Finding G-d in the Universe

First of all, He embodies the cosmos for there is no place one can go that He is not.  From the depths of sheol, hades / hell to the furthest galaxy G-d is everywhere Psalms 139:1-10.  He is spirit without restriction in form or shape with the heavens as His throne and the earth as his footstool Isaiah 66:1. Thanks to His Son Jesus and His obedience He has a vessel in which to present himself to those of us seeking Him. Jesus was worshiped by the angels before man was even created Isaiah 14:14.   If they had seen Father, they had seen Jesus the Father and Son are the same person. It was the rebellious angels who insisted on seeing him; it was rebellious angels who denied G-d even had a son.

Our galaxy is a giant ship traveling through space we are approaching home. Outside is the wicked and evil that will never enter heaven. The fallen angels were given forms that suit them Book of Enoch The watchers.
Our galaxy is a giant ship traveling through space we are approaching home. Outside is the wicked and evil that will never enter heaven. If they did it would no longer be heaven, heaven is the perfect sanctuary.  The fallen angels were given forms that suit them Book of Enoch The watchers.

We are entering the domain of the angels they are not invading our territory.  We are however moving closer to theirs.  I am just a spokesman an Avatar if you will.  I was the first man among them in spirit. One in which the enemy offered no respect towards. Jesus gave me the rest of my essence when I found what I did in Egypt the truth. Daniel 8:12, Daniel 8:23. Like an awesome game of hide and seek with an awesome Father who loves me,  the game is concluding.

Sin is a virus unwelcome in the Kingdom of Jesus to them; you are a threat, who has not surrendered to G-d’s will.  They fear many seek to hurt the Son again.  Oddly enough they appear round like corpuscles that fight infection within our own bodies.  The infection they came to fight here  is sin. Who knew the vast majority of them were round except for someone whom dwelt among them?

From Hans in Chile:    Strange apearance here in the Chilean mountains. Dozens of small  balls of light have apeared and have been revealed by use of flashlight.  They range in size from golf balls to basketballs. The spheres are  not visible with the naked eye as long the dog follows them as if he  could see them, snapping them in the air or on the ground without  visible effect. The spheres appear inside and outside the house for two days - July 29-30,  2002), we continue to take photographs.
From Hans in Chile: Strange appearance here in the Chilean mountains. Dozens of small
balls of light have appeared and have been revealed by use of flashlight. They range in size from golf balls to basketballs. The spheres are not visible with the naked eye as long the dog follows them as if he could see them, snapping them in the air or on the ground without visible effect. The spheres appear inside and outside the house for two days – July 29-30, 2002), we continue to take photographs.










The crop circles are them casting the evil one in the shape of a pyramid into the bottomless pit on the left. This one points to Psalm 56:1-2 still want to be Catholic?

John Kerry,  Nancy Pelosi, Bill O’ Reilly do you even think you know what is really going on?

Can you assure us you are not demon infested so close to the weapons of Mass Destruction? Should any word come out of your mouth be trusted? Can your church be trusted when she has the most prominent positions in America?  How did that happen in a Protestant America? G-d desires to be worshiped in Spirit, and in Truth looks like the Protestant way is His way. G-d  trapped Catholics here in America to expose his enemy and set the vast majority of souls free before the resurrection, because that’s my Jesus.

The Anglican church which means Church of the angels is being held for G-d’s judge and leader of his true body in order to prepare the world for resurrection.  Daniel 8:12, Daniel 8:23 A Protestant King chosen by G-d before the resurrection will speak volumes to the world.  Lets hope he makes it in time for election 2016 or we will lose the greatest harvest the world has ever  seen.  20+15 is 35 /3.5 or 555 while 2016 is 36 3.6 or 666.

Not fearful of your creator yet? Someday you will be and with it will come respect.
Not fearful of your creator yet? Someday you will be and with it will come respect.

The image below should only have 66 total circles in it. However,  wicked people have come along and added more.   Some of these circles are plants that have been crushed by trampling on them.  It is exactly what has happened to G-d’s original words and book wicked men have added books and changed words. Satan had to leave one exact original because in it is his peace plan to get his temple built in Israel.

The Bible is made up of 66 books but four of them are special because they reveal G-d's heart and will the time he came to earth.  Found in Matthew, Mark which show equal sizes and were both eyewitnesses of the center the largest the gospel of John the one that shines the brightest especially chapter 3 and the tiniest the book of Luke the Dan Rather of the Middle East around 58-63 AD.
The Bible is made up of 66 books but four of them are special because they reveal G-d’s heart and will. It was the time he came to earth. Found in Matthew and Mark which show equal sizes they were both eyewitnesses. In the center the largest the gospel of John the one that shines the brightest especially chapter 3.   John 3:3,  John 3:16-17. The tiniest is the book of Luke the Dan Rather of the Middle East around 58-63 AD. On the third ring is where you would expect to see a planetary body that would be earth. Well the message is… Earth is passing away.

The image appears as though Luke got his information from Mark and the author of Johns gospel. They are placed here in the right order. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John where you can find G-d. The heart has four chambers the Bible has a heart of four gospels the Ark of the covenant had four pole rings that were made to carry it.

The ark was the heart of the tabernacle known to us as the mercy seat. G-d offers the world mercy with time to repent before the dragon is given full reign,  his people are in position in America. Protestants are asked to intercept,  expose and set free the idolators bringing repentance that even Islam would take notice of.

What America’s future holds for Protestants. In reality Haman has built his own gallows because resurrection of G-d’s Protestants will take place.

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