Verily Verily Enforcing The Message.

In John 3:3 Jesus makes it clear how one is to get into heaven or can even see it.  Verily, verily can be translated into Truly,  truly or Surely, surely. This duplication is God’s confirmation that this needs to happen in order for the miracle to take place. Duplication in scripture is not a coincidence it’s confirmation making sure that we understand the message. History repeats itself because the two who are battling it out over us never change. Who will not enter into heaven. Psa 14:1  To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Psa 14:2  The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. Psa 14:3  They are all… Read moreVerily Verily Enforcing The Message.

The Resounding Gong

Encouragement is not a one-way street. We are not looking for the favor of others but the favor of God. God’s love compels us to come out of the evil at the end of the age HE insists we come out of the harlot because her sins have reached the heavens and judgment is about to fall. America was founded to be a nation where we the people made the decisions through the ballot and not with guns it is how we enjoyed peace among us. We were not under duress to do what an evil regime would want from us. There is money in peace if you know how to do it right. The separation of Church and state was placed up for us to worship God here freely without impositions by the government we opened the doors to all faiths and look who has to ruin it for… Read moreThe Resounding Gong

My Friend David Knows Who Was Really Behind 9/11

Like C.S. Lewis, whom Father took home at the age of 64 on the day they shot John F. Kennedy (Psalm 64:1-10) just to reveal we are not blind to what is going on, and we hold his church responsible. My friend went home at the age of 42, 37 days after 9/11. Psalm 37:1-40 What were they calling them after 9/11? Psalm 37:1 In England, they write it as 11/9 one scattered (Genesis 11:9) two went down meant to open our eyes 9/11 and bring us back together to see two religions we cannot place our faith in. One inspired the other to attack us because they hate America and its missionaries to the world. Satan does not want the lost knowing the truth; he is behind the evildoers who made the evildoers. David was born six months before me, and we attended the same high school. We both… Read moreMy Friend David Knows Who Was Really Behind 9/11

Humans breed dogs but breeding man is the job of the spirits.

Like soldiers on a battle reenactment stage, so are the spirits shaping man’s future, the good trying to breed the violence out of us while the bad seek violence and cause it. Darkness moves those in darkness while those who love the creator and believe in HIM move closer to the light.  More light brings less fight and more victory. The battle belongs to the LORD.   Can this spirit world be proven? Of course, it can, or what would be the point of it all? Free will remains intact upon death so if you are not the saint you are supposed to be on this side you will not be it on the other. If you die in your sins there is no hope for you at all.  The walk with God and the transformation and preparation start here. The last rights by a priest is an absurd piece… Read moreHumans breed dogs but breeding man is the job of the spirits.

Meet the Holics Worko, Choco, Alco and Pedo.

Each of them is unique in their own macabre way, but they all lack wisdom. Workaholics try to escape having to deal with more important matters of life or dealing with others. They make work the most important matter telling themselves they will take it easy when they reach their pinnacle and financial plateau.   The excuses are many, but the major one is it’s for the family so that their children can have a good education or a better life than they had. Sadly they have no idea what tomorrow may bring, and life passes them by. Their children need them now. What good is all that work to give them a great education only to have them resent you for not taking a more active role in their life? Stop smell the roses. It’s all over very soon; take them hiking, biking, camping, spend what quality of time… Read moreMeet the Holics Worko, Choco, Alco and Pedo.

You can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

Jesus is going to establish HIS sovereign reign over planet earth and rule here. HE is the LORD of all planets as HE was instrumental in their creation because HE is God. In the Middle East, HE revealed HIMSELF in physical flesh as the SON Jesus. He will reign here on old earth for one thousand years, nothing like an Adolph Hitler, though a certain Church groomed Adolph into who he was but would deny they had anything to do with it. Well, look at America today hard to deny who they really serve.  They always denied their handiwork.  Back when they were just Romans, they blamed the Jewish people for Christ’s crucifixion, and all the Jewish people did was reject HIM as their Messiah, and we can thank God that they did; we needed that precious blood. It was Rome where all the Pantheon of gods gathered to destroy… Read moreYou can’t take it with you, however you can come back to it.

What is HUMBLE?

In the book of Numbers, Moses writes that he was more humble than the other men who were upon the face of the earth during his day. Is that being humble? Numbers 12:3-15 KJV (3)  (Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.) (4)  And the LORD spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam, Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation. And they three came out. (5)  And the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam: and they both came forth. (6)  And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream. (7)  My… Read moreWhat is HUMBLE?

A compass can help you find your way home.

There are four corners of the earth NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.  Anyone, not just hikers, soldiers, troopers, girl scouts, or even boy scouts, can tell you the value of a compass on a journey; it’s there, so you do not lose your way back home. Let’s not forget the other four points Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, Southwest.  They can equally point you on your journey, depending on the direction you choose to go. Before God chose Father Abraham to be our guide to God,  a compass was placed by the enemy on the earth to help equally guide us. It’s darkness’s biggest secret, and he doesn’t want anyone to know that it was him and it has nothing to do with modesty. I say, why hide such great intelligence or accomplishments? Why not embrace the bragging rights to show others how intelligent you really are? Why hide it? Be proud;… Read moreA compass can help you find your way home.

