My First Soulfest \o/

I have been living in New Hampshire since the fall of 1999 and this was the first year I visited Gunstock Resort in Gilford NH for Soulfest 2018. I attended as part of a prayer team, which was the highlight of my three-day exposure to a gathering of Christians to hear music by their favorite artists.   At the prayer tent, I was honored to lead two individuals to make a confession of faith to Christ for their first time.  One was a young man from Los Angeles California the other a young woman from Rochester NH.  The team was spot on in the area of prophetic anointing and many walked away having been touched by a word from Father. Truly the fields are ripe unto harvest and the laborers are few if there was only some way to get a certain church to open their eyes to the damage they have… Read moreMy First Soulfest \o/

Weapons of War

Now and then you need to do a post that will appeal to the masses, and it seems everyone today except for the elect love war and violence. Ecclesiastes 9:18  Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good. Fools will tell you that once we finish the war over here or over there, we will have peace it is circular reasoning in action.  Someone needs to pull the plug. Would it be evil if war did not exist anymore? 2 Corinthians 10:4  (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) We war in the spirit through prayer and sharing the word of G-d to gain victory and win the souls of men back to their creator so that they can have peace.  There is no darkness in G-d HE teaches us to protect… Read moreWeapons of War

Looking at the MOST HIGH

I have been a believer in G-d from the day I arrived on the planet earth 6:10:59 when these numbers are added together we have 75 or 15 x 5 or 555 Five days a week 555 will always come before 666. I surrendered my life to HIM on May 13, 1982, after finally reading the entire gospel of John three times. Highly recommend you do so as well,  if you haven’t as yet,  it’s older than your ancestors who should have. On May 13, 2009, I found what HE sent me to find,  the truth.  It was not ancient aliens it was fallen, angels. The greatest in the kingdom must be the servant of us all, America turned his order upside down on him. So why were Abraham’s descendants going to be slaves in a foreign land for four hundred years? Genesis 15:13 My Pastor told me pyramids would confuse… Read moreLooking at the MOST HIGH

Inner Value

We carry a treasure within earthen vessels those who possess it are hated by the god of this world, one time it was he who carried the same treasure. He found more value in his outward appearance and turned against the light he carried.  Many others went after this visible outward beauty denying the purpose for which the covering was created. It was to reveal to the angels/creation the value of the SON of G-d.  G-d is spirit and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth G-d seeks such to worship HIM. The best line found concerning those who are getting by without G-d was written in G-d’s not Dead. You have been warned. Ministers fall into the same trap they follow after the enemy here by not standing against him, they assist him to lead billions away from G-d their favorite line is “Some… Read moreInner Value

If I Had a Ministry There would be Prerequisites

They are not necessary to serve the LORD or I only to serve those who need the LOVE of Jesus manifested through them a passionate heart for the LORD is a powerful chain breaker. Movies that would be on my must-see list is anything from Sherwood Pictures.  Courageous,  War Room, Fireproof and Facing the Giants,  I do love the Kendricks. “Undaunted”  the life story of Josh McDowell. “I can only Imagine” the Story of  Bart Millard and the path that took him to write the greatest song of our time. A subscription to PureFlix would be nice but not necessary. I served twenty plus years in the Christian Film Festival’s of America when it was playing in Lawrence Mass during Easter week.   I have seen almost every Christian film ever made. Unfortunately, the ministry is no longer with us. It can be brought back with an infusion of funds from the Brides dowry… Read moreIf I Had a Ministry There would be Prerequisites

I Love a Good Mystery

Throughout the ages, the best answer when you don’t know the answer for religious people has been “its a mystery”. Mark 4:11-12  And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:  (12)  That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. The better answer is, “In time all will be revealed.” The real mystery is how come the priesthood came back in 300 AD under the disguise of being Christian???  When G-d scattered the Jewish priesthood to the four corners of the earth, the purpose was so they couldn’t continue to sacrifice. It was to confirm they were no longer needed. The enemy would have… Read moreI Love a Good Mystery

A Better Devil’s Advocate

We had the devil beat from the beginning now we just need to expose his strongholds over you and they come in the form of 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 ministers. Those who answer a matter before hearing it are outlined in the scriptures as being fools.   Given the opportunity to tear down the kingdom of darkness using G-d’s word or turning stones into bread the advocate for Satan goes for the latter. Proverbs 18:11-15 (11)  The rich man’s wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit. (12)  Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility. (13)  He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. (14)  The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear? (15)  The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of… Read moreA Better Devil’s Advocate

They learn NOTHING!

