Strong Delusion Number 6

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 (1)  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, We await the Rapture,  Harpazo, not staying for his poured out wrath which would be HIS enemy having total control and showing the creation the kind of God he can be. This image is called going up to HIS chambers as we gather around the holy one. (2)  That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Amazing this crop image can work for both Second Kings and Second Thessalonians 2:21-12 almost like there was some sort of intelligent life at work???  I placed it in my last post-G-d said it would work just as well here. There are three sets of seven for… Read moreStrong Delusion Number 6

Tell them we are under a dome before we go home???

So, why did the church accept the Copernicus model? No one was excited about lifting up the Son so are loved ones will get left behind and a strong delusion is happening for them. I told you in my last post I would seek the LORD on the flat earth matter and HE informed me HE has already revealed it to us the video is posted below and if we want to verify what HE has done compared to the hoaxsters in the crop images you can find those who did the investigations of the following crop images. The conclusion I keep coming to is this is the end, my friends. This one fits our present model I see no indicator of a dome. The third ring has nothing riding on it maybe it isn’t a ball? I neglected to tell everyone when I first posted this,  I call it,  “Where… Read moreTell them we are under a dome before we go home???

Flat or Round I’m Heaven Bound

Has G-d given us something better than the effigy of the lion of the tribe of Judah found being hidden in Egypt? Has HE provided us with a greater view of the intelligent design showing evidence of accountability?  That everyone of us will stand before the great throne of G-d? I do love Jesus, don’t you? On that day HE will say, Father, this one is mine you gave him/her to me. At the end of this post, I propose three solutions each fairly cheap the last the easiest and if it is true the catch is going to be HUGE! Keep in mind brothers and sisters the goal is to get as many to the cross as we can before we leave! 1 Thessalonians 5:21  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (NOTE THE NUMBERS 5 and 21) Psalms 21:11  For they intended evil against thee: they imagined… Read moreFlat or Round I’m Heaven Bound

What do they have planned?

Jesus warned us of a time on planet earth that would become the worst the world has ever seen.  Matthew 24:3-51 (3)  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? (4)  And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. (5)  For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. (6)  And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. (7)  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. (8)  All these are… Read moreWhat do they have planned?

Obedience is better than sacrifice. PAY HER BACK DOUBLE!

It is the joy of the believer to serve G-d and love HIM because HE first loved us. In this relationship, HE asks us to love HIS laws and commandments.  HIS commandments are for the salvation of the lost through genuine reconciliation.  One must be “Born Again” as Jesus commanded in John 3:3 in these last days extremely important if we are to leave behind planet earth for the world the wicked wanted. There are very few Athiest’s found in foxholes when death is imminent and facing them.  Calling for mommy or daddy cannot help if they too are without hope. There is, however, one who holds HIS arms open wide to receive them if they call upon HIS name. Romans 10:13  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I do believe the book of Roman’s was written especially to the Romans??? We are commanded by… Read moreObedience is better than sacrifice. PAY HER BACK DOUBLE!

Revelation Chapter FIVE

For those of you who have been faithful in understanding the word of G-d and following what HE has been revealing to me,  thank you very much I hope you are being blessed.  If we love G-d, we must also love Justice and trust HIM.  On pages menu,  I have “G-d proves the Bible” ( click here) the Bible we know is HIS word spoken by HIM through HIS prophets and agents in love with HIM. As you may have noticed I took triune numbers for each day of the week adding them across gave us the same down and multiplying them by that count pointed me off to a passage that all three triune numbers point too.  If you were diligent and did it for the number nine, you would have discovered Revelation Chapter FIVE.   I didn’t want to give it all away right away,  its part of the fun. Who loves… Read moreRevelation Chapter FIVE

Ezekiel Chapter One – The Vision

It was 1982 when I asked my first Pastor who had been recently “Born Again” but had been pastoring a Baptist church in Salem NH for years without the in filling of G-d’s Spirit. I say this so you know it can be done. Can they admit the Son of G-d’s honor is priceless and even worth the world?  I asked him what he believed Ezekiel was seeing in Chapter one?  He told me, ” a UFO.”  I said,  “Really?”  He said, ” No,  but that’s what you were looking for.”   I did not say anything back but I should have. I was a new spirit filled Christian and he was older than I and a man I respected. I’m a seeker of truth and when I find it a hold it like a lifeline to the divine.  All truth points to G-d and HE tells us HE rejoices in the truth I… Read moreEzekiel Chapter One – The Vision

I won, I won, I won!

