Judah the Lion who shall rouse Him?

Judah,  this is the conclusion of the eastern side of the tabernacle so precious is Judah that I dedicate one post to the one who made life possible and bearable for so many of us out of Judah sprung our beloved Messiah. G-d made the stars, and it is his enemy that distorts them. Hebrews 7:14 For it is evident that our Lord hath sprung out of Judah; as to which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priests. (Even Jesus who is the holy one did not seek a position among the priesthood. He actually came to render it useless. AFTER ALL HE IS THE FINAL SACRIFICE!) John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself. Genesis 29:35  And she conceived again, and bare a son. And she said, This time will I praise Jehovah. Therefore she called his name Judah. And… Read moreJudah the Lion who shall rouse Him?

The S U N Rises on the S O N in the East

On the Eastern side of the tabernacle the sun rises on the tribe of Judah the legs and feet of Jesus are laid out on the eastern side. Blessed are the feet of him who brings good news.  Jesus brought us the greatest news the headline should have read… “The ultimate expression of love has come to Earth.” “Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” ~ William Arthur Ward Beneath Jesus’s feet we find the tribe of Issachar then Zebulun we will begin at the bottom and work our way up. Zebulun has the banner of a sailing ship and the star sign of Virgo who is best known as the Virgin. If the cross was planted in the dirt as it was when Jesus hung on it, then the  base or bottom would be where we place dead bodies,  buried beneath the dirt. The… Read moreThe S U N Rises on the S O N in the East

The Sheep to his right …The right hand of Jesus

Again dealing with the wilderness tabernacle we look at three  more tribes and three more of their zodiac signs on the southern side.  It is the right side of the cross the side the sheep will stand on,  on judgment day. Last post we looked at the left side, the northern side.  We learned the tribes were of the children of the servants to Leah and Rachel.  G-d favored the North and knew his enemy would seek that ground while in the south no one is flying around on his birthday trying to steal his glory.  In the south pole, there are no toy shops or money-hungry despots mocking him, it is filled with wounded souls caused by the northern side a side of ignorance and blindness born of the warmongers and the greedy that follow the first warmonger.     G-d has revealed himself to the south.  It is… Read moreThe Sheep to his right …The right hand of Jesus

The sides of the north…The left arm of Jesus.

Matthew 25:32-33 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: (33) And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. This begins the breakdown of the wilderness tabernacle at the end of each; I will be placing a video that reveals what Rome under its leadership has done to the holy of holies. This way, there will be no doubt as to where these people are headed for all eternity. So no one, including clergy, family or pastors I have known or who have known me can ever stand before Christ and say they did not know or were unaware of G-d’s intentions to teach us all. G-d paints a perfect picture! Isaiah 14:13-14 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,… Read moreThe sides of the north…The left arm of Jesus.

Protecting the kingdom…

Leaders and teachers will be dealt with the more harshly on the day of judgment especially those who missed the point entirely,  leading others to miss it as well. Those of us whom have given our lives to the Lord know that we are of the household of faith. We are joint heirs with the G-d’s Son. Kings and Queens, Princes and princesses.  a holy priesthood and nation. Those who truly belong to him,  feel the call to serve. Did the Son of G-d need to be protected in heaven? The answer should be quite obvious when he came to us here,  he had no protection; no one came to his defense.  We were all helpless to stop what happened. However, what happened here needed to take place to get us all home. Many want to know what was Jesus doing from the time of his bar mitzvah at age… Read moreProtecting the kingdom…

Making the machine work…Turning it around for Jesus

We are here on a mission of mercy; mercy always precedes judgment. It is the responsibility of the Church to call out the 144,000! While doing this the message of the gospel will be heard and the seriousness of the matter revealed. Hell is real and many will now have a chance to escape it. Uniting the body of Christ is a must in order to set the captives free we split in order to allow the dragon to be revealed.  Now it is time to unite and expose the dragon while the money he sucked out of the world into his store house will be used for the harvest. This will give him his peace plan and get his temple built so that he can have his seven years as promised. John 3:1-17 (1) There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: (2)… Read moreMaking the machine work…Turning it around for Jesus

America has never been more Christian

When you consider we have 6 of the 12 supreme court justices Roman Catholic all we need is one more, the Vice President Joseph Biden, Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,  former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Presently John Kerry Secretary of State,  Rudolph Giuliani  former Mayor of NYC January 1994 until December 2001.  The list goes on such as Bill Richardson former Secretary of Energy under Bill Clinton can anyone say Enron? George Bush Jr. had the white house full of them, no doubt they encouraged the draining of our resources from the treasury into faithless,  faith-based groups. Why was there no outcry from the ACLU on separation of church and state? Is there anyone or anything that Rome doesn’t own? How clever to destroy our economy get us to bail out industries with our tax dollars so that everything is controlled by who now? There is a strong delusion… Read moreAmerica has never been more Christian

Love, Listen and Learn

Those whom think on G-d, G-d thinks on. Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Matthew 18:1-8 (1) At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (2) And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, (3) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.   (Lucifer started a dangerous game of king of the hill but that is all it really is. He wanted the Son’s position but none can be greater than the Son. Adam and Eve began a game of hide and seek, unfortunately G-d is able to hide better and will not allow sin in his presence. The… Read moreLove, Listen and Learn

Recap for those who got lost in the story.

