New Website Up and Running GREAT NET FISHING ~ The Final Haul.

It’s true we are coming in the clouds HTTPS://GR44.NET  serves files from the Cloudflare cloud while Whitehorse-radio delivers from the Amazon cloud meaning that the whole world can find out what is going on when we start celebrating the return of Christ. I love to party and have fun! So whichever one appeals to you to share with others please feel free to do so. Jesus is coming back Absolutely! People Need the LORD! And the Truth will set them free. I do not care who is the President of the United States or Head of the Protestant Church (Anglican) as long as Jesus is lifted up. GR44 is taken from the first man who entered into heaven and was a picture to the angels of the promise of the SON that we find  in Genesis 4:4 as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end a… Read moreNew Website Up and Running GREAT NET FISHING ~ The Final Haul.

There Are Absolute Truths – Absolutely

We cannot call ourselves Christians and reject the truth that is absolutely forbidden when we know G-d absolutely rejoices in the truth. Those who would deny truth are in the other camp on the no-fly list until they learn it.  Those who reject the truth reject G-d and HIS heaven. Daniel 8:12  And a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered. Obviously, this event does not refer to Christ the Redeemer HE is the way,  the truth and the life John 14:6.     Truth Explanation as to why it is the truth. 1.) Your body is going to die. Graveyards are full of people who thought it wouldn’t happen to them and never thought about their eternal soul. They were here like you because angels in heaven rejected the worship of a SON… Read moreThere Are Absolute Truths – Absolutely

Mr. Microphone and I

There is no stalemate in this battle between good and evil,  there is a winner, and there is a loser the loser fears the winner will begin to declare his victory long before the end. Newsflash the victory was won when Jesus rose up from the grave,  that enemy was death. Death did say he wanted to be like the most high, well even Jesus started at the bottom and he is the most high.  Someone does not want to be like the most high after all. I really love G-d’s sense of humor in this though the ones who say they know Him are like the angels who began the rebellion they shaped the G-d they wanted and did not let the first covering do what he was created to do,  reveal to them the Value G-d placed on the worship of HIS SON. The well-meaning preachers of the Son in heaven turned… Read moreMr. Microphone and I

Confusion in the enemies camp using crack(ed) pots.

The Bible tells us that a man by the name of Gideon was called to put together an army that would defeat the Midianite army.  The end result was most of them killed each other because the light was hidden within clay pots SUDDENLY they were broken open in the midst of the enemy’s camp as a trumpet sounded in the distance by Gideon’s men to attack. When the Midianites awakened they thought those holding the lamps were with them. The message is clear that a small number can defeat a large army having G-d on their side and using HIS wisdom. When G-d’s final men of Justice begin to rise lamps in workplaces all over will begin to break open out of their clay pots.  You will not be standing alone and the confusion it will bring among the crackpots who don’t believe in G-d will be real humbling to them. … Read moreConfusion in the enemies camp using crack(ed) pots.

The Wisdom of Father None will be Higher

1 Timothy 2:5  For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Father directed all the attention to HIS SON at creation whom the angels were to thank for the creation and all that they saw,  the stars, the galaxies, and the planets within the galaxies. To them, HE was and is the most high and credited for the material world. Father taught them how to pray to the SON and what it was that pleased the SON letting them know that the SON lived in HIM and HE lived in the SON for without the SON life could not exist.  It was faith in which they came to honor the LORD most high the SON of G-d who became for us the SON of man. Time passed, and they often heard that one day HE would reveal himself to the congregation and that HE… Read moreThe Wisdom of Father None will be Higher

Stating the Obvious Isaiah 66:22-23

Isaiah 66:22-23 On the top four list in the number four position is to remember the Sabbath Day and keep it HOLY. The early Church did including  Jesus.  It was when the resurrected priesthood through the antichrist spirit denying Christ’s finished work took it over,  they changed the seasons and the times.  He is a spirit using many hands and fingers manipulating those in the dark to dishonor G-d and HIS will while building their one world order. In the end, we cannot deny that the will of G-d is to lift up HIS SON. I posted this from Facebook and I cannot deny the truth of it.  Below I have a few things I would like to say about it.   Starting with,  we need to choose our battles wisely. The object is always Romans 10:9. Once filled with the HOLY SPIRIT understanding a passage like this becomes easier it is in… Read moreStating the Obvious Isaiah 66:22-23

With Initials B.A.B.E.L. I Stand Confused but I’m Not.

Confusion is not of G-d though we send confusion into the enemies camp by being who we are a peculiar people. Hoping in the things we do not see but believe are, we have it better and worse than the angels who were cast out of heaven. We have a chance to get into a better home, that they will never get back into,  look around at the damage they have been doing using us to build their new world order one that does not include G-d the SON. 1 Peter 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Side note to remove the confusion some of you may have had about the last post major and minor prophets that surrounded the four gospels… Read moreWith Initials B.A.B.E.L. I Stand Confused but I’m Not.

Navigating the Universe Finding a NEW HOME.

