The meme and a picture is worth how many words?

The Bible is a book no one wants to read, so it is not hard to condemn many to hell by keeping it away from them. GOD is a Spirit, and they who worship HIM must do so in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. First, God sent the prophets to tell us how things will go and end. The rider to the red horse is on the scene, and the Whitehorse still not Pentacostal enough nor prepared to bow to the image of the beast. God sent images to help save the lost, but the saved prefer a godlike power, and isn’t it so odd and at the same time equally sad those who have spiritual gifts cannot see the image of the beast? If they can, they are certainly not helping anyone to stay away from him. The meme is a great way to get a message out; although I… Read moreThe meme and a picture is worth how many words?