What’s worse than a pouting loser? A gloating winner. I’m not the kind of individual you want to play a game with if you’re the loser. The featured image is the sacred numbers of G-d being mocked as the enemy mocks all things of G-d. He mocked the symbol below when he made the Romans build crosses one ended up saving us all. In 1978 in the month of May,  I was eighteen years old, and that year the drinking age was lowered to accommodate our age group.  The argument was if we were old enough to fight like men in a war,  we were old enough to drink.   That was also a time many had died in car accidents as a result of drunk driving forcing again the drinking age up to twenty-one for highway safety. Truth be known as I am today,  I wish we had neither drinking or… Read moreI won, I won, I won!

The Empty Tomb for an Empty Heart

Jesus entered the upper room with the door locked appearing to HIS disciples, the stone was rolled away so that HIS followers could see for themselves HE had risen. Plus we needed the Roman guards to look silly with their false stories. Passing through walls is not a problem with a new body. Jesus did not need to have the stone rolled away that was for our benefit.  Please note Jesus and the angel of the Lord are separate individuals. There are times in scripture we can associate the Angel of the Lord as the Lord or it could be just an Angel of the Lord. Matthew 28:1-10 (1)  In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. (2)  And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the… Read moreThe Empty Tomb for an Empty Heart

I Have a Host of Witnesses (former living Saints) Existing Angels, and This Video

God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 8:24 or for those who like balance, and truth Mathew, Mark, Luke, and Lazarus 8:24 the disciple whom Jesus loved.  Polycarp had it wrong! The Book of Revelation has John making sure everyone knows its him I John heard, I John saw,  in the fourth gospel he’s being humble??? Find out the truth and it is the only gospel that fingers Judas as a thief, could it be Lazarus was spirit walking? That’s a pretty heavy charge to make on a fellow Jew in that day, you need proof and whoever wrote this was the only one who knew, besides of course G-d but Jesus is not the one making the accusation of John 12:6. Rev_1:9  I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and… Read moreI Have a Host of Witnesses (former living Saints) Existing Angels, and This Video

It was the same Palm Sunday crowd.

The same people who shouted Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest also shouted crucify HIM. A message rarely heard, but one man in a crowd of people can stir up controversy, they wanted to free Jesus Barabas rather than Jesus of Nazareth after all, Barabas was the fighter who stood up to the Roman’s you can see G-d’s hand in this ensuring the sacrifice is offered. The things we fail to recognize or see the overthrowing of Rome which has always been the seat of authority that was not G-d’s.  The Jewish people were seeking a king to overthrow Rome and establish G-d’s kingdom on earth.  Something HE is trying to do in the last days but the same kind of crowd protects the wrong Jesus again. Many seem to defend the Christ who continually needs to be offered up on an altar, who provide other intercessors rather than trusting in HIS work… Read moreIt was the same Palm Sunday crowd.

My Stepbrother the Atheist

If there is anyone who holds true to the Christmas spirit it is my stepbrother the Athiest, he always had the nicest real tree decorated with all the trimmings, and the tip of the tree had an angel sitting on top. I enjoyed having Christmas at his home; I do love my stepbrother. As children, we grew up with a tinfoil Alcoa all aluminum tree that came out shortly after Thanksgiving, and we packed it away in its individual sleeves and into the box right after new years. When I was in the first grade, he was in the fourth, and when kids began picking on me, he came over and defended me those are moments you never forget the ones where you feel loved. Maybe that it is why G-d has given him such a good life,  despite his unbelief.  I will bless those who bless you and curse those who… Read moreMy Stepbrother the Atheist

It’s Going to Go Global

I began to notice it when I was younger watching such shows as Captain Kangaroo, Boomtown with Rex Trailer, then came Romper Room,  they knew about it.  Then came a show that demanded we all knew about it Sesame Street. They brought it worldwide the number 5 came before the number 6; it was on calendars, found on pages in a book, remarkable concept.  Could it mean 555 must come before 666? Whoever created the universe says it’s so. My faith is on the most high G-d Jesus Christ Son of G-d born of the Virgin Mary,  who are you trusting in someone who can’t even count or that believes a woman’s wardrobe should only consist of the color blue? Many are very unhappy 555 comes before 666, these people may lack what it offers. One day five of creation G-d created all the creatures that were not man.  The Honey Bee… Read moreIt’s Going to Go Global

Can’t Keep Silent about “Silence”

It would have been acceptable to me if they ended the movie “Silence” with the fact four hundred years later the second of the first two atomic bombs designed by America were dropped in that very spot, on people who denied G-d’s Son and believed a man Hirohito was a divinity a direct descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. From wiki: Hirohito was not put on trial, but he was forced to explicitly reject the quasi-official claim that the Emperor of Japan was an arahitogami, i.e., an incarnate divinity. This was motivated by the fact that, according to the Japanese constitution of 1889, the Emperor had a divine power over his country, which was derived from the Shinto belief that the Japanese Imperial Family was the offspring of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Hirohito was however persistent in the idea that the Emperor of Japan should be considered a descendant of the gods. In… Read moreCan’t Keep Silent about “Silence”