It was a term given to the need for train safety if anything happened to the conductor of a subway train or locomotive it would cease to move. Without an operator, behind the controls, the train could not run.
The seven websites I’ve designed with that purpose in mind. We have heard many try and guess the enemies moves when the church is taken from the earth. I have heard everything from ufos to the earth was cleansed of us evil Christians.
The social media login is the best way to go about signing up for these websites, when you or a team leader has failed to log in over a certain amount of days a tweet or post will go out to those whom you love that did not give their lives to Christ and tell them where we are and what they must do to join us.
I desire to see no one left behind but as long as I have a Pentecostal Catholic converts behind the pulpits of Protestant Churches. I’ll have to find another way to warn the world of Satan’s plans and help them find the true Christ of scripture.
G-d, as you know, must that’s a capital M_U_S_T deal with the sin problem. We cannot allow it into heaven or heaven would not be heaven. He hated sin so much he sent his Son into the world to deal with it and cleanse us from it. He poured HIS wrath out on HIS SON and those who reject HIS gift that could shield them from HIS wrath will experience it in its full force. It is a wrath eternal to those who choose sin over true righteousness and love.
To think of all the money that has been spent in digging tunnels and shelters to hide from the coming wrath of G-d and it is coming through our own hands with our own weapons we are doing it to ourselves out of rebellion and failure to LOVE. All HE asked is that we admit we are what HE say’s we are, sinners in need of HIS SON and simply fall on our knees and fear not HIS wrath any longer.
Let Christ LOVE others through you. That’s what we mean by being born again.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
I believe that when men are confronted with truth and reality they will turn from their wickedness if they do not, then the consequences are eternal.
We try to warn you but you refuse to listen this crop image is who the people at Rock concerts are cheering for. Note the waters stain it represents the flames of hell.

Being a lobster would suit some people better I can only imagine that a lobster is suited for his lifestyle G-d made man for a different environment, HE made hell for those who turned against HIS SON before the SON of man was even born. Let that sink in!
HIS SON has to HIM great Value for without the SON life could not exist, it was the only way to get people right with a HOLY G-d put free will in proper perspective.
His angels only did evil they did not know good? Those evil angels are eternally exiled from heaven. They followed the one with false promises that he could give them whatever they wanted when he was made like the most high.
Those angels who remained with G-d watch us (watchers) to understand what is good and what is evil. They are learning from us, though they do not feel pain they see it in our tears and see it in our hurts the anguish that comes from it.
The social media login is the best way to go about signing up for these websites, when you or a team leader has failed to log in over a certain amount of days a tweet or post will go out to those whom you love that did not give their lives to Christ and tell them where we are and what they must do to join us.
Blessings and Time to Prepare the Bride hopefully the worlds will catch on. i would just like a Pastor or two to get the vision.
Brother Abel