Charles “Chuck” Wendell Colson Made the Appointed Times List

He makes it because a man like him living in these times of corruption when he announced his Christianity and faith in Jesus Christ the angels and the Church celebrated and by the works of his hands and the Prison Ministry accredited to him proves that Christ did change his life, he led many to the Lord and his crowns in heaven are many. What is more important is his conversion reminds us of who we need to bless his appointed time points again to them he is gone but never forgotten. He was a man carried away captive and came out singing the praises of God. After his release from prison, Colson founded Prison Fellowship in 1976, which today is “the nation’s largest outreach to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families.” Charles Wendell Colson Went Home April 21, 2012 (aged 80) 4+21+20+12+80=137 Psalms 137:1-9 KJV (1)  By the rivers of Babylon, there… Read moreCharles “Chuck” Wendell Colson Made the Appointed Times List

The Value of Sealing 144000.

These young men from all over the globe are men who have kept themselves pure they are grafted into the vine as well as a direct part of the vine and as they come forward at their calling in great crusades around the globe they will receive the seal of the house of God. They will be given debit cards to the finances the church has saved for them. They could be your son you would want them to be protected and provided for. First, they must be found we need to find them by calling them out. Revelation 7:1-4 KJV (1)  And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. (2)  And I saw another angel ascending from… Read moreThe Value of Sealing 144000.

A Heroes send off

I remember the first time I met this particular pastor it was in October 2009, I had caught his local cable access channel he was doing a message on Hebrews 13:2 and I had just been recently tasked with calling out and sealing the 144,000 with the seal of the Kingdom of God and send them on their way. I thought I would have been received better by men who claimed to know God. I had been to three other pastors,  one told me to get rid of the lamps,  the other called the signs in England gobly gook, the other who was first had been calling the Lord’s supper the Eucharist.  I knew that was wrong it is the reason so many Protestants died in the inquisition because of our denial they could pull Christ from heaven and place him into a wafer convincing their followers they had received… Read moreA Heroes send off

Onward Christian Soldier

There is a new video on Netflix called “The FAMILY,” and it is about the powers over the world using the LORD’s name while placing weapons around the nation of Israel. Though it is not mentioned in this film, the weapons around Israel are by their making. It is a uniting of Church and State; it is not about faith; it is about power even if the power is an illusion to use the weapons against Christ at his coming. On a more personal note, I am glad Christ is preached and that I have others who are expecting HIM it makes this easier. Proverbs 30:12 KJV (12)  There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. Why do so many desire to see Jesus return to a world without faith? The book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren never… Read moreOnward Christian Soldier

King Henry the Eighth Made the Appointed Times List

Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28 January 1547) King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547. He was the second Tudor monarch, succeeding his father Henry VII. Henry is best known for his six marriages, in particular, his efforts to have his first marriage (to Catherine of Aragon) annulled. His disagreement with the Pope on the question of such an annulment led Henry to initiate the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from papal authority. He appointed himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England and dissolved convents and monasteries, for which he was excommunicated. God blessed the monarchy for opening up the word of God and making disciples as the word commanded. Rome now had competition those who would open the word and serve God by sharing it with others and reveal that everyone can have an equal relationship with God by inspecting the… Read moreKing Henry the Eighth Made the Appointed Times List

The Devil’s Advocates

Why would anyone with a mind at all take this horrid iniquitous position in the kingdom of God? They cannot hope to be heroes in heaven. Proverbs 30:12 KJV (12)  There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. Proverbs 30:5-6 KJV (5)  Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. (6)  Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Proverbs 30 was not written by King Solomon but by Agur who tells us in 30 verse 3. Proverbs 30:3-4 KJV (3)  I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy. (4)  Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all… Read moreThe Devil’s Advocates

NASA Made the Appointed Times List.

If heaven is so terrible then why are some devils trying to get back in?  There is only one way into heaven and it must be through the SON and HE is only for man. Fallen angels/demons cannot be covered by the blood it can only be applied before you die by inviting the one who shed it into your heart. There is life in the blood. If devils are trying to hitch a ride on a saint bad news for the saint. Proverbs 30:12 KJV (12)  There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. To get into the members-only area one must be BORN AGAIN and sins cleansed by the blood of the Lamb or remain in the SuperNova’d Galaxy coming when all the elements shall melt with a fervent heat. 2 Peter 3:10 KJV (10)  But the… Read moreNASA Made the Appointed Times List.

Antonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci Made the Appointed Times List

Give credit where credit is due, this man invented the telephone you may think Alexander Graham Bell did, but you would be wrong.  There has been debate concerning who it was.  God can answer the matter I always trust in the word of God. Meucci is best known for developing a voice-communication apparatus that several sources credit as the first telephone. Alexander Graham Bell was essential to God because of yours truly his friends called him Al Bell, which you must admit sounds like Abel.  God seeks to communicate to the world today and needs an apparatus he can use.  555 comes before 666 and is not used in the communications industry to communicate with until now you can only get information by dialing 800-555-1212. Antonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci Born 13 April 1808 Florence, Italy Died 18 October 1889 (aged 81) New York, New York, U.S. This one is a… Read moreAntonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci Made the Appointed Times List

Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi Made the Appointed Times List

Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi  Born 2 August 1834 – Died 4 October 1904. He was a French sculptor who is best known for designing Liberty Enlightening the World, commonly known as the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty sits in New York Harbor and was a gift from the French People that welcomed many immigrants to this promised land free from the distress of their native lands with a promise of a better life for those who would rise to the occasion.  America the land of liberty and justice for all. Where a man could work and see the fruit of his labors provide for a family and walk with dignity.  He could worship without fear of reprisal the SON of the living God. We still can for a little while longer just enough time to fill in the rest of the details and give the world a clearer advantage in… Read moreFrédéric Auguste Bartholdi Made the Appointed Times List

Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 made the Appointed Times List.

This one is an important one because we took people who could have been easily converted to Christianity and kept them from God.  They were souls, human souls. They believed in a Great Spirit they just did not know HIS name or the significance of HIS SON they could have been converted had they had a clear understanding of scripture. I believe that for the whole world as well that they all could be saved if they only understood and I am honored by God to share the simple knowledge with the world that Jesus is on HIS way I have proof of it.  You just have to step out of the tapestry and see the bigger picture the story is one of great love what else could it have ever been? There are men with doctorates degrees in theology who still do not get what is going on. Maybe… Read moreIndian Citizenship Act of 1924 made the Appointed Times List.

September 9/11 Makes the Appointed Times List

God tells us in HIS word that HE knows the end from the beginning. What happens in this century is revealed in scripture, from the death of Stephen Hawking to those who were vocal in denouncing HIM and rejecting HIS SON the word of God is living and active in our world today. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The purpose of my call is to reveal HIS love for us all. HE wants to snatch you away from the hand of HIS enemy and show HE is worthy of all Honor,  Glory, and Praise of which HE is. The lost do not believe there is a hell or a God to be held accountable too. Christians know that it is true there is a judgment, and they have escaped it by the accepting the gift of forgiveness found only at the cross. September 9/11 was a reverse… Read moreSeptember 9/11 Makes the Appointed Times List

In My Fathers House there are Many Mansions

Not only did Jesus tell us the implications that there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth at the loss of relationship with HE and HIS Father. He also gave us an idea of what heaven would absolutely be like. The header above are estates built by man God has better and of course, it’s who HE is. These estates will become the homes of saints in the future when Jesus sets up HIS millenial reign.  For the time being, tell your friends who have not given their life to Christ and own single-family homes to put a pool in all of us returning with Jesus after the tribulation would really enjoy a pool. Jesus told us the devil came to steal,  kill and destroy, before world war one which had been started over the assassination of a Royal Monarch Archduke Franz Ferdinand on the 28 of June 1914 (aged… Read moreIn My Fathers House there are Many Mansions

September 9/11 both 911’s make the Appointed Times List

I will do 1857 first before doing 2001. The featured image appeared on the cover of the August 13, 1859 issue of Harper’s Weekly illustrating the Mountain Meadows Massacre of September 11, 1857. They disarmed the wagon train then proceeded to murder 100 to 140 men and women it is pale in comparison to the 3000 souls executed in 2001 the story has a purpose and was the God of heaven behind any of it? HE was,  HE made sure the dates matched up. But those involved had no other business with HIM,  light exposes darkness and truth uncovers lies. The similarities have a higher purpose. I see things as Father reveals them. Man’s heart is going to do what it is going to do it is influenced by outside forces the evil in man can be held back to benefit the kingdom if warranted.  Most of it is based… Read moreSeptember 9/11 both 911’s make the Appointed Times List

Let’s Have a Memorial Service and Lay to Rest the KJV of the Bible Forever.

It is not the book for the new age or the new world order. We seek to compromise and to take what has started many revivals in the past and just chuck it away. Then seek God’s blessing on our lost loved ones and on our land insist HE pours out HIS spirit in acceptance of what many have deemed better. I do not think it is the English language of the day that it was written in as the problem as much as it is the damage it has done to Satan’s kingdom in the past and still could do if men were really seeking to do God’s will. Which is first stand on the word and defend it. Keeping it away from the masses for 400 years has been a challenge.  In order for them to hold masses of deception that they know God or know God’s will… Read moreLet’s Have a Memorial Service and Lay to Rest the KJV of the Bible Forever.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild Made the Appointed Times List

We all have a day that we will stand before our Creator and give an account of our lives these men on the list are those who openly opposed God except for a few good ones like Mr. Rockefeller also some notable events found in the Psalms that correctly describe the moment. It began early in my walk with God when I purchased a book by J.R. Church recommended by a good friend and brother in Christ called “Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms.” When God came to me in 2009 and showed me the crop circles HE pointed me to the Psalms. Why not?   David who wrote most of them was a man after God’s own heart and God loved David.  Why did not King David or King Solomon have a healing ministry or a slaying in the spirit ministry?   People, in general, do not want to think they have… Read moreMayer Amschel Rothschild Made the Appointed Times List