The mind of G-d

The Lord has revealed to us in these last moments that the western side of the cross is where Jesus head was laid outlined thousands of years earlier as depicted  in the wilderness tabernacle. The west is the most technologically advanced of all the world. We have unfortunately more understanding of technology than we do of theology. However,  with the help of one we can teach and reach the other. Imagine houses of worship as community servers passing information to those who are in need each center houses a T1 internet  access and servers that are owned and operated by them.  People are going to want information and want it fast about this man the Christians have been talking about for thousands of years the one that comes before Jesus returns. The man of peace, on those servers they find the following a man dedicated to shining the light on… Read moreThe mind of G-d

Our children are in danger.

This one is hard for me to do, however, we must keep reminding ourselves there is only one way to G-d, and that it is imperative that everyone hears the gospel having the unhindered opportunity to give their lives to Christ. Losing a child is a pain, I know all too well.  Whether it is in a divorce or them following the ways of Cain, it is a horrible sensation.  The permanency of a loved one being taken from us before their time is an event that has been happening from the beginning. All the way back too when the angels insisted, they needed to see the Son in order to continue worshiping him; G-d lost 1/3 of His family. They lost faith a necessary element that keeps it all together. I have tried to open the eyes of the blind to lift the veil to G-d’s overall plan only… Read moreOur children are in danger.

When does it become confirmation?

When a person receives a call from G-d when does it stop being a delusion for others and start to become a confirmation? Once confirmed that the individual is called of G-d it is usually customary to gather the elders anoint the man with oil pray a blessing of protection over him and assist in the call by letting others know of it as well.   My pastor whom I love may not discern truth as well as he claims.  I sense that it has a lot more to do with  the harlot than anything else. She seduces many like him because of her splendor and beauty, I assure you it is all outward,  inside, she is only thinking of her own needs.  When will we stop judging by size and appearance and see the very heart of the matter? Christ went to the heart of the problem. He did not… Read moreWhen does it become confirmation?

The creation of Evil

Why would a loving G-d make such a horrid creature as Lucifer knowing the end from the beginning? Could it be that in order to have a perfect society one must lead and be sure the others follow? We really don’t have to blow ourselves up to figure this out. The truth is G-d did not make him horrid the congregation did. He gave to him the same free will that he gave to each of us.  What one does with their free will is on them.  All the enemy does is reveal what is inherent in the heart of man already.  No one forces another to rebel against G-d or to make the wrong choice when clearly there are two in front of them. That in order to have a society that desires to exist in peace and love we must really desire it and aim for that goal. … Read moreThe creation of Evil