Good Shepherds Care About Souls Need I say More?

At least they won’t be alone… Thank you, Father, for this beautiful Illustration that says you care about the lost! The covering bigger in comparison to the angels by his stinger. Made up of 14 circles the eyes need not be so we come up with 12 the three angels for how many verses we come to Isaiah 14:12-15 two faced  double it.  Ezekiel 28:12-15

I Want POWAH !?!

Did you ever wonder what the devil first lied about that Jesus would refer to him as a liar from the beginning and there is no truth in him? Well, it is obvious there is no truth in him because the light no longer dwells inside him he is no longer the bringer of light. Because I hear Islam speak so boldly and announce God has no Son I reasoned this must have been his lie.  That it was this thing that he may have said that he used to lead the rebellion in heaven.   I have even covered it in other posts. Knowing that the Prince of Persia and the Dragon are two separate entities depicted by what Father revealed to me in the crop fields of England. The Prince of Darkness uses Rome as his puppets to wage war against the Prince of Persia who in turn uses Islam to… Read moreI Want POWAH !?!

Only Good Children Should Get Cookies

Amos 3:1-7  Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying,  (2)  You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.  (3)  Can two walk together, except they be agreed?  (4)  Will a lion roar in the forest, when he hath no prey? will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing?  (5)  Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him? shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at all?  (6)  Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?  (7) … Read moreOnly Good Children Should Get Cookies

Bind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

How many times have you heard people pray this or show their hate towards him? It is for G-d to bind him it is for us to be aware of him. He is real and so is hell and he has taken his share of souls to hell with him. We are to love our enemies in order to win their souls. Like, Father, I desire that none should perish but free will being what it is heaven has room for everybody but not everybody can get into heaven not when they deny Jesus and truth. The image has two angels taking braided chords to bind him and throw him into the bottomless pit but before that happens G-d needs to complete HIS work in us.  Angels, by the way, can shapeshift I know those sci-fi geeks would really like to know that.  Note that each side has 21 braids we are living in… Read moreBind You Satan in the Name of Jesus

Cell Groups I wish I had thought of That!

Individual cells make up a body??? Who knew? I sat down at men’s breakfast last Saturday the man who referred to me as a dirtbag sat at my right and began to talk about his knowledge of Latin and how he was going to sit on Jesus right hand. Now was that before or after the dirtbag comment? He was confessing in not so many words to who educated him and who he really leans more towards. I think the word made it pretty clear only HIS Father knew who would sit at his right hand or on HIS left and truthfully it is the Father who sits at Jesus Right Hand while Jesus sits at His Fathers right hand. You really do not want to separate these two.  Look what happened the last time we did that at the cross. Don’t make me show you that picture of the chainsaw blade that… Read moreCell Groups I wish I had thought of That!

New Website Up and Running GREAT NET FISHING ~ The Final Haul.

It’s true we are coming in the clouds HTTPS://GR44.NET  serves files from the Cloudflare cloud while Whitehorse-radio delivers from the Amazon cloud meaning that the whole world can find out what is going on when we start celebrating the return of Christ. I love to party and have fun! So whichever one appeals to you to share with others please feel free to do so. Jesus is coming back Absolutely! People Need the LORD! And the Truth will set them free. I do not care who is the President of the United States or Head of the Protestant Church (Anglican) as long as Jesus is lifted up. GR44 is taken from the first man who entered into heaven and was a picture to the angels of the promise of the SON that we find  in Genesis 4:4 as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end a… Read moreNew Website Up and Running GREAT NET FISHING ~ The Final Haul.

There Are Absolute Truths – Absolutely

We cannot call ourselves Christians and reject the truth that is absolutely forbidden when we know G-d absolutely rejoices in the truth. Those who would deny truth are in the other camp on the no-fly list until they learn it.  Those who reject the truth reject G-d and HIS heaven. Daniel 8:12  And a host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered. Obviously, this event does not refer to Christ the Redeemer HE is the way,  the truth and the life John 14:6.     Truth Explanation as to why it is the truth. 1.) Your body is going to die. Graveyards are full of people who thought it wouldn’t happen to them and never thought about their eternal soul. They were here like you because angels in heaven rejected the worship of a SON… Read moreThere Are Absolute Truths – Absolutely