Safe to Say

We are in a Matrix one created by G-d to educate free will, and the purpose reveals the importance of worshiping the Son of G-d. There is a Parallel universe working right along the side of us that we are just now beginning to glimpse with our modern technology. Sin is a cancer that affects a peaceful society and as the human body with its white corpuscles, it must be eliminated even if it means destroying the carrier for all eternity. Better to be washed in the blood and cured then be washed away into hades. There are no second chances once you have left this side of eternity. At the end of the age, it has become a complex puzzle to bringing in the harvest of souls for the first resurrection / rapture as to not leave too many behind in the final tribulation. Jesus said that those days will be intolerable… Read moreSafe to Say

The Many Firsts of Abel whose G-d is able.

He was the first shepherd. He offered the first sacrifice. He was the first Priest of the sacrifice. First to bring G-d out of hiding after having cast Adam Eve out of the Garden. First to receive G-d’s respect. (G-d’s Respect stretches all the way to the end of time.  Respect goes a long way with G-d.) First to be killed by a jealous family member caused by a head injury. First to be older than his Father in the Kingdom. First Elder of the twenty and four elders of Revelation 4:4 because of Genesis 4:4. First man among the angels in heaven outside his body. (He is to the Angels confirmation of the certainty of the Son to come as promised to them by the Father.  Just as the First White Horse of Revelation is the predecessor to the final White horse of revelation that Jesus comes riding on.   The first white… Read moreThe Many Firsts of Abel whose G-d is able.