
As a commercial truck driver in the transportation industry, I come across the gospel billboards that I would like to see more of across America. Going viral should not just be for the internet; we should be building a net to haul in the catch-all across America.
The latest billboard I just witnessed is shown below and is linked to the other samples that are out there. Click on the image to be greeted by more words of HOPE this is a ministry that should be supported by us all. Would it not be nice to be able to own an ad agency like Lamar? Now with digital boards, we could get creative.
Every time God told an individual, they were forgiven; HE told them to go and sin no more. He would not have allowed idols in the church or make the deceived believe they were not deceived but just slightly confused. He would have told it like it was HE opened both spiritual blind eyes as well as physical blindness.
Real Christians should also know Jesus came for the Jewish people first and should never stand with those who would place blocks of stumbling in their path or stand in the way of God and HIS relationship to Israel.
You have heard it said the problem with the world is the Church. No, the problem with the world is “A” Church who says it to us in our Protestant churches to cast aspersion on our witness.
We are being made in HIS image if we are truly in HIM. I, for one, do not see HIM in any of these following three systems. Most Nazis were devout Catholic People raised by priests and nuns. The Italian Mob of long ago who are now career Politicians also have Catholic roots; they are committed to the Church of who?
I would say as a student of scripture; God is missing from them only because they don’t know HIM and what kind of character HE was to be emulated. Jesus is the standard to emulate HE gave up HIS Spirit so we could walk in it, and being God incarnate, it is good for all of us to surrender to HIM.
Why is HE if it is HIM building America into a National Socialist System? Complete with camps with large communal showers? What races will it cater too, what faiths will participate in taking its last shower?
There is and always will be only one peace plan God wants. Every other one we tried results in financial disaster for the nation that conceives it. While the peace plan is ignored, the darkness grows in our land as many more gifted by the HOLY SPIRIT join the ranks of “The Church.” Clearly, for many of us who are elect know, it is not the Church at all but a mockery of Judaism out to destroy the Jewish people and America’s Protestant heritage.
She is known as the mother of harlots, and her offspring are gifted individuals with supernatural powers except for discernment and truth.
Her ministers preach righteousness, but disregard truth that sets captives free the enemy does not unlock the gates of his prisoners.
Isaiah 14:17 KJV That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
I was told to by those with forty years in the ministry and theology students to get rid of the light/lamps that made the crop circles, and God does not need money for revival as they sleep with the enemy while telling me I don’t know what lamps are?
Why would a person travel over seven hundred miles in 1986 -87 to a church I was attending a year before they arrived? Then follow me to my area of residence in 2001 then my very town in 2019? They are not moved to open the truth up to the world but rather have me join forces with the ecumenical movement and use me to anger God by serving them.
When given the time, I would not hesitate to do a spring cleaning or physical labor in the church. The key to doing the tasks and doing it properly, I was given the tools to use.
Does God want me to be somebody else? Who then?
Blessed are the flexible for they shall bend and not break is not a passage of scripture or the word of God. Compromise to what end? Brokeness brings with it beauty standing on the rock letting your light shine ensures others will not crash into the rocks but find their way to safety as the rock they are pointed to by the light breaks them.
What is that Lion over there lying in the dirt placed by a liar who is always lying?
Placing the symbols where they belong is what God wanted to break the original curse on the earth.
Jeremiah 4:28 KJV For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.
America turned his system upside down. He had to make America his. So I caught him doing it on Election 2008 when he bought the GOP seat to place Obama in the white house. The church helped him destroy America by not standing on the truth and compromising what Jesus taught.
The ecumenical movement wants me to bow to their delusion that they know God and know what God wants?
For the American people’s vote never to be worth anything as the candidates are all his now, and they don’t belong to GOD, nor do they care to do the will of God.
The wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted. If America is a Christian Nation, it was not being protected in 2012, many voted for an antichrist. Romemoney’s faith tells him he will be a god someday with his own planet. It is G-d who makes kings, not traitors.
The ecumenical movement is the brainchild of the Roman Catholic Church. This moment gained momentum during the Second Vatican Council held in Rome from 1962 to 1965. The primary purpose of the ecumenical movement is to draw individuals, groups, and churches back into the Roman Catholic religious system. The eventual goal is to enslave all people under the Roman pontiff as head of the “Universal Church.” The movement employs various techniques that range from joint declarations of faith to stadium events filled with people from various denominations. All are encouraged to be united through emotional experiences instead of Biblical truth.
The scripture clearly warns the Bible-believing Christian in 2 Corinthians chapter 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
What the enemy meant for evil, God meant for good.

God reveals the same map a little differently. Every nation darkened one more to go; it is America, the harlot has placed her puppets everyplace else. You have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to see it or Catholic/Pentacostal.
Next time you are slain in the spirit, come up fighting for truth and support any other of the seven Churches. By the way, the billboards are brought to you by the Mennonite community. They should have a claim in some of the harlot’s finances to assist in preparing the way of the LORD.