It was Christmas 2008 my family was having our usual gathering comprised of  Mormon’s, Catholic’s,  Atheists, even a few AG people in a backslidden state.  I was the only BORN AGAIN in the group which meant I was the only one with the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT in my heart not in my head.   Because of the families size, we all brought a gift and did the Yankee Swap it really is a lot of fun unless of course, you have a mean drunk in the family. This family had its share of Alcoholics even on the AG side. Growing up my Grandfather on my Stepfathers side was one and lived with us he and my stepmother would tag team me when my stepfather was not around.  When you are a child it is hard to defend yourself against such attacks,  all you can really do is cry out to G-d… Read moreThey learn NOTHING!

That’s not the Way!

When I was Eighteen G-d spoke to me saying I was going the wrong way, like a good father HE was guiding me to find the truth.  His exact words were five in all, and HE repeated himself twice, “You’re going the wrong way.” I often make light of a serious situation first off I know laughter is a good like a medicine and second, it offers truth without offending one individual,  I only hope to offend those who offend one individual. Most importantly anyone who knows G-d the Father knows we will enter into HIS courts rejoicing and how can we rejoice if we don’t defeat our enemy? So if you take offense to my work know you have offended someone of higher value. Which is not me and I am beginning to wonder is the anger I am feeling mine or the light that I carry within me?  Did… Read moreThat’s not the Way!

A Just and Fair G-d We Serve.

The image shows scales and scales represent balance here the balance is in the shape of an Eight we count only the raised sections, sections connected count as one those are the springs. Total sections eight 4/4 G-d allowed perfection to split.   Eight split at the cross one turning his back on the other gives us 33 which would not have been necessary if we did not ask G-d to reveal HIS SON to us.  To do so, HE created the material world 4/4 is Heaven and Earth because of evil existing in free will.  It is at the cross perfection splits the other way. Psalm 4:1-8, (+4) Psalm 8:1-9 Now the other side  (+4) Psalm  12:1-8,  (+4) Psalm 16:1-11 The Yin and Yang is the law of reciprocity in action we reap what we sew, and no one seems to be running to bring G-d delight in lifting HIS SON… Read moreA Just and Fair G-d We Serve.

Naming Demons

Is it important to know who you are dealing with it or can you just be filled with G-d’s HOLY SPIRIT place the word of G-d in your heart and not even give them a second thought? I do want to say this about the video that was made dealing with the Kundalini spirit concerning the Toronto awakening or revival and the one where people were behaving like animals were more for my benefit to see clearly to what FATHER is doing,  I see what my FATHER is doing so I do it too. Most people who grow up in Christian homes never experience the full-on possession many people in the world do.  One of the things G-d is going to do is seal these demons in their perspective chariots for the final battle. Romans 9:21-24 (21)  Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel… Read moreNaming Demons

Play Ball

When you own the bat,  the ball,  the glove, and the field in which to play on you can be sure you get firsties. You get to pick your team first,  the rider of the Whitehorse of Revelation has a bow yet he does not have any arrows? Psalms 127:1-5 (1)Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. (2)  It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep. (3)  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. (4)  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. (5)  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they… Read morePlay Ball

The KUNDALINI spirit?!?

To Be honest, I just heard about him last night after inviting a friend to a Todd Bentley revival, I appreciate people who watch after my soul.   You can always tell who loves you when they are concerned for your soul. That is why I know that if someone is living in a state of sin with an individual in a sexual relationship, they do not love that person completely.  It is for self-gratification keeping a person in sin keeps them separated from G-d and in the end, without Christ, it becomes eternal separation. I have had my before Christ days (B.C.)  I was a sexually active person when I didn’t know Christ.  Then I knew HIM and repented only to be led astray by my flesh again,  sexual addiction is a real thing. Abusing anything as a show of rebellion will leave you in a dark place that can be eternal if… Read moreThe KUNDALINI spirit?!?

Liars will have their part in the lake of fire.

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8 The featured image is what I have called members only notice the people standing in the SUN our world is to be destroyed by fire. Angels as seen on NASA videos on the left the people are standing in the sun as it seems to be enlarged like a lake of fire and the members only area is only for those who come under and are washed in the blood of Christ. The rest are demons not allowed in shaped as parasites servants of the harlot. G-d is not a man that HE should lie before the existence of man came angels and they were required to worship the SON,  that should… Read moreLiars will have their part in the lake of fire.

Forgiving God the Difference an “A” can make.

When we get the report card, and on it, we find the A or A plus we are excited.  Then our parents display it proudly on the fridge and beam to all their friends what great achievers we are. G-d provided society ten commandments that we were to live by if we were to have a relationship with HIM and each other. The first four dealt with HIM directly and the last six dealt with how to get along and live in peace with our fellow man and race was not a factor they were meant for all of us. If you are a supporter of those who break the first four you can be sure you are not on the “A”  list. Don’t even kid yourself. The elect cannot be deceived, and there are many deceived who do think their elect.  What confirmations does one have that G-d has chosen them to lead… Read moreForgiving God the Difference an “A” can make.