America G-d’s Final Frontier

“When the nation came into being on 4 July 1776, no one had been born a citizen. The declaration was a revolutionary document: it aimed to overthrow tyranny and create a new government through the power of collective action. For all its flaws, it can still today be an inspiration.” ~Tom Cutterham  No other Nation upon the Earth can claim the liberty and freedom America has had.   Both ideals are a threat to those who seek to enslave us for profit and gain. Our separation from England threw off our ties to what we perceived was tyranny, we did not want a KING we wanted to govern ourselves.  A kingdom survives only on the taxing of its people the more people it taxes the greater the kingdom or empire.  Our cry was we did not want taxation without representation. The one who seeks to be the greatest among us should become the servant of us all…. Read moreAmerica G-d’s Final Frontier