The image is one that shows a galaxy surrounded by larger and smaller circles that represent major and minor prophets who gave us the greatest book ever written,  they surround the greatest treasure found in the four gospels  Matthew, Mark  Luke and John there are five orbits with three planets surrounding the gospel that has reached the most souls John.  The second orbit appears to have no purpose so what gives?  We noted many of the other crop images pointed to Psalms this one is no different Psalm 2:4  The whole Psalm fits the context of my call it is not who I am,  but who I carry. I attended the church today where I first publically confessed my faith in Christ and was Baptized. The same Church where I met my wife was married and dedicated my son in.  A place where a good memory was made and for me, those… Read moreNavigating the Universe Finding a NEW HOME.

Impedance and Resistance

Are two technical terms they work along side each other along with the interrupter who want’s to change the direction of the flow of current. Current without these three elements has a force output equal to its input,  imagine the impact that would make if G-d was not impeded? The feature image you see was done in 2009 right after I said in a blog post that the enemy could not be doing these crop circles.  First and foremost he would never open the word of G-d up to a lost and dying world knowing at the moment all those souls belong to him. I added besides his artistic work was not fridge worthy because he scribbles and can’t stay inside the lines. Next day this appeared which reveals a lot of mysteries.  First, he can read the blogs, so I know many carry him. I have heard him speak through ministers who impede,… Read moreImpedance and Resistance

What is the Kingdom – MERCY and JUSTICE

Matthew 5:10  Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-20  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.  (18)  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.  (19)  Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.  (20)  For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. It is not on any… Read moreWhat is the Kingdom – MERCY and JUSTICE

Operation Glass Cleaner

1 Corinthians 13:12  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. In every battle, a series of operations may take place engineered by the high-ranking officials within the military. Given names like Operation Desert Storm,  Operation Rolling Thunder, Operation Iraqi Freedom and the list goes on.   The following is from an article found at The troops are only privy to the matter the night before it is carried out and not sooner as to not let it fall into the enemies hands. In G-d’s war against sin we could safely name it,  “Operation Know Thy SON’s Value”. The lamps that made the crop circles are the same ones LUCIFER carried before the fall. Lamps are light from the throne of G-d they came with the rest of our orders, … Read moreOperation Glass Cleaner

The Interrupter

An interrupter in electrical engineering is a device used to interrupt the flow of a steady direct current for the purpose of converting a steady current into a changing one. ~ Wiki Show us signs and wonders,  but do not speak let not the word come forth??? For doing so would allow a direct flow of truth to powerful for mere mortals to handle. Several months ago I was taking advantage that one interrupter or commonly known to me as the devil’s advocate was not among us at the men’s breakfast one Saturday morning. I proceeded to take advantage and share with the group the power of TRUTH and LOVE the two strongest forces in creation.  Every revival starts with a message and a speaker anointed to deliver that message. As I was explaining to the men about Love and Truth when a dear brother whom I love began to want to steer the time in another… Read moreThe Interrupter

Getting it Right Becoming like the Most High

This is a goal we should all try to achieve FATHER likes it when we try to love like Jesus. G-d is good all the time, and HE keeps HIS word. A Church in Ossipee NH had on its marquee “It is better to be kind than to be right.” I say,  “kindness kills,  righteousness leads.” Do I want to follow kind people like Mormon’s,  Jehovah Witnesses,  Buddhists or do I want to follow the righteous? We are to love our enemies and do good to those who do us wrong we are never asked to be like them or support their errors. If they do not know Christ, they are damned to an eternal spiritual darkness this time without material tangibles to enjoy. Alcohol and drugs are made from physical elements only found here.  In the afterlife there is nothing to make them with, so addictions never cease the… Read moreGetting it Right Becoming like the Most High

Where did the numbers go?

Many of you noticed that I had a post counter displayed which revealed how many people viewed a particular post, I did not want you to think you were alone,  some posts had high ranks while others did not. I do not despise small beginnings there is a purpose to our technology and the walking dead looking into their phones.  It is to let them know Jesus is coming and that the older generation is building them a Socialist Nazi-like world a combination of Inquisition and holocaust. The angels are leaving the older ones behind who sided with the enemy to build such a horrid world. Good thing they’re for Pro-Life the killing of babies and the molesting of children would not be going on if the word of G-d was not hidden by the monsters who claim to know Christ or G-d same difference no difference. The problem with counters and census’… Read moreWhere did the numbers go?

\o/ Steering the Covenant \o/

When you gave your life to Christ, you entered into a covenant to honor and follow HIM,  to trust in HIM. I only can do what Father allows me to do finding the truth and revealing it to others. Truth is what Father rejoices in, and HE is seeking those who will worship HIM in Spirit and truth. John 4:23-24  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  (24)  God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. A covenant made between two parties is an agreement,  G-d does not break HIS side of that agreement. If you told HIM you would teach and preach HIS word then you should do so, we have been called to defend HIS honor and stand for truth… Read more\o/ Steering the Covenant \o/