until I walk on water, raise the dead or something even more Pentecostal like selling my soul to Rome and speaking ill of the John MacArthur’s of the world while I  snicker at the ones who read a King Jame Bible and laugh at those who won’t believe… Read moreNot looking for the approval of the Jesuit Judas

Exposing the Fraud

The Church is full of “Spirit Filled” 2 Corinthian 11:13-15 ministers of righteousness who have been preaching it most of their lives.  They snicker at those who carry a KJV of the Bible they demand that people who stand on the word perform miracles,  they are as wicked as the unbeliever but do it with finesse. They have no clue as to what G-d is doing,  they must pretend they do or jeopardize the control they have over their sheep. When you only have thirty people as part of your flock don’t consider yourself something when you are nothing and your fruit proves it. If G-d gave you the tools to take down Satan’s kingdom than why haven’t you utilize them? Why do you think you can hold the whole world hostage and condemn the people and their families you claim to love? I cannot turn stones into bread the power I… Read moreExposing the Fraud

The Crossing

I noticed that ABC’s new series was canceled after only one season. It just so happens I attend a Church that goes by the very same name, I’m sure it’s just one of those weird coincidences that keep propping up in my life. The premise of the show was that people from the future came to warn those in the past of the coming dangers to their society by people who are intent on making hybrid humans into war machines. I hate war and I despise violence and as long as it remains a profit producer for those who invest in it, it will never go away. Not until Jesus returns and closes it all down which is soon and very soon. Until then G-d is leaving it all up to us to decide what kind of world we want to live in.   One built on the teachings based on the SON… Read moreThe Crossing

If I leave her with one Golden Cup will that Help?

Who is this woman who rides the beast?  The beast with all those horns?   Horn’s represent power so that you know. These are not the kind you find on your steering wheel, but they have a similar purpose they warn others about what is coming.  First, she is the one who placed them in power, to begin with, she has been doing it since before Christ even came. Psalms 12:8  The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. She has placed our children in war after war to get it all. It was not to benefit anyone but herself, and she has placed all her followers in harm’s way. Her objective gets as much of the world’s wealth as she could to sit lavishly and proclaim I sit as Queen and no harm shall come to me. Revelation 18:7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived… Read moreIf I leave her with one Golden Cup will that Help?

Fishing with Jesus simply follow HIM and call in other boats to help.

When we look at our world Father is doing something and can you tell what it is? If you see it are you willing to do it and honor the LORD? I hope you said yes. John 5:19 (19)  Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. You being a child of G-d are you willing to do what the Father wants done? I hope you said yes again. I was digging around in my Bible looking for the answer to setting the lost free and do it in such great numbers in time for the resurrection. I know G-d does not want his enemy to win anything.  He started this wicked game and Father is going to finish… Read moreFishing with Jesus simply follow HIM and call in other boats to help.

Smoke and Mirrors and the art of Electing your Leaders for You.

As a Christian or even a non-Christian, you should be outraged at the lies that you succumb to every day.  The Bible teaches Christian’s we are given the HOLY SPIRIT to testify of Christ the other incredible advantage is the ability to discern spirits and have the knowledge of the truth. John 14:15-21 (15)  If ye love me, keep my commandments. (16)  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (17)  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. (18)  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. (19)  Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live… Read moreSmoke and Mirrors and the art of Electing your Leaders for You.

The Purpose of a Covering Cherub

A covering is worn in order to protect us from the harsh environments that come at us. The image below is of a Jellyfish with seven nodules connected by seven joints (the flattened sections) with seven tentacles it has a covering it’s dome that is safe to touch and get close to without getting near its deadly tentacles. Let’s call everything below the dome the HOLINESS of G-d 777.  To approach G-d one needs a covering in the case of the Christian we have Christ ‘s atoning blood to protect us from the tentacles who’s purpose is to destroy Sin. A society cannot function with a rebellious heart or people. Today we can look around the world and see the effects of SIN. Because of this HOLINESS, HE cannot allow sin into heaven, and HIS HOLINESS will surely destroy those who come to him without any covering.  I named this the Jamaican man O… Read moreThe Purpose of a Covering Cherub

