Urban Legends

With today’s image manipulation tools the featured image would not be hard to fake. With the crop images there are too many eyes on them several independent researchers are involved in the study of them.  In fact the government sent black op helicopters to even chase the lamps of light.  They are spirit and they cannot be harmed in any fashion,  they also can disarm any nuclear threat that G-d does not want to happen. When it comes to the church hearsay evidence is commonly passed around.  To a lost soul, it seems truly unbelievable,  to a saved person we so want to believe we buy into the story. The Bible to me is the whole truth and the whole plan summed up into one great book. In our innocence and purity of heart, we so want to believe in apparitions or even G-d placing crowns on teeth, does HE favor some… Read moreUrban Legends

Been down this road before.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:  (5)  And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  (6)  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:  (7)  And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Let us take a step back before man was created to a time the SON was esteemed as the most high G-d among the Angel’s and the object of Father’s affection.   The one we find out later Lucifer want’s to be like,  Lucifer is played in the story as the coat of many colors, he (the covering)  comes after Leah has her children… Read moreBeen down this road before.

Train up a child in the way they should go…

When they are old they will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6. The feature image reveals 21 sevens on the Sabbath,  we are in the 21’st century. I was not raised a Christian, however, knowing what I know now I wish I had been.  The only advantage to not being one as a child  I would not know the pangs of sin or injustice.  I would not be able to relate to a sinner to tell them there is a better way a better road, an easier path. One that is not as hard as the one they are on. It requires that Christ come to live in you. It is not like the invasion of the body snatchers; it is a relationship with your creator. With HIM in you, it makes sinning that much harder because you know the pain it brings to both of you. I have found many men… Read moreTrain up a child in the way they should go…

True saints vs false saints.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations… Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed….– President John F Kennedy True saints do not defend evil or answer a matter before hearing it out.  Where is wisdom in that?  Still many have an answer without hearing the whole story.  Imagine king Solomon just cutting the baby… Read moreTrue saints vs false saints.

A seal of approval.

Psalms 24:1  The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. The above passage tells us that you belong to G-d whether you know it or not. Unbelief in HIM does not make it less so. Hell is for those who reject life, and the author of it. Hell was created for the devil and his angels.   We can’t have troublemakers running around in heaven, or it wouldn’t be heaven at all it would be this,  what we have now. Free will does not diminish in heaven, it is essential to be part of G-d’s kingdom that we honor HIS will.  It began with the angels worshipping the SON.  HE FATHER G-D was not seeking self-adoration.  Any true Christian today cannot deny FATHER worship thanks to the SON and the understanding of HIS divine plan. Oddly??? Psalm 24 and verse 1 reveal something… Read moreA seal of approval.


Matthew 5:7  Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Evil sees mercy as a weakness, Rome like Nazi Germany never showed their enemies mercy and in the old testament, King Saul was rebuked for even doing so,  then again,  he ignored the command of G-d. Because of it, we end up with the story of Esther even today we are plagued by them, they blow up their children and terrorize Christians. The old testament was a different time before Christ was born.  G-d was revealing what practices of worship were acceptable and what was not.  The enemy built a priesthood to serve him always and G-d created a  priesthood with the purpose of ending it.  That is why Jesus cries out it is finished.  There is no more need for blood sacrifices. False gods are not to have a place in the Kingdom of G-d or in the new heavens and… Read moreMercy

The Master’s Peace (Masterpiece)

Man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of G-d. Jesus spoke these words after the first temptation (Matthew 4:4) Take a look at two more 4:4’s Genesis 4:4 and Revelation 4:4 there are treasures and secrets like these hidden throughout scripture. The beginning and the end and who is an elder? The test Satan was having Jesus do was to do something only G-d could do, the purpose of showing the devil that HE was who he claimed to be??? For some the word is not enough, however,  it always should be.  It is all one needs to rely on knowing it is G-d’s holy writ.   The information Satan was seeking was just trying to get Jesus to do what he wanted. Who Jesus was, was placed out there in the manger when Jesus was born,   the angels announced it to… Read moreThe Master’s Peace (Masterpiece)

The Greatest Forces on Earth

No, it is not the United States Marines and the President of a once free world. However, they may play a close second.  The weather is not even close however it can show us our immortality and how vulnerable we are to greater forces. The forces I am talking about are truth and love. Here I have bonded them together like our symbol for infinity which is simply an eight at rest. We know Jesus will set up a millennial rule on the earth. What is to be a thousand years of restoration, education, and redevelopment.  There will still be flesh on the earth, though I doubt it will be yours. At least I hope it isn’t and that you will have your glorified body. Factories will still exist goods will still be made but for the benefit of all not just a few. Rest is found in the number seven it comes after… Read moreThe Greatest Forces on Earth

Why are these Angel’s so Special?

2Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Both of these passages go back to the book of Enoch which reveals it was real angels that looked on the daughters of men and not the Son’s of Seth.  Enoch Chapter SIX  ties very nicely almost if well thought out into Genesis chapter SIX. Son’s of Seth’s offspring could not produce giants Seth was a normal sized male. Because it is a lie it is easily received by the darkness in others.  The devil is in the details trying to sway people it was ancient aliens who were here first and not them. … Read moreWhy are these Angel’s so Special?

The Third Most Important Person

Daniel who read the handwriting on the wall became the third most important person in Babylon the other two were Father and Son. In the Kingdom of G-d, the third most important person of the Trinity is the HOLY SPIRIT the other two are again the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is not a separate person HE is the same as the Father and the SON we have one G-d revealed to us in three persons, not three individual gods. In the cropped image below we have a picture of the workings of G-d in the three persons,  the center is the HOLY ONE with HIS many attributes.  If spun fast enough all three outer ones would appear as one as would the whole image.  G-d is not tied to time or space HE is the provider of time and space. That is how he can be with us all… Read moreThe Third Most Important Person

Good things come in three’s

One is the loneliest number; two can be as bad as one it’s the loneliest number since the number one.  That song was by “Three Dog Night.”  Three is just right, and a three-fold cord is not easily broken. The Father (is the Son) and HE the SON gave up the Ghost upon the cross.  G-d will never let the Spirit of HIS SON ever die it is eternal.  The HOLY SPIRIT guides us into all truth. To sin against the HOLY SPIRIT is a sin that cannot be forgiven.  Denying HIM access to you is a rejection of G-d,   G-d’s SON and G-d’s will. Some say bad things happen in three’s that is because it stems from a place of darkness and negativity. World WAR three is coming, but G-d has a plan where you can escape it. Daniel read the handwriting on the wall, and the King of Babylon made him the third… Read moreGood things come in three’s

The Staff of Moses Parted the Waters G-d will now use a Human Staff.

Everything is backward upside down and inside out.  Some are made for the fire some made for the eternal glories of heaven. September 9/11 is the reverse of Genesis 11:9 it was meant to bring us together and acknowledge the truth, confusion in 11:9  confusion out 9:11 two groups involved themselves in taking down the twin towers the ones who are not making heaven, Catholicism (originators of the secret CIA) and Islam who serves a god the god who has no son. Which means love and romance are not these people’s strong points. One taught the other to fight communism, but it was them who also created communism by dividing the classes.  It was an attack on greek orthodoxy and the Czar’s wealth plus there would always be something to fight.  No one can be richer than the dragons church because he is going to need all the wealth he can… Read moreThe Staff of Moses Parted the Waters G-d will now use a Human Staff.