Forever Learning and Never Understanding Part III

The featured image is the Lord Jesus Christ on trial by the religious people of HIS day, shortly before HE is handed over to the Roman’s for execution. He is completing only three and a half years of HIS seven years after having spread the seed for the harvest. The seed is the word and the word is the truth that sets men free. This is part 3 done this way so that when it is finished they are posted in sequence. keep in mind we keep the best for last but this would be the last so enjoy. The final sacrifice had come and the people began choosing up sides the only door God was making to get man into heaven is recognizing who Jesus actually is. Finding the Right Door. The devil tries to tell us it is many doors that lead us back to God only it… Read moreForever Learning and Never Understanding Part III

Why Does Everyone Expect So Much from the Little Guy?

I am such a let down I know just like Adam or Eve, everyone else could have done better or could do better.  The very devil himself suffers the greatest disappointment in me and should I be sad? Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. At the age of 18 a month before my 19th birthday a voice spoke to me twice saying I was going the wrong way on a road in Salem NH known as Melville St. that was in 1978.  My Mormon and Catholic family had me committed the next day when I expressed my belief that it was God and that they did not know HIM,   HE told me not to trust them, I should have listened then.  Against my will, I was placed in a hospital and filled with… Read moreWhy Does Everyone Expect So Much from the Little Guy?

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend is total Judgement Against U.S. and still B.S.

Not when it is his intent to empower my enemy further by allowing God to fortify HIS judgment against them and making their enemy stronger against us who insist on helping them. Have you ever read a time in the Bible that God raised up a standard against HIS people by making the enemy stronger against them? You won’t help them to repent by standing on God’s word but support their mocking of Christ. You should be thinking about that,  when the Bible speaks of traitors in the last days it is not referring to double agents in nations but the ones in the Church which God cares more about. Obviously, Rome has never read the Bible and so they would not understand these things. At least Islam does not use the name of the SON of God Jesus in vain! 2008 the election takes place and a Muslim named… Read moreThe Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend is total Judgement Against U.S. and still B.S.

The Search For Intelligent Life (SETI) Search No Further!

What would intelligent life look like? One thing is for sure if it were truly intelligent, it would not be a violent society; it would be one that shared and promoted harmony.  If you were to do a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being the most intelligent, the 100’s are not looking for those who are 98 and below. Why go looking for trouble? In the last post, it was supposed to be Getting the Message Part 7 “The Transmission Devices”  I forgot the seven on purpose to see if your communication receiver was working odd that it was done in 7 parts wasn’t it?    Did you notice I did not mention the triple helix,  did I have too?  Who do we know that created man that comes in Three and is super intelligent? Seven is one of God’s most significant number, and the Jewish people know… Read moreThe Search For Intelligent Life (SETI) Search No Further!

Getting the Message “The Sending Devices”

The original message did not have any images it was sent as a puzzle to be decoded by charting it with prime numbers so a grid pattern could be formed and the images extrapolated. The actual signal was just a series of ones and zeros shown below. The graph shows you the same thing only the 1’s are darkened squares. I am glad this is not the way God communicates with us. Can you imagine had the returned message been zeros and ones no one would have deciphered it. The aliens on M13 or on the way there could certainly be able to figure this out??? After all, they have UFO’s right?  Which means they discovered flight after discovering the periodic table and the wheel then built factories,  had cars,  shopping malls if they never had any wars they would not need flying machines?   No rocket program because intelligent people… Read moreGetting the Message “The Sending Devices”

Getting the Message Part 6 “The Moons of Jupiter”

Jupiter has been known to astronomers since antiquity. It is named after the Roman god Jupiter who is not like my God who was a Jewish Carpenter. It is and get this the FIFTH planet from the Sun. The symbol for Jupiter is oddly shaped like the number four using a 21 to establish it. In the message, 4 moons are prominent where Jupiter is in our solar system.  Keep in mind that the first Four commandments deal specifically with God and what is required of us who will live with HIM.  That the heart has four chambers and the first four books of the New Testament reveal God’s heart shared with us HIS SON here on earth. As the symbol for Jupiter wasn’t well planned? In fact, it is all well planned because HE loves you and desires no one to perish in hell. As I shared in an… Read moreGetting the Message Part 6 “The Moons of Jupiter”

Getting the Message Part 5 “The Body” the Body is important.

Especially to win souls with.  This one is freakishly prophetic, to say the least, we know by what the word tells us that the Antichrist is going to tag the souls that are his by placing a mark on their right hand or on their forehead so that no man rich or poor free or slave may be able to buy and sell without a mark in their body. Revelation 20:4  And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. How prophetic the one Satan Sagan sent in 1974 was headless,… Read moreGetting the Message Part 5 “The Body” the Body is important.

