Saint Charles Thomson

Charles Thomson was most noted for being the secretary of the Continental Congress of early America and the translator of the Greek Bible into English he was well read in the scriptures. The early believers of that time understood something that we have forgotten.  It only takes a few generations, and soon the truth is hidden. That is how we go from Noah and the flood to the lies of the enemy claiming it was a Gilgamesh and the flood.  Now we have a generation who thinks that Nazi Germany was a fable. Today we have clear evidence the Devils are creating the same structure here in America. We gave the enemy a challenge to take America and he went for the bait falling into the trap see the post on Saint John McCain.

greatsealIt was said that when Secretary Thomson entered a room or the floor of Congress, someone would speak out here comes the truth.  It was Thomson who designed the great seal of America that we find on the back of our dollar bill.  The symbolism was done because he was a student of scripture,  he was not a Mason though they adopted his symbol for the purpose it was intended. Keep the truth alive.   He knew as I had been shown by Jesus in May of 2009 that the New World Order began before the dawn of man in what we know today as Egypt.   It is the most sophisticated of all the pyramids, and it never had its top completed or writing on the walls.  When G-d says to Abraham, know for a surety that his descendants will be in bondage 400 years it is because the enemy needs to hide something.  What will become in the last days to save the world the symbols of the battle one being the Lion of the tribe of Judah the other this unfinished pyramid that G-d would like us to complete to make a point.   Without the Son of G-d, peace is impossible and HE is no one’s pet.   I am a son of G-d first born of men among the angels,  I will be helping G-d’s original light bearer to finish the job he was originally created to do and that is bring worship back to the only begotten Son of G-d woof, woof.

Genesis 49:9
Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?

Numbers 24:9
He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee.

Judges 14:9
And he took thereof in his hands, and went on eating, and came to his father and mother, and he gave them, and they did eat: but he told not them that he had taken the honey out of the carcase of the lion.

Judges 14:14
And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle.

HOW SWEET IT IS! So you too want to be lifted out of the Earth into heaven? One good lift deserves another.

By using the Jews as a lighting rod, the enemy gives away whom the true G-d is and his reality of making men slaves. Abraham pointed to what Father wanted me to find.  It’s simple and easily revealed and easily explained. G-d is going to let his Church show the world how to organize and do peace to complete the new world order that the enemy began. Did I not ever mention who will be playing the part of Christ in the rehearsal of the marriage of the bride of Christ? The enemy gets seven years Proverbs 11:1 so how many years does Jesus get from the time HE began HIS ministry? Seven years only the enemy shortened Jesus years by half or was that G-d? Still,  3.5 plus 3.5 equals seven. Think regarding light bearers.

It is given to all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ the title of Saint. In the Protestant church,  true saints shine the light on Christ and not on any other in which to worship. We do not pray to saints; we honor them within our places of worship we do not make graven images of men whom we never had physical descriptions of.   We always pray to the Father in the name of Jesus.  When you give your life to Christ and ask him to be the center of your heart and life not only do you automatically become a child of G-d and Saint you automatically become a member of the highest priesthood referred to as the Royal Priesthood described by 1 Peter 2:9. Many delusional men have called Peter the first Pope? Which in reality is just a fancy title given to the new Caesars!

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II meet at the Vatican Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2000. The British Royals, on a four-day official visit to Italy, after seeing the Pope, are scheduled to visit the Sistine Chapel, inside the Vatican. The Queen first met the pope on a previous visit to the Vatican in 1980. (AP Photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Pool)
Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II meet at the Vatican Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2000. The British Royals, on a four-day official visit to Italy, after seeing the Pope, are scheduled to visit the Sistine Chapel, inside the Vatican. The Queen first met the pope on a previous visit to the Vatican in 1980. (AP Photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Pool)

If they rose up in rank via the priesthood to become a Bishop, Arch Bishop or whatever title they would like to give themselves,  the whole path was built on a lie. The priesthood began in Babylon and continued into Egypt each built upon lies and the doctrines of demons. Both made slaves of men and women. False gods tend to do that to you the only ones that don’t get enslaved is the priests who conjured them up but the god who called them into being gets there being.   The Priesthood was a system accepted by the Government’s to control the population.  G-d insisted that the Pharoah let the Hebrew slaves go to worship HIM the way HE desired to be worshiped.

