Agent Smith I’m on to You

For those over 50 who do not know who Agent Smith is let me Illuminati you. The premise is a war fought against man and machine the machines had won and began to cultivate humans for energy.  They drew the power from the people to function,  for anything to have life it needs a source of power. In the movie the Matrix from birth,  humans had been placed in an artificial simulation.  Anyone who got close to exposing it or finding it out Agent Smith would possess an avatar of another and try and lead them back into the rabbit hole or eliminate them entirely. In other words, they kept the truth from all. Smith was a sentient program in the Matrix; Smith can do almost everything Neo the main character can. Agents are supposed to be supremely powerful, and no one has every survived a standoff with an Agent before Neo. In… Read moreAgent Smith I’m on to You

As the Sands (Snows) of Time So are the Days of Our Lives.

I was one of those kids who’s foster parent plopped them in front of the T.V. while my foster-mother chatted on the phone for hours with her sister.  Speaking in a language, I didn’t understand “French.” She had been raised to do all her religious training in her native language while being raised in an orphanage in Lawrence Mass for 12 years of her life.  Why wouldn’t it be English, after all, it was the 1930’s, in America?  Top number one answer is.  You do not engage with the enemy of the country you are overthrowing,  when Eglish speaking people talk about Jesus, it’s a foreign Jesus to you.  America is a Protestant nation and the last to be destroyed by the dragon and his church. She never found Jesus in all that time. Truly a sad statement for a system that claimed to know G-d. As soon as this Soap… Read moreAs the Sands (Snows) of Time So are the Days of Our Lives.