Matchmaker, Matchmaker Don’t Burn Me.

It was 1976 when I saw the movie “Fiddler on the Roof” for my first time in our drama class. One of the songs is called “Matchmaker” and it was a standing tradition to pre-arrange marriages between families in the Jewish culture. A person within the community made the suggestions and arranged the couples to marry. Love at first sight was not possible the parents had gone through the same thing themselves. As odd as the system may have sounded it worked.  Love is a choice not some feeling though feelings of love eventually enter in to prearranged marriages,  it is not always the giggles and cuteness. It is about caring for another individual. When I became a Christian I came to believe in the divine province of relationship, when Cupid is not busy pulling Santa’s sleigh around he usually does a great job with Christian couples.  Prior to giving my life to Christ,… Read moreMatchmaker, Matchmaker Don’t Burn Me.

Does God Hate the Devil?

Job 1:6-12 (6)  Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. (7)  And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. (8)  And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? (9)  Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? (10)  Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. (11)  But put forth… Read moreDoes God Hate the Devil?

The Revelation of Precious

In Hanna-Barbera’s Precious Pup he was given a sinister laugh as he thwarted evil doers who had it in for granny.  In the world,  we have trained dogs to be our protector’s our companions, and they have been called man’s best friend.  If you are a Christian, then you know who your best friend is.  HE loves us more than any other and sticks closer to us than a brother. Pro 18:24  A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. The world doubts we can talk or communicate to God, while many of them think they talk and communicate with their dog.  A dog does not truly have free will he is taught to obey his master’s voice, though he seems soulish he does not have a soul despite what the author of the book,  “A Dog’s Purpose” tries to convey…. Read moreThe Revelation of Precious

The Protest Is Over???

It is said when in a minority they are gentle as lambs but in a majority,  they are as ravenous wolves. So this must mean the world will not be needing my peace plan after all,  to bring peace into the middle east. It meant lifting up the name of Jesus.   Don’t I feel like a shmuck! So that isn’t G-d’s Son’s effigy in Egypt after all and HE doesn’t need to be lifted up out of the earth and that seven hundred billion should be given back to them America lost in 2008 to secure Obama’s seat? So in honor of the ending of the Protest and having Protestant’s like Kenneth Copeland support the continued mockery of a priesthood, I would like to offer up this prayer. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus…. Read moreThe Protest Is Over???

The Conspiracy

The denial of G-d and the surmounting evidence for HIM.  It is the goal of the world to turn us away from the heart of G-d and lead us into a path that Christ called a place of torment. The more the enemy tries to deny G-d the more evident it is HE is real. His love for all knows no limits, and HE does all HE can to rescue the lost. He does not change,  HE say’s in his Bible HE is the same yesterday, today and forever. I am glad HE is for that meant I had to change to see HIM I had to come HIS way and follow HIM. When my tormented stepmother was dying, I had been told her bone cancer would take her within a year,  that was in 2004.  Every day I cried out to G-d and prayed to see some evidence of… Read moreThe Conspiracy

Defining Terms

I never really understood what it was to throw someone under the bus?  From what I gather it has something to do with laying blame to another to avoid consequences. Throughout history,  the wicked blamed G-d’s chosen children for the crucifixion of Christ never realizing it was for them that HE did it.  The enemy blinded their eyes from seeing Christ as their Messiah shooting himself in the foot. I believe very strongly that they remain blind until we get all that we can to the cross is it G-d who is doing it or allowing it to be done? If we say G-d is in control, then the latter makes more sense. Was it the enemy who was hiding the effigy of the Son in Egypt or was it G-d making him believe he was hiding it until the final harvest? For what purpose is it all,  if not to… Read moreDefining Terms

The naivety of Benjamin

“Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot…” They plotted to kill King James and all of Parliment in 1605. On 9/11/2001 they succeeded in killing more than that. Until Benjamin entered Egypt he had no idea what his brothers had done to Joseph, he only finds out about it after the golden cup is discovered in his sack and he is accused of stealing it by his brother Joseph, Benjamin did not know it was his brother who framed him or why.  Was Benjamin ever really in any trouble or any danger? Take careful note it is when Benjamin enters Egypt we find the truth and truth is important to God. It is here we learn what was meant for evil God made into good. The cup is symbolic special to the king,  it… Read moreThe naivety of Benjamin

Priesthood Hocus Pocus (PHP)

The ordination of godparents is not a biblical position,  the church is charged with taking care of the widows and orphans although the work of godparents may seem a good thing, it, unfortunately, takes place around a stronghold that rob’s a soul from a relationship to God and dependence upon HIM. What if the godparents are not godly at all? Religious things do not make one relational. Very few realize that the godparents to the “Kardashians” are O.J. Simpson and the now deceased Nicole Brown Simpson,  the devil is in the details.  Give me “Duck Dynasty” any day and a church that is biblically sound. Because someone makes a profession of faith in a church or was baptized in a particular denomination if they live in the world and for this world and are not “Born Again” or pursue a steady relationship with Jesus, they should not be trusted with your children’s souls when you… Read morePriesthood Hocus Pocus (PHP)

The difference between Jesus and I

He was skinny; I am fat. He wore a shawl; I wear a hat. He had sandals; I have shoes. He died on the cross so that I wouldn’t lose. That is where the difference ends. Now I’ll show you why we’re friends. He loves children, so do I. He wept once,  I always cry. He loves HIS Father; I Love HIM. Because of them,  I’m cleansed of sin. He had many gifts; I have few. The ones I have will have to do. He said to me; He is on HIS way. I hope you listen; I hope you pray. These are the hours these are the days. The Royal Priesthood has God’s plan. It’s in the Bible it’s in their hand. The kings of today seek to take away land. Father say’s His Son’s bride needs a wedding rehearsal let’s strike up the band! Let’s show them,  Jesus,  Lets’s show them… Read moreThe difference between Jesus and I

Follow the Money

The world tells us if we want to know who is behind a thing we are to follow the money. As a Christian,  we are not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices.  Jesus made it clear why he is in the world,  he came but to steal, kill and destroy John 10:10. A majestic creature that is a favorite of mine as well sits before the throne of God,  it has the face of an eagle Revelation 4:7. Isaiah 40:31  But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint. Throughout the scripture,  we see this bird as a favorite of our Lords.  We have also learned the enemy takes what God loves and makes it into something evil and wicked.  America made the Bald Eagle into… Read moreFollow the Money

First human body that did not see death and was taken into heaven.

Could the spirit of Enoch be here living in another body?  To return when the church is gone would mean nothing to those who never read the Bible which is everyone who will be left behind.  It would be like my neighbor who no one knows beginning to preach.  If God sent him (Enoch) to win souls he must be here now,  like me he needs to awaken. People need to know why he is here before we leave. This is about getting the lost under and washed in the blood. I listened to this audio book a number of times this past week and each time pulled a new treasure that confirms the Bible and the hour we are in.  How cool would it be to know Enoch who walked with God and was taken? I would love to be close to someone who knew Jesus intimately wouldn’t you?  I… Read moreFirst human body that did not see death and was taken into heaven.