Somebody built their house on sinking sand…

The very bottom of it is about to fall out. The enemy has a habit of building his structures on sinking sand. We  know he is not building on solid rock, but he would like us to think so.  The real problem comes into play when he uses G-d’s people to be the interior decorators and find excuses for him to exist and belong. Evil does not need to exist in order to highlight what is good, good exists very well without evil. We sand bag his castle and fire the nerf darts he gives us against him all the while laughing as he steals our relationship with G-d by making us offend G-d at every chance he gets. I wouldn’t mind Santa so much if he was towing in the new year with six reindeer’s with names made up by Disney rather than eight using Angelic names. Having his… Read moreSomebody built their house on sinking sand…

Know your enemy…But know G-d better “balance.”

2 Chronicles 36:16  But they mocked the messengers of G-d, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy. I am a  Christian born in America; my loyalty is to G-d first then to my country. I do not believe that the Pope is G-d’s emissary or ever has been. If I had to choose a leader of the Church, I would align myself with a humble queen one who does not interfere with the affairs of G-d. Who is the head of the Church of the Angels that all this is to show us how G-d desires to be honored. He has chosen the Protestant way… A house cannot stand if it be divided only a simpleton could not see what Rome has done or what the devil did through them to America and the… Read moreKnow your enemy…But know G-d better “balance.”

Satan vs Man

The enemies goal is to keep people away from the word of G-d to keep them from finding what G-d reveals in scripture about him and how to destroy him. Christians have a way of placing a spin on the truth because we like to see ourselves as loving and kind and many of us are.  However, we project goodness on many things that, in reality, under the strict scrutiny of light are not good at all but are evil in their design. The following structure is designed by G-d. Satan shows it to us in the upside-down  format placing the wicked on G-d’s right and the sheep to his left.  You can see whom is fighting for the northern-most  positions. Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of G-d: I will sit also upon… Read moreSatan vs Man

Finding G-d in the Universe

First of all, He embodies the cosmos for there is no place one can go that He is not.  From the depths of sheol, hades / hell to the furthest galaxy G-d is everywhere Psalms 139:1-10.  He is spirit without restriction in form or shape with the heavens as His throne and the earth as his footstool Isaiah 66:1. Thanks to His Son Jesus and His obedience He has a vessel in which to present himself to those of us seeking Him. Jesus was worshiped by the angels before man was even created Isaiah 14:14.   If they had seen Father, they had seen Jesus the Father and Son are the same person. It was the rebellious angels who insisted on seeing him; it was rebellious angels who denied G-d even had a son. We are entering the domain of the angels they are not invading our territory.  We are however… Read moreFinding G-d in the Universe

Merry Christmas – Satan shall rise up against himself…

When his church the harlot of revelation sees the truth! Revelation 18:5-7 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and G-d hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. We are asked to pay her back double for the blood of the saints she spilled. Paying her back double would be more merciful than what her and her followers have waiting for them in the tribulation or should they die anytime soon. Revelation 6:10 You are either for the American way of life as outlined by our founders or her running America. … Read moreMerry Christmas – Satan shall rise up against himself…

Show the shewbread every day of the year.

The tabernacle in the wilderness had a gold table across from the golden lamp stand. On the table were twelve loaves of bread mixed with frankincense. The light was always shining on the bread. Bread made from fine flour, which is necessary for life it symbolized the LORD. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which translates into House of Bread. Jesus referred to himself as the bread of life that came down from heaven.  At his birth gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh were given to him. From Wiki… Within the Torah, the shewbread is mentioned exclusively by the Priestly Code and Holiness Code,before G-d; each loaf/cake was to contain two Omers of flour (Leviticus 24:5-6). The Biblical regulations specify that cups of frankincense were to be placed upon the rows of cakes, and the Septuagint, but not the masoretic text, states that salt was mixed with the frankincense; the frankincense,… Read moreShow the shewbread every day of the year.

The wilderness tabernacle and its secrets part2

A short video segment is cued that shows why Catholics need to repent or be left behind; this is not up for debate, and I had no hand in making it. I only testify to its truth; I support its claims. G-d uses his creature to accomplish the work He needs to be done without letting him on that he is doing it. The enemy is defiant to do the will of G-d, as is so many of his followers. The enemy is out to blind the world of their need of the Son, and the importance of obedience to the holy writ.  He prides himself in mocking G-d while doing it through us whenever he can. He mocked G-d’s wilderness tabernacle by building a cross, turning a holy presentation into a place of suffering and pain. He fell for the trap as G-d knew he would. Looking down at… Read moreThe wilderness tabernacle and its secrets part2

The wilderness tabernacle and its secrets part1

Exodus 25:8  And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. 25 + 8 = 33 the age Christ completes his work. He is represented by the ark’s mercy seat a seat vacant in heaven awaiting Christ to sit at the right hand of his father.  Coincidentally??? Psalm 33:1-22 In G-d’s word, there are no coincidences and a lot of confirmation he is on his way. Isaiah 19:19  In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD. Isaiah 19:1-25 reveals a promise of Egypt’s salvation along with Assyria found in Isaiah 19:22-25. The exodus out of Egypt took place close to 1446 BC, and it was not until they were out of Egypt that G-d began constructing his priesthood by 1445 BC or 1444 it was in… Read moreThe wilderness tabernacle and its secrets part1

Invisible made visible.

