Chariots, Jars of Clay, Earthen Vessels, Avatars.

From ancient to the modern inside of each of us is a spirit some seeking, some saved ,some uncaring others bullies by choice.  Though there be many, we all seek love.  Even bullies believe that they can give love if and when the right person comes along.  Their fault lies in the fact they never knew love as love was meant to be understood. In the kingdom of G-d, we are called to love all even our enemies. We are to love them; we are not asked to trust them. The heart needs to be touched by G-d for it to become one with HIM.  With HIM in us, it is easy to discern who loves HIM and us based on the standards HE taught. It is one of the reasons HE tells us not to be unequally yoked with a non-believer. What has light have in common with darkness?… Read moreChariots, Jars of Clay, Earthen Vessels, Avatars.

My Christmas Story is the Never Ending Story.

I have added a few movie titles to this post at the bottom,  ones that I find top-notch in Christian movies. They are ones that I have enjoyed.  I have seen just about every Christian movie made having spent 18 plus years aiding in the Christian Film Festival’s of America during my week vacation when held in my area. I counseled and led many to Christ at the festivals I know I can do more. I once helped at festival held in Orlando Florida right around the corner from where my only son was living while attending school.  I would like to see them come back and go global.  The ones I like reveal the true miracle of what life is about it is first and foremost about love.  After watching my picks I hope you will see the Christmas Miracle every day in your own life if you surrender… Read moreMy Christmas Story is the Never Ending Story.

Happy Thanksgiving – There is Much to be Thankful For, Here is one Jesus is coming Back.

From the wiki: Italicized words my addition. Thanksgiving has been celebrated nationally on and off since 1789 after Congress requested a proclamation by George Washington.It has been celebrated as a federal holiday every year since 1863, when, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln (Abe L.) proclaimed a national day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens,” to be celebrated on the last Thursday in November. The event that Americans commonly call the “First Thanksgiving” was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in October 1621. This feast lasted three days, and—as accounted by attendee Edward Winslow—it was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims. –end Wiki G-d has given us a picture of what heaven is like by blessing us with the last city on the hill,  Norman Rockwell painted our America the last great nation to… Read moreHappy Thanksgiving – There is Much to be Thankful For, Here is one Jesus is coming Back.

Give Thanks-We will lift up the SON of G-D and HE will draw all men unto HIM!

The video below will show you why the 144,000 need to be called out now and sealed with the seal of G-d on their foreheads.  This video may shock you the image of the flying formation passes by you in a blink of an eye so I picked it out to highlight the spirits behind America’s destruction,  now who is running things at the TOP again? Birds of a feather flock together. The fake news reports sum up what is just around the corner.                   Jesus is mans only hope of ever entering into HIS FATHERS Kingdom of heaven getting mans attention to his mortality is tricky everyone thinks they have time to do as they please. It is in fact the motto of the devil do as you will and ignore the will of G-d. Jesuits of the Catholic faith teach… Read moreGive Thanks-We will lift up the SON of G-D and HE will draw all men unto HIM!

One difficult task!

One of the hardest things I find as a Christian is convincing the lost that they are.  Most people think they are good and thus deserving of heaven.  That is not the way heaven works; good people don’t get into heaven repentant Christ professing sinners do. We are here because G-d’s SON was not worshiped by many doubting angels who began the war. Repentance for man means to turn away from the wicked who’s sufferings will never end. Religious people are also tough because they went through the church they did what they felt was required of them. Their parents trained them up in the way they should go. The question is, are they having a relationship or is HE the last friend they call? Is HE just their savior and not their LORD?  I have noticed a great number of professed Pentecostals not loving the lost as Christ, along… Read moreOne difficult task!

The RED Horse of Revelation

Revelation 6:4  And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. The four horseman of the apocalypse is framed by two white horses the last horse Jesus is riding on and not in.  HE is supposed to be in the heart of HIS saints, and those who love HIM, the body of Christ is to behave as Christ except for those tares who pretend to love HIM and think they know HIM. The Red Horse cannot take peace from the earth unless there is peace. Many pastors including mine talk about a false peace if you’re a minion or the devil we can see why they would like this idea so much.  Having to honor Jesus or lift HIM up… Read moreThe RED Horse of Revelation

Saving the Best for Last

It is the moment at the end of a good movie or story the best is revealed a good chick flick is what the world really needs,  a tear jerker for all. As Christians, we know G-d our Father has saved the best for last.  In fact, we are told that we will enter his gates with thanksgiving, praise, and rejoicing.  G-d always gets the glory indeed HE is the great communicator informing us in HIS word that HE saw the end from the beginning. When HE brought Eve to Adam to make introductions she was the last of his physical creations and the best without her there is no us and no SON that could reveal the meaning of the scriptures and enlighten us to the story. G-d the Father and the Angels are thrilled at the romance of men and women and the birth of children brings them… Read moreSaving the Best for Last