Getting the Message Part 4 “The Double Helix”

In 1953 James D. Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix the molecules that are the foundations of life that every creature and plant on the planet contains in order to self replicate. We are going to see that God can pack a lot of information into DNA, not just your hair color or eye color. By 1974 which was only twenty-one years later man is transmitting his cave drawings into space showing what he has learned about himself. The original signal sent looked like this… It is not a random pattern it is said to have a structure that an intelligent civilization could decipher. Looking for an intelligent life apart from God is the problem all civilizations would have.  The whole purpose for creating life was for HIM to have a relationship. Don’t you like puzzles? The one above would be extremely challenging only God could figure it… Read moreGetting the Message Part 4 “The Double Helix”

Getting the Message Part 3 “The nucleotides of DNA”

In the last post, I revealed the missing element of Silica of which we are all made of. It’s Atomic Number was given by man as 14.   What no one noticed and I will now reveal Father did the whole elements section using only 14 binary (on) positions. The very element left out of the original transmission Father is gifted when it comes to getting the message across. Of course, I must boast in Christ my Father/Brother and show that 14 also points to Psalm 14:1 -7 The Original Satan Sagan sent had 16  which oddly is the Atomic Number for Sulfur that stuff that burns that you find a lot of in hell and spend Sagan’s billions of years smelling. Today Sagan cries out, begging for forgiveness having rejected the only one who could forgive him. He died in his sin as revealed in Psalm 14:1-7 15 is Phosphorus,… Read moreGetting the Message Part 3 “The nucleotides of DNA”

Getting the Message Part 2 “The Elements”

In order to make the invisible visible elements were going to be needed. The first periodic table does not appear until 1869 when the famous Russian Chemist Dmitri Mendeleev placed the Elements according to their Atomic Weight based on numbers of neutrons and protons.  Yaay, Dmitri way to go,  where were you in 2500 BC?!? From the Wicki H C N O P 1 6 7 8 15 ———- 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 X X X X X It seems they added another unnecessary line and left off a very important element. It is easy to add the element we put it into the returned message. Atomic number 14 they could put in 15 but not 14??? The race who returned the message is superior to our own.  Leaving out important pertinent information can… Read moreGetting the Message Part 2 “The Elements”

Getting the Message Part 1 Counting to Ten Without Skipping Five.

Carl Sagan Return SETI Signal

The Arecibo message is a 1974 interstellar radio message carrying basic information about humanity and Earth sent to globular star cluster M13 in the hope that extraterrestrial intelligence might receive and decipher it. The message was broadcast into space a single time via frequency modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico on 16 November 1974. The message was aimed at the current location of M13 some 25,000 light years away because M13 was a large and close collection of stars that was available in the sky at the time and place of the ceremony. ~ Wiki Yes, there is intelligent life all around us I call HIM Jesus. The message consisted of 1,679 binary digits, approximately 210 bytes, transmitted at a frequency of 2,380 MHz and modulated by shifting the frequency by 10 Hz, with a power of 450 kW. The “ones” and “zeros” were transmitted by frequency shifting… Read moreGetting the Message Part 1 Counting to Ten Without Skipping Five.

Do not harden your hearts as your fathers did in the wilderness not if you want great revivals.

In Egypt, God hardened the heart of the Pharoah because darkness had been deeply established in it. This was the top of the Pyramid, the top of the food chain the position of power and who do we know likes the top positions of power and wants the position of God? God is never giving it up because of HIS ability to be so good at it. No doubt here that Father knows best to who it should be Hebrews 3:3. Our heavenly Father is a mathematician, engineer, poet and author to just name a few and HE is writing a love story that boggles the imagination. My former Christian wife has a hundred pounds on me today.  When I got saved I asked HIM to give me what I need to bring in HIS harvest I fell in love with her.  Like Hosea, I need the attention on the… Read moreDo not harden your hearts as your fathers did in the wilderness not if you want great revivals.

The Invisible World, Visible Around Us.

Have you ever been to a seance? My hope is that when this is all through I’ll have you saying, uncle. A say aunts is when a group gathers around a circle to call upon a deceased relative aunt, uncle, mother, father, grandmother or a host of other deceased individuals who were once called loved ones. In any war that is fought when soliciting information from unwilling victims torture and terror are always used,  where does an idea like that truly come from? Not from a God of Love,  Compassion,  and Mercy. The Christians have always known that the only one to call upon when in a circle is the LORD JESUS CHRIST who is alive and HE is the only one HIS FATHER wants us to call upon the most generous loving kind and merciful God I/we know. In the old testament, we were told calling on the dead… Read moreThe Invisible World, Visible Around Us.

The Key to Revival Episode I “Understanding-Rocket Man”

Episode Four like Star Wars was the first Episode, and this is the  Last Episode appearing as the first.  I will be addressing 666 and the sixth commandment “Thou shall not kill” The Bible consists of 66 books with the sixth book of the new testament being Romans.<<<What are the odds??? We know it’s going to be revived Roman Empire and equally pedophilic equally dysfunctional with all its false gods. The killing has become much more high tech. Unfortunately, you can never change the spots on a leopard or train a shark to behave like a kitten. G-d can work with clay (willing hearts). Iron stays behind to be tempered by heat until it can bend its knee and acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord. The age of “Rocket Man”  you can stop the audio by scrolling down till you come to my first photograph of me ever taken right after… Read moreThe Key to Revival Episode I “Understanding-Rocket Man”

Key to Revival Episode II “Number Five is Alive”

The Fifth commandment we are called to honor our Mother and Father it is the one that comes with a promise of long life we are at the end of the age it would be no less than eternal life. The fifth position on the key is marked out and holds the two sections together if it was gone the key would fail all parts add to 15 which we find is a number for mercy it is 3×5 or 555 or the other half of Jesus 3.5 years that he set aside. Genesis 15:13-14 pointed to the most significant financial treasure in our known world. God had the Egyptians pay the Hebrews for their labor of hiding the symbols verse 14 that Lucifer built when he was here Jeremiah 4:28. I get a higher reward because I played the game well and saw the truth; my family is going… Read moreKey to Revival Episode II “Number Five is Alive”