Hollywood has nothing on G-d when it comes to frightening. The unseen world around us becomes more visible as advancements in our technology increases. By bringing that which was invisible into the visible our understanding of it increases. It happened for the angels who insisted on seeing the Most High G-d.  He needed to become visible,  faith in worshiping the Son in heaven was just not enough. G-d explained to me the image in relationship to what NASA was seeing with their new high-tech cameras. The kingdom of G-d is a well-ordered functioning body that is purged of all infection. In order to be part of that kingdom sin cannot enter it must be purged from us it is the cancer that destroys a society.    The angels act like white corpuscles destroying sin and have come to do just that Jesus promised signs in the heavens and on the earth… Read moreInvisible made visible.

Reaching China for Jesus the Dragon will help.

After watching the video below you will see it will not be as hard as some may think.  The way they write reveals the creation story, and they are aware of three who bear witness. Keep in mind it is the devil that tells you they can’t be reached in time.  These people love dragons so how hard could it be? I ordered the last two DVDs from Amazon. I’m sure they will restock the shelves at some point in time. If you are a Prime user of Amazon, you can watch it free or rent it.  It is well worth your time to be blessed for $1.99. Who Are The Chinese? Once we get the dragons church to acknowledge their position in G-d’s plan we can begin reaching more among this people population.  Right now the dragon has China surrounded as depicted in this crop image below. Why would he… Read moreReaching China for Jesus the Dragon will help.


The following video is a PSA encouraging fatherhood. G-d is our Father, who is encouraging it also in the idea that  hundreds of millions should be running out of the theaters into the streets directly into the arms of His Son Jesus. Oh the joys of watching them come to Jesus in time for resurrection. The Church has warned the world of the antichrist let’s see if they were paying attention? Keep in mind when you own the bat,  the ball,  the glove,  and the field you are playing on it is only right to allow the opposing team to gather their team together. Now that they have had some time to reveal to the world how they play it is our turn at bat. We need to gather our teammates together and those who wish to jump over to our side before resurrection are more than welcome too. We… Read moreG-dzilla!

Roads to no where…No love, no joy, no peace, no happiness.

The image below I am calling the maze of lies. It is man-made and not done by the lamps that point to scripture.  The tells are quite obvious it is not balanced choppy in several spots. However,  what the devil meant for evil,  we can make into good.  He is always trying to copy-cat and confuse the truth. Confusion came in the first kingdom after the flood of Noah, the kingdom of Babel it just so happens those are my initials, and G-d has given me these images to help remove some of the confusion. This is the last kingdom before the King of kings comes in on His white horse. This may have been made by a group of teens thinking they would like to see their work getting noticed or by the shadow government led by the men who claim to know G-d and do not,   misery loves… Read moreRoads to no where…No love, no joy, no peace, no happiness.

Divine wisdom educates free will.

The image is called…” Hitting it out of the park!” When we were children, we used to have a community closet at school where we hung our outer garments and took our place at a desk.  At the end of the day the bell rang, we took back our coverings and went home. We cannot do anything to show those whom have gone on before us the reality of the creature or his existence.  They chose their eternal path. It has been in the last four hundred years the world was given the opportunity to see the truth in Christ. Unfortunately, some wanted to bury that truth who claimed they were of Christ and at the end of the age we clearly see they are not. G-d is spirit and those who come to him must come to him in spirit and in truth. To deny that G-d has exposed… Read moreDivine wisdom educates free will.

Grammar or Grandma and Grampy?

Once upon a time only the most educated of men were allowed to read the Bible while the ignorant, blind and dumb were told what to do by those who were educated.  I may not be educated to their liking or the liking of many.  However,  G-d chooses the foolish to confound those who think themselves wise and those who think they are wise to have become fools. One thing is certain I am not as blind as they, my wisdom may only be 7/8 in par with Solomon’s. Education does not make one wise, especially when you spend 100,000.00 dollars to get a piece a paper and lose your eternal soul believing in theories and fairy tales. If one had to know Latin in order to build and make computers, we would still be using systems the size of washing machines and paying tens of thousands of dollars for… Read moreGrammar or Grandma and Grampy?

It comes in threes or building a better mousetrap.

People say the damnedest things, one of them is when someone dies that it comes in threes. We are facing the next WWIII could this just be a coincidence along with the uprising of 666? Is it not the will of G-d that he be known to all? Does G-d not insist in his triune existence as one G-d revealed in three person’s Father,  Son and Holy Spirit?  Is not twelve divided by three equal to four, which are the number of sides found on a pyramid? The star of David can create three equal sized pyramids each with four sides and this is no coincidence. Do not  the first four commandments pertain to each of the G-dhead? Those whom break them are unwise and do not deserve to be followed honored or even respected. Those who teach others to break the commandments or follow those whom do will be… Read moreIt comes in threes or building a better mousetrap.