On the left two heads of a Church both claim Christ one is the antichrists Church. Don’t let the outer garments fool you it is as clear as black and white.

All the other gods lacked what our G-d provided,  law and order.  Every healthy society should have a set of laws.  G-d gave us Ten the devil gave us thousands in order to enslave and entrap.  The priesthood G-d called forth was for all the Israelites to be as priests to HIM.

Exodus 19:6-9
(6)  And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
(7)  And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him.
(8)  And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the LORD.
(9)  And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the LORD.

He left plenty of proof HE was the one true G-d by the miracles he brought through them. See the last post,  “G-d’s Fierce Anger”  it points to these miracles done in Egypt Psalm 78:1-72 today mankind has forgotten G-d.

10 raised cuts x the eye of eight equals 80 subtract the pyramids that should have never been built the Psalm is 78.
10 raised cuts times the eye of eight equals 80.  Subtract the pyramids that should have never been built we get Psalm is 78.

Psalms 78:58  For they provoked him to anger with their high places, and moved him to jealousy with their graven images.

The circles are made by the very lamps that were with HIM in the creation; Lucifer once carried many of them before the fall; he is aware of their power, and he knows I have the plan he needs.  I want to spend time with my beloved whom I married in Christ,  The church we attended provided no counseling about a man whom she looked up to and babysat his children who was caught in sin. It was in the hiding of this sin that brought me to see what was hiding in Egypt. Covering up sin is what the enemy is best at. When I stand before G-d, I want to be sure that all is under the blood, don’t you?. True Christians have the Spirit of Christ living in them and have no need for outward objects to remind them of what HE did for them,  the sacraments are just to remember that HE was the final sacrifice. The reason he created the priesthood to offer up the sacrifice pleasing to G-d.  Once that was done,  it was no longer needed.  HE knew his enemy would come out of anger and destroy it once and for all.  Wasn’t he the one at fault to begin with when he blinded their eyes to their Messiah?  He want’s his temple built,  he will open your eyes to who I am.

The Priesthood had done its job. The enemy started it in Babylon and Jesus ended it in Israel.
The Priesthood had done its job. The enemy started it in Babylon and Jesus ended it in Israel. These people made slaves and took on powers G-d never meant them to have.


G-d had not asked me to do what his adversary did not do in heaven when he first carried the lamps.  Fair and balanced is G-d Proverbs 11:1 all Lucifer was capable of doing was to promote the word and exalt the Son by letting them know that the Son was in him. His tabrets and pipes played music he was the first enforcer of a law that should never need to be enforced in the first place,  the worship of G-d’s SON.  Odd how the tables have turned and now he mocks and ridicules us??? It is an ebb and flow reaction.  The most high G-d to the angels was the Spirit of the SON, but they insisted on seeing HIM.   I will encourage and heavily endorse Christian music.  I will endorse the gifts of the spirit and point to those who truly walk in them. Many counterfeits tares are among us to solicit funds and endorse error. I will give to those who do not run with the priesthood.   I will enforce the idea you do not want to be left behind.  I insist all Christians should own a gun to leave behind for those who don’t grasp the situation and do get left behind.   G-d can’t place stones on me, so gold will have to do,  which will be given to HIS churches.  The same thing should unfold here as it did in heaven as the wise ones agreed,  “That they best be getting back to worship the Son,  in the fear that this thing could turn on them?” While the fools mocked him and asked for magic tricks. The visualization of all the stones and his size was not enough for them.