There are over one hundred crop circles described here that point to Bible passages that reveal themselves, and the message G-d desires to relay. Forensics and eyewitness testimony will tell you that it was impossible for man to have made them. Many are made in less than an hour. In their creation no plants used to form them were harmed. That means they continue to thrive not one reed is broken or bruised. That is not the case with planks and strings. Flowering plants were left unharmed birds eggs un-cracked while small rodents or animals were killed because of the speed in which they were made. Men would have frightened the creatures who would have gotten away had they been made by man. G-d and I are not idiots as some may suggest, there is a reason and a purpose behind it all and it is salvation. Revealing who now… Read moreRecap for those who got lost in the story.

Hunting the Greatest Treasure

There are five reality shows I like to watch they are… Gold Rush, Prospectors, American Pickers,  Pawn Stars and Duck Dynasty.  The first three scour regions to find treasures that can provide them with an income while the fourth sell whatever  treasure they have at or below its actual value. The buyer hopes to resell it to a collector who specializes in that one object while the latter Duck Dynasty found the greatest treasure “The pearl of great price.”  Those who find this treasure find eternal life,  with a guaranteed mansion at the end of life here.  Find this pearl and all other things become of less value to be shared with others. Gold Rush has a mining team called “316 Mining”  led by a man called Todd Hoffman who in the show occasionally lifts up a prayer to G-d in search of Alaska’s gold deposits. More often than not… Read moreHunting the Greatest Treasure

The dead shall rise the evil will not.

It was April 1982 while visiting a girlfriend at Yale University, which was a week prior to giving my life to Christ May of 82.  We were walking through the streets of New Haven CT. touring the campus. I was admiring the architecture thinking how wonderful it would have been to have had the necessary funds to attend such a great school.   I had grown up in middle-class America  in what I have recently come to refer to as Me The One Massachusetts. While standing outside the cemetery I read the words “The Dead Shall Be Raised.”  It was the first time I had ever heard the phrase and I was 22 years of age. I asked the young lady I was with what did it mean and she said it was a Christian belief. Immediately upon her reply I then heard audibly a voice say while my back was… Read moreThe dead shall rise the evil will not.

What if Haman knew his end?

We have our very own Haman (The New World Order) who believes they are doing a good work. Is Haman unaware he is destroying America to make it so? What was better than America seventy years ago? I am very sure the key leaders are extremely aware while their slaves are not. They serve and do whatever their masters tell them without concern for their eternal judgment. We are to obey those in authority that G-d places over us and the church is an entity unto itself.  We are to expose the works of evil not condone them or serve them. We should follow the leadership we know G-d ordains because he does it with wisdom and healing in His wings. In order for Haman to build the NWO / his gallows… He needs a following,  it is the blind leading the blind. Only G-d knows who the Hamans of… Read moreWhat if Haman knew his end?

Here they come… Don’t be sleeping when He comes.

I would like to apologize for posting a video that was too detailed oriented. We are not even to speak of the depravity that evil summons. I placed out of several you tube videos one that contained vulgarity for which I apologize, I since placed one up shorter and more tamer, one that reveals the same without the profanity and ugly descriptions of their wicked practices. Also I do not believe the Bush family are Nazi’s this is another delusion the harlot is able to pass off because of the sins of the Grandfather in WWII. What it does is throws off the conspiracy junkies who are already in darkness from seeing the actual darkness running the show. The picture of the dead presidents in a Nazi like grave may not be accurate it is there only to give you the concept of what has been happening through the ages…. Read moreHere they come… Don’t be sleeping when He comes.

Strong delusions have come and gone make room for the new ones.

If the premise was to make the Jewish people jealous for what we have, so that they too could give their lives to Christ. Then we failed by supporting they very thing’s G-d said no to. Let’s say your friend is pulled over on a routine traffic check for a burnt-out  tail light. The officer in charge notices illegal drugs above a misdemeanor that your friend has in his car.  You could say you knew nothing about that. Until you are tried,  you are equally guilty to the possession charge.  G-d we know is a better judge by far and would know immediately you were there in the car witnessing and trying to get your friend off the drugs and into Jesus, getting him out of the false high and into the real high. Jesus tells us the Angelic realm are heavens police they are in charge of the resurrection… Read moreStrong delusions have come and gone make room for the new ones.