Lord of the Ring is not Lord of the Bring

G-d desires that none should perish that all come to repentance. Genesis 49:9-10 (9)  Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? (10)  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. The scepter of David is more powerful than the keys or the ring of the one who claims to hold the keys. I am challenging the key holder to lock the gates to hell so that I may open the windows of heaven to pour into the houses of G-d blessings for which they cannot contain to help others find Christ. The feature image is a crop circle ring it is framed by 12 cuts 6… Read moreLord of the Ring is not Lord of the Bring

Forget me not…

Those who do not believe can deny G-d, but they will never forget HIM.  Whether it is in heaven or in hell, a place prepared for the devil and his angels who denied the reality of the most High,  the very SON of G-d. Who by faith the angels worshiped believing the Father that one day HE would come and take HIS rightful place by HIS side. We are coming full circle as it was in heaven,  is happening right here,  right now. The featured image is “The rose of Sharon”  on a picture of forget me not’s. The rose points to the SONG of Solomon the petals are the star of David the spirit is holding the bottom of the flower.  Spirit does not have shape or form so the image reflects that.  G-d can take any shape and form HE desires to. When did we not feed you or… Read moreForget me not…

Tell me why it is and I will set the world a blaze with Jesus.

Why is it that those who claim to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT gravitate away from the word people?  Those who know that G-d’s word will stand forever, who believe Jesus is LORD, They do not use HIS name in vain and put money into reaching others with the word which tells us our need to cry out to Jesus and confess HIM alone as LORD? Their crosses are empty in celebration of HIS victory over death. They believe with all their heart mind and soul Jesus is LORD and they seek to honor HIM. My Assembly of G-d minister is the perfect picture of what is wrong with Pentecostal ism. Whether he does it to antagonize me or to anger me to solicit some reaction it is still evil and I will not succumb to it. I care too much for the Pentecostal soul who has clearly revealed the betrayal of Jesus and the rejection of… Read moreTell me why it is and I will set the world a blaze with Jesus.

Open Letter to Militia Men Everywhere.

I appreciate every one of you that desire to protect our freedoms. As many of you are aware, there is a sinister plot to take them away and make us slaves to the elite rulers above us who profit from our labors and hard work.   Let’s face it American’s make way to much money for them. So slave countries whose governments control the income of the people are better suited for them. The problem with the elite rulers is they lack faith and the numbers below them are growing beyond their control so as always just as it happened in Egypt, Germany and now here in America, the population will need to be reduced.  Normal wars they start are not enough to eliminate the numbers they require to be gone. Jesus called it the worst tribulation the world will ever see, and it is coming because Jesus said it would. HE spoke the… Read moreOpen Letter to Militia Men Everywhere.

Last Post Apology

As a ready writer for the Lord, I can place up a lot of words and shadow the point I was trying to make some of you may have gotten it,  others not so easy. Summation: Those who claim more of the Spirit of G-d in them gravitate away from those who stand on the word,  know the word,  and love the word.  Men of G-d who bow their knee but lack the Holy Spirit that we confess to having more of. While gravitating more with a group who has hidden the word, lied about who they are and committed numerous atrocities in the name of Jesus.  Who have built their own gallows? So it appears to heavenly Father that Pentecostals, care less about the word and cause others to stumble by embracing the frauds and not the word. 2 Corinthians 6:14 (14)  Be ye not unequally yoked together with… Read moreLast Post Apology

Crime In the Church

When did it become a crime to open the word of G-d up to the world or to lift up the name of Jesus? The crop circle made by a supernatural hand is a book with 56 raised outer markings with the marker on verse 4.  You have to hand it to those aliens they know their Bible better than most ministers do. Psalms 56:4 In G-d I will praise his word, in G-d I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. Are the gifts more important than the word of G-d or the lifting of the name of HIS SON? Let’s prioritize! The gifts are evidence of a supernatural undertaking but they are also mimicable and can be weighed as proof of having the word by those who mean well and not so well.  In doing so the practitioners become defensive seeing those who… Read moreCrime In the Church