The angels lost their friends to an eternal separation of a place that is torment for the souls of men. A place not created for man but it does keep the wicked out of heaven who reject the Son of G-d.  A society can only function when the laws of that society are honored of one’s will. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of a whole new world.

A place separate from the holy one the angels are making a deposit of someone who rejected the Son and G-d's word. Jesus said it would be a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
A place separate from the holy one the angels are making a deposit of someone who rejected the Son and G-d’s word. Jesus said it would be a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The right hand of G-d finds out all HIS enemies how many are taking advantage of sharing the word as G-d is doing it in pictographs? We are seeing how serious you are about souls being saved and reading the word of G-d.  While the enemy would prefer more moving in things he can counterfeit more easily.  The circles are after all meant for the whole world and lost sinners all can see these while only the delusional see Mary and peer pressure forces others into their lie. Ladies, why is she always wearing the same outfit?  Answer: Because men (priests) control her budget after they buy their dresses she gets stuck with the same one.   I did not care who gets the credit for starting the fire.  Seven years ago it almost began in Salem NH in a small school.  No one is running to help me with proof reading or edits so forgive my lack of education.  I slept in class because sleeping at home was difficult.   Angels are taking notes, and sure G-d will judge me for the work I do but hasn’t he already judged me and found me an acceptable vessel?

How many are honoring the one G-d want’s to honor for finding the greatest truth of our time that the devil was hiding and lied about in Egypt?  Jesus promised if HE is lifted up all men will come and not the way the Romish priests hold him up that is like adding insult to injury squared. G-d placed the peace plan smack dab in their roots, and they would never find it if it were not for G-d opening their eyes. It’s ROMANCE but because they followed Satan they never had any.  Find the twelve princes of Ishmael of the born again variety and marry them to twelve princesses of the Jewish-born again variety.  While we call out the 144,000, we are going to party! Peace will begin to arise because the television will not be able to help but talk about Jesus and what is happening the world over.

England the older will serve America the younger the two united as one body on the same page in one accord will allow the Angels to take down many to their knees.   That is why we must put together this Bolo so that the angels can swing it.

A bolo is an instrument with heavy weights at one end when used to catch prey, it is hurled at the legs of the hunted dropping them to their knees. We need to assemble the two Christian nations so that the angel in the center can swing this bolo bringing many to their knees.
A bolo is an instrument with heavy weights at one end when used to catch prey; it is hurled at the legs of the hunted dropping them to their knees. We need to assemble the two Christian nations so that the angel in the center can swing this bolo bringing many to their knees.

230 years passed the church was doing well and growing with apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Taken from Ephesians 4:11 notice there is no priesthood mentioned.

The Con-man Constantine rose up to say in this sign we conquer. Did no one notice that they had been earlier using the cross to conquer with? It is evidence enough for me to say Satan kept his word and made Jesus into a pet by bringing back the priesthood. So smug was he, that he even has their congregants trained like pets.

I do not have to do anything other than what the Bible says for me to do.   Jesus carried all the lamps.  They are the seven spirits of G-d from HIS lampstand.

Each is a characteristic of G-d. Jesus was given all seven of the lamps he was light of the world.
Each is a characteristic of G-d. Jesus was given all seven of the lamps HE was the light of the world. I only point to HIS return.

G-d set HIS priesthood up to show the world that society must have laws to maintain peace.  Any one of the Ten that HE gave broken revealed you were a law breaker and a possible threat to the society of G-d one not fit for heaven, a blood sacrifice would have to be offered by a priest to show G-d that you were aware of your error and willing to atone. Some came with stiff penalties such as adultery and killing of another.  Both said the penalty for breaking these laws was death by stoning.    The blood sacrifices always pointed to the final sacrifice of Jesus and the ending for the need of a priesthood. It was always about the law and the curse it brought.  In heaven,  it was not a law but a request to worship the reason life was created those who were given life rejected it.