After all, the wealth of the wicked is in reserve for the righteous.
Where is this great wealth ?
The rule of thumb to be considered a member of the Church is not only to be Born Again as required by Jesus but place no stumbling block to the lost sheep of Israel. Those who do reveal themselves as those who do not love Christ with all their heart. | |
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The life and ministry of Richard M. Bennett was truly a blessing and a precious gift from our gracious, sovereign Lord. Richard was an extremely rare individual, especially in the 21st century. He possessed the character traits that are nearly impossible to find in our day all combined together in the heart and mind of one man. Those traits included an unwavering passion and determination to boldly proclaim the undiluted truth of Christ Jesus, His Gospel and His Word, and to boldly expose the cunning and damning deceptions of Christ’s disguised enemies. All this was pouring out from the palpably humble, meek, tender, compassionate and loving heart of a gentle servant who would much rather see the never-dying souls of men, women and children spared from the torments of an eternal hell than spared from temporarily hurt feelings, troubled consciences and sleepless nights. When Richard’s words offend, it is the Gospel itself flowing from his speech that cuts his hearers, not anything ad hominem or unnecessarily offensive that sadly, all too often, accompanies the bold words of bold men whose egos tarnish any good they are seeking to accomplish. | |
The phenomena of what is called speaking in tongues continues to this day. The modern-day fallacy of "tongues" promotes the falsehood that someone who "speaks in tongues" is spiritually superior to one who does not engage in this practice. The gift of tongues is just that a gift given to you by God in your time alone with HIM so that when you receive it you know it was an intimate transaction and not one learned by one without the wisdom of understanding what a gift is. I heard pastors proclaiming what a great growth the Pentacostal movement is having while there is even a decline in the Catholic church. Could it be the seminar converts who like so many others believe they are saved is this the same as receiving the cookie Jesus? Why do they remain loyal to a system that has its roots in hell and hides the truth from Israel? Richard Bennett and Greg Bentley expose this dreadful lie which continues as Pentecostal people work together with Roman Catholics. Moreover, a delegation of Pentecostals, led by televangelist Kenneth Copeland, met with Pope Francis at the Vatican in November 2015. Thus, it is truly necessary that this expanding falsehood is challenged with biblical truth. For more information on the Charismatic Ecumenical Movement please visit: https://bereanbeacon.org/ecumenism/ | |
Reports of Paranormal and supernatural activity are on the rise worldwide. For instance, tens of millions visit apparition sites hoping to encounter the Blessed Virgin-Mary; many believe that these increasing manifestations signal the advent of a new era on earth. Thousands of messages from the apparition of Mary indicate that we are entering a critical moment in world history - cataclysmic changes may soon occur. Those who follow the apparitions believe Mary has come to turn us back to God, while others insist that these events are either fabrications or the working of Satan. Time out My take on it...If God had something important to reveal to us would he not deliver the message HIMSELF or find a vessel who could read the handwriting on the wall sort of speak? Something we could all see and relate too not just a small group of individuals after all HE desires that none perish than why just send her to that small group? Like false supernatural gifts, it makes them think they are superior to the rest of us. Do you think maybe Jesus would make more appearances if HE was not summoned all the time like a genie to go into a cookie by their magical Latin words? Back to introducing the video. Does the Bible anticipate apparitions, signs and wonders in the last days? Does the Word of God reveal the origins of these phenomena? How might the apparition of Mary and other paranormal events transform the world in the third millennium? This program tests these messages with the Word of God. | ![]() On a more personal note, I asked a Christian Film Festival Evangelist to show this video at the festival and reach out to the nuns of the community. He refused and a year later he lost his ministry and his family. |
In the new covenant created by Christ, the priesthood is dissolved. Its purpose no longer needed HIS was authorized through Moses and intentionally scattered in 70 AD the Final sacrifice had come. Rome restored the priesthood and began killing those who would read the Bible without their interpretation. They brought back the sacrifice utilizing a mock altar. There are seven Churches mentioned in revelation, not one. Theirs is not even among the seven. Learn how the printing of the 1611 King James Bible came to be, and how the King James version slowly replaced the Geneva Bible, which was popular among the early American Colonists. | ![]() |