Family Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

The ultimate goal is to win the world to Jesus, and Peter was tasked with drawing the Jews to accept HIM as their Messiah and Lord. It has been with great effort that the enemy has held them from knowing Jesus. Let us never forget we are grafted into the vine. We have what we have because they are who they are, and God does not go back on HIS promises made to Jacob (Israel). Israel is God’s Queen, and that relationship begat us a SON. It was one of the reasons HE abhorred them from thinking there was any other queen of heaven and placed them in bondage for worshiping her (Jeremiah 44:1-30) God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the stars do not change position in the heavens; we see Virgo between the lion and the scales of justice (the law) libra, a sign given to… Read moreFamily Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

The Key to Great Revival’s All Have One Thing in Common

The word of God preached by the person God desires to start it with, followed by true repentance, not just lip service. Now with that said, what if we were all on the same page away from the apostasy? Throwing the net on the proper side of the boat will, of course, always yield a greater catch, and uniting Churches, not dividing them, is the goal of the spirit of God so that Israel can see the greatness of the God that they placed their trust in and who keeps HIS promises concerning them. The God of Abraham, Isaac,  and Jacob who abhors idols and repetitive prayers or a system that denies HIS SON came in the flesh and is the SON of God, making that false church antichrist and of no consequence to Angels or us that they be destroyed,  them and their followers. Only one way into the… Read moreThe Key to Great Revival’s All Have One Thing in Common

Those Precious Stones

Jesus was born in a manger, revealing HE did not need those trappings of precious stones. HE gave up the glories of HIS KINGDOM to be among us. HE did not come to the top of the hill where the power was but at the bottom where HE could reach more. The angels should have believed the Father, to begin with, it would have saved us so much trouble. Would we have learned anything? Would we even be here if not for those stones and the vanity of one? Evil shapes their leader when the leader is meant to shape them into leaders that point to the King of kings. The true frustration is when will they learn? What the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good. Without the rebellion, what wouldn’t have happened is us men, women, and children. My class of 77 graduation motto was “In doing… Read moreThose Precious Stones

Dead Center and on Target

There is nothing more important in our world today than preparing for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His appearing to the unsaved will consume them with the brilliance of HIS coming it will be the final judgment against the sin on the earth, those who have not come under the blood of Christ as their shield will be consumed. Most individuals hate God and do not see the value of the gift HE sent to protect them and reveal HIS love for them. God’s home will never allow for sin to enter and God does not make us automatons after we die, how you respond to HIM while one is alive is the key to a happier life. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but through HIM the world might be saved John 3:17. John 12:27-35 KJV (27)  Now is… Read moreDead Center and on Target

Doesn’t Seem Fair??? The gifts HE gives or the gift HE is?

When you make an agreement, you are to stick to it, keep your vows you made to the LORD. God promised the enemy seven years, and it is up to the church to get his temple built to get him those years. Cain was a tiller of the ground, which means he worked hard; he overturned the soil,  removed the rocks, fertilized the soil, and planted the seeds. He even had to water them. This was before Noah’s flood, so hauling water would have been necessary if he had not learned to irrigate the soil from a nearby stream.  It is possibly a suggestion from his brother Abel on how to irrigate the crops, and we all know how everyone hates a know it all. As any good gardener knows, you need to weed, watch for pests that could harm the crop and ruin his hard work even support vines… Read moreDoesn’t Seem Fair??? The gifts HE gives or the gift HE is?

Daily My Enemies Swallow Me Up Psalm 56:1-2

“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Proverbs 13:22 The wealth of the sinner is also the same wealth of HIS enemies. There are very few of us who know how we are going to die. Jesus knew from the day HE was born how HE would die, and it never concerned HIM because HE, above anyone else knew that death was a lie. One simply goes from one reality to the next, and we go with our free will intact; what will, will you be doing? For us, all to enter heaven in our fallen state would make heaven the same we have here, and that can never happen for heaven to be heaven. Why do individuals think that after they die, they become a better person or the automaton HE never wanted is… Read moreDaily My Enemies Swallow Me Up Psalm 56:1-2

Insanity Repeating History

It is said that it was Albert Einstein who coined the phrase to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is insanity.  What can I say other than the man was a Genius?? Minus the fact he never understood Messiah nor accepted the one God had sent to be his Messiah,  he died a failure he died in his sins,  so he was a genius only by the world’s standards he was a loser in God’s economy, and so was Stephen Hawking who died denying God existed, he died on the same day Albert Einstien was born 3.14 do you know what the odds of that were? When the sheep do not recognize they are being led to the slaughter by the same system over and over again, what’s that, make them? When their shepherds support the system, the Bible refers to them as wolves… Read moreInsanity Repeating History