Jeremiah 4:22
(22)  For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

The angels and free will needed an education the making of man meant a world of death and destruction. The SON would be sent to instruct and teach to be an example and show HIS reality and the depth of G-d’s love for all. To reject  Christ is to reject G-d’s love.

Because GOD  birth creation with HIS breath a part of himself the spirit and soul of the individual will never cease to exist.

The Holy one spoke and BANG the worlds were created. Made up of light .
The Holy one spoke and BANG the worlds were created. Made up of light they are not completely holy they need to be educated.

He said it was finished on the cross and to make it official HIS adversary the devil officially destroyed the only Priesthood G-d ever called for.   The enemy bringing it back 230 years after its destruction is the very definition of the blind leading the blind. Puritans and early Protestants knew so, but the clarification of it comes through Babel where we found confusion G-d desires to take it away.

Jesus said the tribulation would be the worst time the world would ever see and no wonder the demons will be having full reign over those who betrayed Christ in support of an existing Priesthood.  The beast system will attack converts. However, militias will be taking down those who take the implant, my philosophy if you are going to choose the devil than you can begin your eternity with him.  This will allow the safety of those who do not side with the enemy to have a fighting chance to win others. We want you to know what he looks like because we do love you.

The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come to Isaiah 14:12-15 two faced Ezekiel 28:12-15
The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come to Isaiah 14:12-15 two-faced Ezekiel 28:12-15

The goal is giving your life to Christ. The earth is the Lords and it was never Satan’s to give to anyone.   The Catholic Priesthood was a system that condemned and spread lies of other organizations as being from the devil and how convenient for them.  They lied about everything that was Protestant.  They will even be angrier with G-d when they are left behind with Allah and friends many may turn against G-d because they never really knew HIM or understood what it was all about.   The worst time begins after the church is removed.  So I plead with you be involved in the first resurrection.  We are leaving the builders of the beast with the beast they built.


Military bases decommissioned by the Clinton administration, given to FEMA who was once HUD from the Nixon administration. When the church is gone these will be used to house the ones who turn to Christ in the end. So please do it now.
Military bases decommissioned by the Clinton administration, given to FEMA who was once HUD created by the Nixon administration. When the church is gone, these will be used to house the ones who turn to Christ in the end. So please do it now, save yourself the torment. They will use your family members against you to force the mark upon you.  Those who take the mark will never enter into the kingdom of G-d. They will make Nazi’s look like summer camp volunteers. All was created by the priesthood hiding G-d’s word and letting demons roam free.
G-d dressed his creature “Serpent” and placed a rattle on him that goes Nazi, Nazi, Nazi.

When it comes to the flood, I for one choose to believe the word and the man the miracles came through.  Moses who was given laws by G-d necessary for any society to sustain itself. Why would people choose to make up such laws and continue with a G-d who continually has them attacked because of them? Because the war between G-d and Satan is very real and that is why Christians also come under his attacks.

G-d created hell which I conclude is simply anyplace that does not have G-d in it. Most of us would claim we grew up in hell. It is only because we did not invite G-d into it or follow HIM out of it.  Death comes once and then the judgment before the laws were written in stone they were written in the hearts of men.  Placing them on stone only magnified them to society. Today our society who continues to try and disavow them in doing so we decline as a civilized race. Love is no longer natural but rather selfish and self-serving it does not concern itself with its soul or the eternal soul of another.

The circles are oval in shape according to the contour of the ground so that when they are photographed from above they look like circles.  The angels know the difference do you?
The circles are oval in shape according to the contour of the ground so that when they are photographed from above they look like circles. The angels know the difference,  do you? congratulations Abraham it’s a boy! Women and children were not counted in the old testament only the men. This man has 18 circles different than all others his head and arms. Genesis 18 is where we find the promise of a child and Sodom and Gomorrah.  In the tribulation with the institution of the mark,  you will find out if your partner loves your eternal soul or are they in it just for the false sense of security and sex it provides?



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