This is an excellent look at the religious system of the Catholic Church from the inside. Charles Chiniquy was born at Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada of Roman Catholic parents. He studied at the college of Nicolet in Canada, professor of belles-lettres, after graduation he entered the priesthood (at an early age) and continued therein until he was an old man. At the age of 49 he left the Roman church taking his congregation with him and became a Presbyterian minister. His encounters with the inner workings of the of the Roman church are so enlightening that it could only come from someone who was embedded in such a system for so many years. He later published a number of books and tracts on temperance and about his life and experiences in the Catholic church, of which some became very popular and were translated into several languages. In this book he covers such subjects as: · The Bible and the Priest of Rome, · Preparation for the First Communion-Initiation to Idolatry, · Intellectual Education in the Roman Catholic College · Moral and Religious Instruction in the Roman Catholic Colleges · Protestant Children in the Convents and Nunneries of Rome · Rome and Education- Why the Church of Rome hate the Common Schools of the United States, and want to destroy them? · Theology of the Church of Rome: its Anti-Christian Character · The Vow of Celibacy · The Impurities of the Theology of Rome · The Priests of Rome and the Holy Fathers. | ![]() Available in Audible from Amazon. · How I Swore to give up the Word of God to follow the Word of Men · The Roman Catholic Priesthood, or Ancient and Modern Idolatry · Nine Consequences of the Dogma of Transubstantiation. · The Old Paganism under a Christian Name · Simony · Strange and Sacrilegious Traffic in the so-called Body and Blood of Christ · Enormous Sums of Money made by the Sale of Masses · Conversions of Protestants to the Church of Rome · How the priest spy on the Protestants through the Confessional And much more. If you want an inside look at the Catholic church then this book is a must read. |
Pride, greed, and power have driven men to do the unthinkable - including selling out their nations and unsuspected citizens to the most corrupt and destructive "invisible" global leaders on Earth. But how did this happen on American soil? How did the downfall begin, and who were the predators that the "land of the free and home of the brave" fell victim to? And is all hope lost? This book captures details of the last 200 years of American history that mainstream media does not want you to know. It dissects the "legalized" system of the private central banks that has gone unchecked and delivers gut-wrenching truths about the real domestic and foreign enemies of the United States. With over 1,000 footnotes and quotes from former presidents, prime ministers, and state officials, it will equip you with the facts that the elites have covered up for centuries and empower you to stand up for the truth. | ![]() Available in Audible from Amazon. |
French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre said that "words are loaded pistols". In the hands of Russ Baker, they are hydrogen bombs. Throughout Family of Secrets, he explodes the myths and lies that powerful forces have perpetrated on the American consciousness. He digs beneath the surface in a form of journalistic archeology to reveal the hidden history of one of America's most powerful families, leaving no stone unturned. Moreover, he names all of his sources and documents the materials he relies on to unmask the hypocrisy behind the myth. From Prescott Bush's ties to Nazi Germany to Poppy Bush's secret role in the Watergate scandal that ousted Richard Nixon, which was, in fact, a "silent coup", to George W. Bush's deceit in launching the war in Iraq, Russ Baker unmasks the truth with a relentless brilliance unmatched by his peers. His publisher, Bloomsbury, is to be congratulated for its confidence in Russ Baker at a time when most publishers are hedging their bets and looking over their shoulders in acts of self-censorship. Baker's revelations about George W. Bush's private life is worth the price of the audiobook alone. Here is Bush, forcing himself on a Danish beauty, stripping to the nude, while getting another girlfriend he knocks up an abortion, and then later, as president, opposing abortion and cutting funding for organizations that provide information about birth control. How he managed to get the Danish beauty to go on record, as he does with other key players in Watergate and the Kennedy assassination, is nothing short of astonishing. He traces the true history of Poppy Bush's career, from his early ties to the CIA he pretended never existed, while declaring himself "out of the loop", to his strange phone call from Dallas to the FBI on the day of Kennedy's assassination, pointing a finger at a suspect who was in fact totally innocent, to his manipulation of Watergate to get rid of Nixon. It's a secret story forced out of the shadows by the powerful documentation of Baker in this tour de force, which will keep you listening in astonishment. | ![]() Available in Audible from Amazon. What he discloses is America's War of the Roses, as powerful families fight to the death for ultimate power. The history of Lee Harvey Osward in the world of wealth, power, and intelligence that was Dallas at the time is amazing. The anodyne courses in political science and history at American colleges and universities need very much to inject Family of Secrets into the curriculum so young Americans can be more able to understand what America is truly about. It puts the dots together in a way that makes any further naivety among Americans impossible. What he tells us simply cannot be ignored. Family of Secrets takes to what Cyril Connolly so aptly described as the "blood crossroads of literature and politics". After Family of Secrets, neither will ever be the same. |
They insist they are just a group of friends, yet they funnel millions of dollars through tax-free corporations. They claim to disdain politics, but congressmen of both parties describe them as the most influential religious organization in Washington. They say they are not Christians, but simply believers. Behind the scenes at every National Prayer Breakfast since 1953 has been the Family, an elite network dedicated to a religion of power for the powerful. Their goal is "Jesus plus nothing". Their method is backroom diplomacy. The Family is the startling story of how their faith - part free-market fundamentalism, part imperial ambition - has come to be interwoven with the affairs of nations around the world. | ![]() Available in Audible from Amazon. |
Brother Abel
Looking for true peace? Whatever you’re going through, God knows—and cares. Find real hope today.