A real Mrs. B. Eagle Exposes the Truth about her Church and Why this must all end.

We are blessed to have two men so faithful to God such as Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, men working to win the lost to Christ, those of you in the know and who have watched the movie “Fireproof” an Alex Kendrick film which stars Kirk Cameron who plays Caleb Holt whose marriage is in meltdown.  The woman playing his wife in the movie is Erin Bethea as Catherine Holt. A scene is called to be shot where reconciliation has taken place and he must kiss his stage wife,  the scene was done in silhouette and the woman he kissed was his actual wife.  A true show of Christian maturity way to go Kirk bless you, my brother! You certainly are not a Hollywood star in bondage but a free man in Christ.   I have been looking for straight arrows as I was given a bow, Ray and Kirk… Read moreA real Mrs. B. Eagle Exposes the Truth about her Church and Why this must all end.

What one should know about J.R.R. Tolkien

  Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Tolkien also made the appointed times list but not as the others, the devil and his seek to do battle hand to hand as his story reveals in his trilogy? The Christian should question why? The battle has already been won,  Jesus defeated death at the cross. They need a peace plan, they need us. Let us be like Moses at the battle with Amalak let us raise our hands in praise and watch the victory unfold. Jesus said if HE is lifted up HE would draw many and many of you know what it is HE is pointing to and why Abrahams descendants were made slaves for four hundred years. We have a great God with a great plan! All though you can find much about Tolkien on the… Read moreWhat one should know about J.R.R. Tolkien