He leaves the 99 to seek that one!

Friend, let me ask you a question where are you headed? Not in this life a career or family but at the end of the road.   For some that could be tomorrow. For many it is today.  Some are entering into a continued relationship with their creator or one that is non-existent because they just couldn’t be bothered to know the truth. The truth is… That is why we were here,  for that very purpose alone. To enjoy our G-d and take pleasure in HIM. For the cad and the man of a debased mind he tries out all the gods and never finds his true love or he is aware of his true love but tells HIM when I am done with the others, I will come to you.   If it were a woman or a man depending on your own DNA structure they would tell you to take a hike. … Read moreHe leaves the 99 to seek that one!

Tuesday’s with Morty

As a truck driver, I have plenty of time to listen to great Bible teachers and worship music,  recently I heard the book on Audio “Tuesday’s with Morrie”. It is a well read and sold book but it lacks a major truth,  when it is supposed to be dealing with death and that is it lacks the name that one must call upon to be saved. Morrie may have not gone into heaven if he was not listed in the LAMB’s book of life just by the fact he did not see the importance of Christ.  His life though well lived was lost if he did not call upon Christ as his savior and Lord. Einstein died an idiot if he died without Christ. We are here because the bad angels rejected the Son, we are encouraged by G-d to receive Jesus as our sin offering and invite him into… Read moreTuesday’s with Morty

We Have a New Mascot Over At ShineOnJesus.com

Let me introduce you to Rudy the Red Nosed Owl. Owls have been known to be a symbol of wisdom and there is none wiser than King Jesus, not King Solomon as some would have you believe. They just don’t know how to rightly divide the word of G-d. Pride keeps them from admitting it. We are called to Love the “Lord with all our Heart mind and Soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves.”  The way we would like to be loved. ” When it comes to love it should be the very soul we are to love.  Which means we do not wish to mock or ridicule G-d or HIS word or change it to suit our lusts and pleasures. Rudy has a theme song you probably already know the tune and we all like sing-alongs. With Christmas Coming, I just thought you would all like to know what… Read moreWe Have a New Mascot Over At ShineOnJesus.com

Iron(I-C) isn’t it?

John 9:40-41  And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also?  (41)  Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. James 4:17  Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him, it is a sin. Ironically, those who need the most help continue to do the most damage. I am not called to turn stones into bread or walk on water. Neither are any of you; you are called to shine the light on Jesus, something the first bringer of light failed to do.   I have heard through the Pentecostal grapevine some have been known to walk on water? Today there is no excuse with modern technology; get pictures! Mary has appeared in places along with ufos as well, and neither is… Read moreIron(I-C) isn’t it?

The Dead Mans Switch

It was a term given to the need for train safety if anything happened to the conductor of a subway train or locomotive it would cease to move.  Without an operator, behind the controls, the train could not run. The seven websites I’ve designed with that purpose in mind.  We have heard many try and guess the enemies moves when the church is taken from the earth. I have heard everything from ufos to the earth was cleansed of us evil Christians. The social media login is the best way to go about signing up for these websites, when you or a team leader has failed to log in over a certain amount of days a tweet or post will go out to those whom you love that did not give their lives to Christ and tell them where we are and what they must do to join us. I desire to see no one left… Read moreThe Dead Mans Switch

The Cookie Monster Cometh Bringing with HIM the Grinch!

It’s really not funny when you consider its past implications the sheer numbers of lost souls is beyond any quantitative measures. I try to bring humor to a humorless topic, it is difficult at best.  Why did G-d choose this last generation for me to make an appearance?  Not only are the numbers to replace those who chose to rebel against HIM here,   but in the world of lies, you must come to the end of the road to know the truth. Each of the Seven Sites has a login page that describes what must be accomplished to win the world to Christ. Each site gives you an idea of the task at hand. I have a brother whom I love but refuses to honor my call, it is kind of like a Cain spirit still roaming around. This is not a call you want to covet,  trust me.  For those who do covet such… Read moreThe Cookie Monster Cometh Bringing with HIM the Grinch!

The Seven Websites Not Quite Noah’s Ark However the Laughs are the Same

Why did not G-d give a man the same instincts he did the animal kingdom? They sense danger and instinctively know where to run and hide or flee from it.  Man,  embraces evil and spits in the face of almighty G-d. A G-d who has nothing but love towards them still they curse the one who loves them. You cannot have a functioning home with dysfunctioning people.   I think it is safe for me to say,  we can all relate.?  Wasn’t that part of the understanding HE wanted us to have? The book of Revelation mentions Seven Churches so we know division in the body is commonplace no matter what Church you belong too,  one of those seven messages speaks to your church. The other message that is clear in all the Church’s is that Jesus Christ is LORD and author of the Church.  He is quite aware of our differences… Read moreThe Seven Websites Not Quite Noah’s Ark However the Laughs are the Same

Two New Sites Up and Ready for Worker Bees Life is Good!

