Fishers of Men

In ancient Babylon, a false god by the name of Baal was worshiped after they had forgotten Noah and the flood. Babylonian gods only survive because people feed them, demons twisting the stories of scripture, knowing man’s heart is dark and embraces their nonsense. For the elect, it makes no sense at all; it only reveals that those who succumb do not truly love God, and HE allows it because HE tests us to see if we will honor HIS standards and precepts. If humanity had been wiped out, the gods would have starved??? That was tried in Noah’s flood. The fact they keep showing up is because the spirits of the fallen angels on the earth are still here trying to build their god a new world order that continually proves itself to be a colossal failure. Nimrod was the leader in building the city of Babel and the… Read moreFishers of Men

You’ll never guess who is getting left behind in the tribulation?

I just went through this audiobook for my second time and if you have not heard it once,  you should. It’s a great way to test to see if you have the HOLY SPIRIT who God promised us would lead us into all truth. If I had to rate it, it’s FIVE stars if there was a higher rating system I would give it more. How much do you love your brother? Your neighbor or the people you work with? Did God allow HIS dragon to dress himself up and watch how many would follow and betray HIM? James 5:19-20 (19)  Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; (20)  Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins. Have you or somebody you know… Read moreYou’ll never guess who is getting left behind in the tribulation?

You Can Tell A Lot About a Person by What They Read.

For those with poor eyesight I wrote the author needs to drop the i d from his name to get his real i d. I will not be bowing to the image of the beast, it’s frightening already how many have. Covered with every precious stone and wanting to place his cohorts in power without honoring God. God’s SON’s honor is worth the world, that’s the bottom line! This was a receipt presented to my stepfather from his lawyer. It was the total cost of my adoption. It was originally to be only 100 dollars but he needed a tie and the lawyer sold him his for an additional 25.00. I checked my appointed time out of curiosity on this. 12+29+19+59 Psalm 119 originally it was to be 100 dollars then the lawyer upped to 25 more. Psalm 119:100- Psalm 119:125 I led my stepdad to Jesus Christ at the… Read moreYou Can Tell A Lot About a Person by What They Read.

Humans breed dogs but breeding man is the job of the spirits.

Like soldiers on a battle reenactment stage, so are the spirits shaping man’s future, the good trying to breed the violence out of us while the bad seek violence and cause it. Darkness moves those in darkness while those who love the creator and believe in HIM move closer to the light.  More light brings less fight and more victory. The battle belongs to the LORD.   Can this spirit world be proven? Of course, it can, or what would be the point of it all? Free will remains intact upon death so if you are not the saint you are supposed to be on this side you will not be it on the other. If you die in your sins there is no hope for you at all.  The walk with God and the transformation and preparation start here. The last rights by a priest is an absurd piece… Read moreHumans breed dogs but breeding man is the job of the spirits.

Meet the Holics Worko, Choco, Alco and Pedo.

Each of them is unique in their own macabre way, but they all lack wisdom. Workaholics try to escape having to deal with more important matters of life or dealing with others. They make work the most important matter telling themselves they will take it easy when they reach their pinnacle and financial plateau.   The excuses are many, but the major one is it’s for the family so that their children can have a good education or a better life than they had. Sadly they have no idea what tomorrow may bring, and life passes them by. Their children need them now. What good is all that work to give them a great education only to have them resent you for not taking a more active role in their life? Stop smell the roses. It’s all over very soon; take them hiking, biking, camping, spend what quality of time… Read moreMeet the Holics Worko, Choco, Alco and Pedo.

One small voice among so many.

Yet, it is that still small voice we seek to hear in the storm for comfort and guidance. 1 Timothy 3:1-5 (1)  This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. (2)  A bishop then must be blameless, ♥ the husband of one wife, vigilant, ◊ sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; (3)  ◊ Not given to wine, ♣ no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, ♣ not a brawler, not covetous; ♣ His hands are used to help and not harm. (4)  One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (5)  (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 1 Timothy 3:6-7 (6)  Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride… Read moreOne small voice among so many.

The Truth about Natural Selection

The devil is naturally seeking whom he may devour. Ever Notice the Evolutionists working so hard to deny there is a creator and that the Bible is not a book written by the spirit of God who possessed men to write it? Christians believe in God because the HOLY SPIRIT in us confirms it’s true, we can not all be wrong. I boast in Jesus. We even have evidence of HIM and HIS soon appearing. However, many unbelievers will sit through a ghost story, and many will still deny the HOLY GHOST, which we know is an unforgivable sin. Let me bottom line it for you. Without this new spiritual life, one cannot be part of the new creation coming. It’s a supernatural selection God watches and listens to who will embrace the truth (Daniel 8:12). For instance, teachers teaching that God will call forth the dead in the sea… Read moreThe Truth about Natural Selection

Family Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

The ultimate goal is to win the world to Jesus, and Peter was tasked with drawing the Jews to accept HIM as their Messiah and Lord. It has been with great effort that the enemy has held them from knowing Jesus. Let us never forget we are grafted into the vine. We have what we have because they are who they are, and God does not go back on HIS promises made to Jacob (Israel). Israel is God’s Queen, and that relationship begat us a SON. It was one of the reasons HE abhorred them from thinking there was any other queen of heaven and placed them in bondage for worshiping her (Jeremiah 44:1-30) God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the stars do not change position in the heavens; we see Virgo between the lion and the scales of justice (the law) libra, a sign given to… Read moreFamily Feud A House Divided Cannot Stand

Those who cannot speak and believe in the seven words will remain in the tribulation.

