Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed are the feet of him who brings good news.

The birth of the Saviour the SON of GOD is the most significant event in human history and it should be celebrated.  I love this time of year as it gives us an opportunity to save the lost who we know are on their way to a Christless eternity.  How do we know that they are?   So were we. FOR ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This seasonal event gets some of them thinking about what life is all about,  we can feel good about doing something once a year for the lost and remind ourselves what an awesome gift was given to us. No one but God knows the day Jesus came the first time and no one knows when the second time HE is coming for the Church.   For the elect, that day should not take us by surprise but we should be ready… Read moreBlessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Blessed are the feet of him who brings good news.

Why Settle for Santa?

This Article appeared on on 2012 I reprinted it here and no I am not a new parent but I do consider myself an elder of the family.     In 1897, a little girl named Virginia wrote to the The Sun, a New York City newspaper, to ask if Santa Claus is real. The editor’s response to her has since become famous. As a new parent, I (like many other parents) wonder what I would tell my own child who asks a question like that. What follows is the letter I would write in reply. Yes, my dear child, there is a man something like you have heard about in stories and seen in movies. I can assure you he is real. In fact, the real man is much better than you might imagine. Let me tell you about this person we all like to talk about at Christmas… Read moreWhy Settle for Santa?

Jesus Triumphant Time Traveler

I wanted to do this post and at the same time introduce you to the new Contact header featured above. I HO, HO,  Hope you like it. I love SyFy which is fiction meaning it is a story based on fantasy,  an idea of the future, the featured crop image points to end time plans it was a show I watched as a child called the “Time Tunnel”.   GOD has a plan for the future it is one of peace, love, and joy how can you know any one of those without knowing its antithesis or the opposite? His Story is non-fiction.  Imagination is a gift, however,  one must be able to discern which is real and which is not. At the end of the day who are you going to trust your life to,  Captain Kirk or Jesus Christ? Denying GOD comes with a steep price an eternity separated from HIM. … Read moreJesus Triumphant Time Traveler

Head Crushing 101

I should have lead off with this before I did the Mud Slinger verses the Gun Slinger. Did you know that we will beat our weapons into plowshares (Isaiah 2:4) wouldn’t it be nice if we could start that now? If people could only love one another,  that’s what is so great about having Jesus living in us. One of my favorite Bible Teachers and a man with a similar history as my own did a teaching last night that was worth mentioning it comes in two partsGreg Laurie at Harvest Christian Fellowship.  Worth 25 minutes of your time the topic is devils do what they can to keep the gospel from reaching the lost. This should not have to be explained to the elect. Crushing the head of Satan is protected by his devils. In other words, demons stand as a barricade against truth while they profess to know it. That’s what is… Read moreHead Crushing 101

The Mud Slinger VS The Gun Slinger

It’s the end of the age we need to start slinging mud to open some blind eyes. I am a Joni and Friends listener and I caught the episode that had Benny Hinn’s nephew Costi Hinn was on where he denounced uncle Benny as a fraud. I have been telling people for years as long as there are collections at these types of ministries they will never end until God puts a stop to them. What a tuff call that must have been for a family member but if you see something you should say something especially when it comes to using the LORD’s name in vain in the case of our lost brother Benny the name of Jesus is a way to keep up his good life now. This is said of those who perish: “They did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved”… Read moreThe Mud Slinger VS The Gun Slinger

Babylonian Mother Child Worship- Still Going Strong

For centuries the birth of Christ was not a day set aside.  It does not happen until the restored priesthood and then again it is to only look good among the lost and the easily deceived.   In an effort to take and make the SON of G-d his pet to build his one world order as he claimed he would do before the making of man. How do we know this is true because of the effort he went through to try and hide it. What it ends up looking like is a highly advanced game of King of the Hill.  Everywhere he placed up a pyramid he had his clergy defend his false gods and keep his ride in place. Never seeking to bring honor to the true and everlasting creator. Which is the reason he was placed in the role of the light bearer, to begin with? The… Read moreBabylonian Mother Child Worship- Still Going Strong

Two ways to travel and the fare remains the same.

I wanted this to be the highlight of my Genesis 11:9(beginning)  Revelation 9:11 (ending) website which is aptly named the Bible is full of surprises. What a great book I can’t get enough of it! It tells you how to win the whole world to Jesus it’s just Amazing. Doesn’t mean we will, it just reveals how if HE be lifted HE will draw all men to himself. In the tribulation the demons trapped within the flesh of men will act accordingly and the same man who parted the waters becomes influenced by another spirit its getting them home via the slay ride. A crop circle was done that alluded to the Stargate series that reveals the starship resurrection along with the old-fashioned death and tunnel of light thing.   My knowledge of it is this if you are traveling to the light when you die it says you were not walking in… Read moreTwo ways to travel and the fare remains the same.


Compromise lacks commitment when I was extended the hand of fellowship in the AG church I was greeted with,  “We do not have to agree on everything to be friends in Christ. ”  That is total Jesuit thinking. This is in direct opposition to Amos 3:3 and will not take the kingdom of darkness down. Then again why would darkness want too? One would have to be in the light to understand that. The word shall endure forever, Christ did not compromise,  had HE  we would all be in trouble. Christ for me is God in the flesh walking among us, that it is only at the cross the Spirit of God leaves HIM as all our sins are poured out onto him. Dividing perfection into two parts.  like splitting the atom. The Angels insisted on seeing the SON and with it they created fission not fusion. They should have just… Read moreCompromise


The image is a picture of a crown of thorns Christ made a commitment and a promise to all who would believe those who would call on his name would be saved from the fires of hell built for the devil and his angels. This one is shaped like a star of David God loves the Jews we are to love them as well. They represent the Angels who waited for the promise of the Son these Jews are waiting for the promise of the Messiah. Jesus deserves a greater crown and billion times more a better crown. That is why we will throw all of ours at his feet. There are 12 thorns on the outside representing the twelve tribes of Israel.  Inside we find another 5 raised sections if we were to go to Psalm 12:5 we are revealing my Preacher who puffeth at me.  If you were… Read moreCommitment

Balance in the Universe

Proverbs 11:1 (1)  A false balance is an abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. I like the way HE does this because Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are equal 111 these 3 are one. Last month  I placed up Rudy the red nosed owl/angel and it was before Thanksgiving November fourth and my neighbor placed up on the next day his first Christmas ornament of which I took a picture of. He is not aware or maybe he is of my websites,  the devil and I have been fighting a very long time.   He is not the devil but a vehicle in which the enemy can operate through. This was his decoration and I looked around to balance the equation,  I had to make my own.  Holy. Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty who is and was and is to come. If you haven’t gathered… Read moreBalance in the Universe