Should I Go or Should I Stay That is the Question?

For will it be nobler of me to show how much more spiritual   I am by staying in the corrupt Church to win souls who are trapped in this decrepit soul-destroying system that cleary God is not happy with or should I  leave and do what God wants? As a great man of God, I will build a bridge to God with truth while picketing with them against the Planned Parenthood centers and defending their right to exist because of this one great deed they perform and that is just at the lower parts of their pyramid. The CEOs and high-level executives continue to survive on the labors of the blind who are not truly caring about the condition of the world other than controlling it for their own benefit. Where they remain loyal to their program and ignore what the word of God has to say about it. The… Read moreShould I Go or Should I Stay That is the Question?

William Franklin Graham Jr. Made the Appointed Times List

Billy Graham was a wise man who spoke righteousness and sought to shine a light on the soul in darkness. He was a Baptist Evangelist. My first work as a new Christian in Christ was to act as a counselor at his Boston Crusade in  May of 1982  the same month, and the year I was saved. I was saved on the fifth of May soul winning on the thirtieth of May.    I was led to a Baptist Church and quickly joined the Evangelism Committee. I was a Baptist, and the truth is  Baptist never die, so how can there be an appointed time? Billy Graham was  90 years old when I received my tap on the shoulder from Jesus after discovering the truth in Egypt. My mistake was involving myself with an AG church, having felt  I found the vessel that will carry the mantle of  Elijah. The… Read moreWilliam Franklin Graham Jr. Made the Appointed Times List