The Sidekick and the Psychic

In a two superhero team, the sidekick is always the lesser of the two heroes and plays an invaluable role. He aids in the superhero’s ability to explain how he got out of the predicament the enemy put him into, the sidekick even aids in the destruction of the enemy. In Batman, it is Robin who though seemed very Catholic in the late 60’s television series, he was not.  In the clip below we learn not everything you call holy really is the same goes for the term sacred, they are just words and placed in the mouth of fools they can do great damage. With Satan, his sidekicks are priests and psychics who claim they are spiritual but never see their own future.  Why would anyone go to such people is beyond me when you can see so clearly that the SON of G-d is the only mediator between man… Read moreThe Sidekick and the Psychic

Charity does not enable others to behave rudely G-d hears you clanging when you do!

Charity comes from the Greek word agape. ἀγάπη agapē; from G25; love, goodwill: – beloved (1), love (1), love (112), love feasts (1), love’s (1). Jealousy of another’s gift or relationship to G-d is not love it is the very lack of it. Good parents do not give treats to the unruly undisciplined children but rather to those who do well. In the case of what is the will of G-d, it is the truly gifted children that will have the windows of heaven opened on them pouring out HIS blessings, they cannot contain. With this comes teaching and reaching the heart,  love is a great motivator it is charity,  with its roots in giving of love and meeting the needs of others. If the wicked children stole the wealth that belongs to the well behaved then G-d must have a way to get it back to the ones more deserving, … Read moreCharity does not enable others to behave rudely G-d hears you clanging when you do!

The Power Behind Solomon’s Ring

Both the angels and the underworld studied Solomon carefully and served him. The building of the temple of Solomon is significant in revealing G-d to the world. One who desired to be like the most high Satan will reign from it for only seven years (the years of famine) and it must be built by G-d’s structured priesthood the Israelites. It is written in the old testament that King Solomon was the wisest man to have lived.  He gave us the book of Proverbs where he writes to us that we should love wisdom as much we would love a woman. What man has not fallen in love with a woman,  in the natural order of things? Proverbs 3:13-21  Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.  (14)  For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than… Read moreThe Power Behind Solomon’s Ring

The Forbidden Book – People Killed and Tortured for Reading it I Insist You Do!

This DVD and the Book should be in every professing Christians home and be read frequently morning, noon and night. No one kills you or hates you for reading any another. What’s that all about? History reveals the inquisition and the devils hate for Germany for having begun the reformation and the printing of Bibles to the average person the priesthood of Rome forbade such treachory as allowing common man to read it! If we forget the past we are destined to repeat it. Repentance requires changed hearts and minds. Learn how the printing of the 1611 King James Bible came to be, and how the King James version slowly replaced the Geneva Bible, which was popular among the early American Colonists. If you own another translation this one will help you see what the enemy hid in them. More people died and were saved because of this translation and… Read moreThe Forbidden Book – People Killed and Tortured for Reading it I Insist You Do!

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses is FIVE short of a Benjamin

The reformation would not have had happened had Rome allowed G-d’s Christians to continue without interference from the state. What is it about Governments and Christianity and the need for them to control us? If the root of the tree is bad the whole tree is bad. We destroy the evil by exposing and attacking the root. If it were not for Luther coming forth when he did where would many of us protestants be today? Why did G-d have Luther stop at 95 errors found in the church of Rome when clearly many others existed as well? One blind spot Luther had was he picked up on Rome’s antisemitism. G-d never stopped loving the Jewish people he knew how important they were to the whole story. Isaiah 54:6-9  For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou… Read moreMartin Luther’s 95 Theses is FIVE short of a Benjamin

G-d’s GREAT Wisdom

It is the desire of G-d that none should perish,  those who have passed on prior to the knowledge of the truth or the rejection of what truth they heard concerning the crucifixion of the Son of G-d have only themselves to blame or maybe it wasn’t explained as well as it could have been. Who does G-d hold accountable for not sounding the alarm at the approaching enemy? Is it not the watchman at the gate? Whose hands is the blood of another accounted to if we are to tell others and we don’t? How can they come if a there is no one to preach? For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those that are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18). Millions of eyes have seen the images with ooh’s and aahhhs.  What they don’t know is that these images are pointing to the Bible the word of… Read moreG-d’s GREAT Wisdom