The First Site needs no worker bees this site was inspired by killer bees who swarm and kill their victims to protect their phony Queen Bee. Ruthless and she forces all her workers to eat cookies. You will have noticed we have had what is called COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER (CCD) throughout the US. Good honey bees are disappearing can you read the signs? They are being replaced by Killer bees who come up from the southern borders of America they are vicious and kill to protect their queen bee. These kind of Bad Bees are not getting any Crowns. This is their Site DONT BE A MEMBER if you know what’s good for you. Look at it anyway to have a laugh.  though there is really nothing funny about it Jesus is coming back and look what we are handing HIM in America of all places…Please call in the Marines? The next… Read moreTwo New Sites Up and Ready for Worker Bees Life is Good!

What if Jesus accomplished alone HIS SEVEN Years?

If you read the Bible and I hope you have, you will see a story that is found in Genesis 41:15 -53   if we are to end this thing here is a very good place to end it,   where it says the good years ended. If you count every time the word SEVEN is mentioned (KJV) you will have a count of 21 which is cleverly hidden 777. After the good years come the very bad years or what we refer to as the seven years of tribulation proceed. G-d loves HIS creation that includes you, the enemy called G-d a liar that the Son was not real and that you shouldn’t believe in what you could not see.  So his lie began that first, he knew the SON after all he was the Son’s covering.   He was how G-d began to reveal HIS Son to the Angel’s before the creation of… Read moreWhat if Jesus accomplished alone HIS SEVEN Years?

What Gives With The Eye?

It goes all the way back to the first appearance of Lucifer the coat of many Colors. He was created to show the angels that the worshiping of the Son had VALUE that’s why all those fancy stones covered him because of whom he represented. After he led the rebellion and was cast down here,  he began his New World Order. He insulted G-d by saying if the Son ever shows up I will make HIM my pet. Proof to the clergy the Son was not visible in heaven. It is not hard to see God’s reply. “I will take the dust of the earth and rise it up to replace thee.”   In Revelation, we learn that the Spirit of G-d has seven eyes. Rev 5:6  And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood… Read moreWhat Gives With The Eye?

Good Shepherds Care About Souls Need I say More?

At least they won’t be alone… Thank you, Father, for this beautiful Illustration that says you care about the lost! The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come to Isaiah 14:12-15 two faced  double it.  Ezekiel 28:12-15

I Want POWAH !?!

Did you ever wonder what the devil first lied about that Jesus would refer to him as a liar from the beginning and there is no truth in him? Well, it is obvious there is no truth in him because the light no longer dwells inside him he is no longer the bringer of light. Because I hear Islam speak so boldly and announce God has no Son I reasoned this must have been his lie.  That it was this thing that he may have said that he used to lead the rebellion in heaven.   I have even covered it in other posts. Knowing that the Prince of Persia and the Dragon are two separate entities depicted by what Father revealed to me in the crop fields of England. The Prince of Darkness uses Rome as his puppets to wage war against the Prince of Persia who in turn uses Islam to… Read moreI Want POWAH !?!

Only Good Children Should Get Cookies

Amos 3:1-7  Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying,  (2)  You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.  (3)  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?  (4)  Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing?  (5)  Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him? shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at all?  (6)  Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?  (7) … Read moreOnly Good Children Should Get Cookies

Bind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

How many times have you heard people pray this or show their hate towards him? It is for G-d to bind him it is for us to be aware of him. He is real and so is hell and he has taken his share of souls to hell with him. We are to love our enemies in order to win their souls. Like, Father, I desire that none should perish but free will being what it is heaven has room for everybody but not everybody can get into heaven not when they deny Jesus and truth. The image has two angels taking braided chords to bind him and throw him into the bottomless pit but before that happens G-d needs to complete HIS work in us.  Angels, by the way, can shapeshift I know those sci-fi geeks would really like to know that.  Note that each side has 21 braids we are living in… Read moreBind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

Cell Groups I wish I had thought of That!

Individual cells make up a body??? Who knew? I sat down at men’s breakfast last Saturday the man who referred to me as a dirtbag sat at my right and began to talk about his knowledge of Latin and how he was going to sit on Jesus right hand. Now was that before or after the dirtbag comment? He was confessing in not so many words to who educated him and who he really leans more towards. I think the word made it pretty clear only HIS Father knew who would sit at his right hand or on HIS left and truthfully it is the Father who sits at Jesus Right Hand while Jesus sits at His Fathers right hand. You really do not want to separate these two.  Look what happened the last time we did that at the cross. Don’t make me show you that picture of the chainsaw blade that… Read moreCell Groups I wish I had thought of That!