The sceptre of David belongs to Christians

The sceptre holds more power than those who hold the keys. Daniel 4:25 That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will. For those who have difficulty with a King James Version that has G-d’s protection over it,  so that it can’t be corrupted at the hands of greedy men. Thee, thou, and thine (or thy) are Early Modern English second person singular pronouns. Thou is the subject form (nominative), thee is the object form, and thy/thine is the possessive form. …changing these words to a more modern English, that even I can understand. However,… Read moreThe sceptre of David belongs to Christians

Another blown opportunity…

Pope Francis could have delivered the salvation message to hundreds of millions who had been watching around the world with his visit to America. In America, we don’t persecute Christians, not as yet any way,  so he should have felt safe to do so.  There are many here who would welcome an anointed Holy Spirit filled salvation message, one that would have brought glory to G-d and a blow to Satan’s kingdom, no one sees that the devil will not step on his own neck. Thanks to the mocking priesthood and their neglect at honoring G-d’s word, persecution is coming,  they bring it to every nation. Historically, the message of truth has never been heard from their lips when they do have the chance to tell others that they need to be “Born Again.” It is NEVER mentioned EVER. It shouldn’t be hard to see why he would be more popular than… Read moreAnother blown opportunity…

Coming full circle…

There be dragons in the way…The 777 symbol represents the kingdom of G-d, and here I am using it to describe the war that took place in heaven. Where 1/3 of the angels rebelled and refused to worship the Son. The triune seven’s are surrounded by twenty and four scrolls, two scrolls for every billion angels, in hopes of explaining this better we are looking at 4 billion removed. Each elder would of course be responsible to G-d first,  then his group in the new kingdom,  two are better than one for accountability reasons. Earlier explanations I claimed one elder per billion but stand corrected by the returned Arecibo message posted below. It reveals a population of 12, 742,213,502 which if prophetic, then we are getting back more than the original, if the original was indeed 12 billion? Keep in mind I am practicing and prospering Daniel 8:12. If it is a present… Read moreComing full circle…

The world is on the road to Damascus

Acts 9:2-4 (2) And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. (3) And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: (4) And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? We know from the writings of Isaiah that Damascus will become a ruinous heap during the last days. This is the world’s final warning to turn back, that unfortunately will go unheeded. Some will become Paul’s as a result of the prophecy. Isaiah 17:1  The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap. Notice that Acts 9 is where we find Saul’s conversion, the tribe of Benjamin is… Read moreThe world is on the road to Damascus

The faithless cannot move G-d.

When it comes to the word of G-d, there are no coincidences, he tells us every word is G-d breathed that it has been tried in the fire seven times Psalms 12:6. It can be trusted as HIS word. Do not let the many translations deceive you. They may be easier to read, but they have another purpose as well. At the end I post my table of what is missing from the others that can only be found in the KJV and present an explanation as to what darkness is doing by removing it. The further back into the past one goes the nearer to the truth we come. Time has allowed the serpent to fill it with lies and deceptive conclusions, ones that become obviously ridiculous the closer Jesus approaches. In Revelation 13, we have 18 verses, 18, by the way, can be written as 666. 1318 adds… Read moreThe faithless cannot move G-d.

Who Knew They Were Round?

History reveals during intense battle’s orbs of light would appear as if aiding the righteous side. This post is to bring to light a Biblical explanation of what is happening as we draw nearer to the end. As many of you already know having been readers of these posts, balls of light were seen making the crop circles in England. There are plenty of eyewitness testimony to collaborate the facts. Plants were not harmed in the making of the real ones. Not one bruised reed shall He break. Although that is speaking of man’s spirit it also can be applied to the crop images as well.  This is after all harvest and there is work that needs to be done. I wanted to bring to your attention a precious woman by the name of Dorothy Izatt, who has captured them on film since 1974 with 30,000 feet of film. The… Read moreWho Knew They Were Round?

The true church…

Most people think of a church or temple as an independent building where people of a like mind go to gather to worship G-d according to what they believe is his perfect will. Though that is right in definition, it is not the true church. G-d informs us in the Bible he does not live in buildings built by the hands of men. The original wilderness tabernacle has the Levite’s who were called to be the temple priests at the center. The heart of the church is the keeping of the law. It is to be the heart of man as well. G-d looks into the heart and sees what is important to the man? G-d also gives everyone the desire of one’s heart Psalms 37:3-4. So to honor G-d what should be at the center of one’s heart? Acts 17:24 G-d that made the world and all things therein,… Read moreThe true church…

From glory to glory…

We are to be going from glory to glory, not the other way around. When the will of G-d is made known it is to bring him glory. He revealed to me how to have great crusades and bring honor to His Son’s name. He showed me how to have free publicity and get his name lifted high, to which I am hailed by Satan’s offspring,  an agent of his, calling me the liar. I see no exacting evidence that G-d our creator or His only Son Jesus Christ is even talking to anyone else? Are they waiting for more signs? A butterfly man lifting a natural man up from the earth 12 football stadiums in size is not grand enough for them? They need more. Pentecostals want to see healing, more than salvation, by the way, salvation bring with it healing in case you miss that. All I can… Read moreFrom glory to glory…