God spoke the word, and the heavens and earth were formed. That’s how important these seven are to know and understand. Denying them as being true is denying God. Proverbs 3:3-5 KJV (3)  Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: (4)  So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man. (5)  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. The apostate church will fight against them and reject the truth they bring. 1 Corinthians 12:1-20 KJV (1)  Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. (2)  Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. (3)  Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus… Read moreThose who cannot speak and believe in the seven words will remain in the tribulation.

Gibb’s Rule No. 39 There are no Coincidence’s ~Updated

There are 39 Old Testament books in the Bible and 3×9 = 27 there are 27 New Testament books giving us a total of 66 books of the Bible, and the 6th book of the New Testament is Romans. Can we agree that would be 666? Is God trying to reveal something to us using these triune numbers? The television show NCIS character Leroy Jethro Gibb’s played by Mark Harmon, has rules, and Rule 39 is just one of them. I have heard from many ministers that the creator of all things had no hand in numbering the scriptures, really? This was the nail-biter for the creator of the universe? I heard Adrian Rogers say it along with several others. I hope everyone gets to know Jesus better before going home. There is nothing impossible for God. That’s kind of the most important person everyone must know because you want… Read moreGibb’s Rule No. 39 There are no Coincidence’s ~<span class="pa-callout-right">Updated</span>

One Smart Pharaoh vs One Not So Smart

The first is a man not “born again,” not filled with the HOLY SPIRIT but spiritually sensitive enough to know God had plans for Abram and Sarai. Genesis 12:10-20 KJV (10)  And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land. (11)  And it came to pass when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai, his wife, Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon: (12)  Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive. (13)  Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee…. Read moreOne Smart Pharaoh vs One Not So Smart

Dead Center and on Target

There is nothing more important in our world today than preparing for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His appearing to the unsaved will consume them with the brilliance of HIS coming it will be the final judgment against the sin on the earth, those who have not come under the blood of Christ as their shield will be consumed. Most individuals hate God and do not see the value of the gift HE sent to protect them and reveal HIS love for them. God’s home will never allow for sin to enter and God does not make us automatons after we die, how you respond to HIM while one is alive is the key to a happier life. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but through HIM the world might be saved John 3:17. John 12:27-35 KJV (27)  Now is… Read moreDead Center and on Target

Insanity Repeating History

It is said that it was Albert Einstein who coined the phrase to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is insanity.  What can I say other than the man was a Genius?? Minus the fact he never understood Messiah nor accepted the one God had sent to be his Messiah,  he died a failure he died in his sins,  so he was a genius only by the world’s standards he was a loser in God’s economy, and so was Stephen Hawking who died denying God existed, he died on the same day Albert Einstien was born 3.14 do you know what the odds of that were? When the sheep do not recognize they are being led to the slaughter by the same system over and over again, what’s that, make them? When their shepherds support the system, the Bible refers to them as wolves… Read moreInsanity Repeating History


It is the second part of a sign on Massachusetts roadways meant to condition you, and isn’t it frightening how the government could move so fast in this area? Who is doing this? The sign on Mass roadways is in two parts the first part reads “Protect yourself and” the second part “Others wear a mask” mask and mark are just one letter away from each other. If you missed the first part, the second part went into your subconscious; why won’t Christians take the mark and real Christians know who the harlot is. God is making it very clear. Revelation 13:16-18 KJV (16)  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (17)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the… Read moreOTHERS WEAR A MASK – OTHERS TAKE THE MARK

The “Q” Collective if angels could inspire?

Men are living in a fallen world where darkness has a stronghold upon it. QAnon has the right Idea but their attention was not on the actual plan, they cry out “trust the plan” as if the Jesuit-trained President Donald Trump were the answer. This is the problem when a Church tries to play both sides. It leads to confusion a double-minded church is more unstable than a double-minded man and much more dangerous. We are called to love the LORD with all our heart mind and soul and our neighbor as ourselves, Jesus came to the people who gave us the prophets who spoke and gave us the word of God.  He came to the priesthood that HE established only to see it scattered and ended. No need for any more sacrifice. The devil scattered the Rabbinical priesthood God promised them HE would not turn his back or give… Read moreThe “Q” Collective if angels could inspire?