Inspirational Posters

I will be adding to these from time to time as I feel moved by the Spirit. The Judgment Day Excuses are to motivate the mind. The truth is there will be no excuses. We are here because the angels who rebelled in heaven denied the need to worship the Son and wanted to set up their own government and systems of order, feeling they could do better. Many argued the reality of the Son to begin with. Some kept saying HE was not real, and they opted to become their own gods unto themselves. The problem with government without the proper head leads to confusion and violence over territory, in a physical world it becomes about things that we deem valuable. Gold. Oil, women, and precious minerals in general. With so many wanting to be gods rather than serve HIM, we end up with confusion. The other gods need… Read moreInspirational Posters

The Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Four and Final.

Fitting into the culture is a big message within the restoration movement. It’s learning to compromise with a clear conscience and an excuse to support it. Compromise is the opposite of commitment and standing on the word trusting G-d. It is a show of defiance and rebellion over the things that are Holy and enduring. Compromise condemns souls it does not win them. Sure you’re Born Again, and all sin is forgivable. However, in the eyes of the holy angels of G-d rebellion is still rebellion. Willingly leaving a man behind is catamount to being untrustworthy. We do not want this same thing in heaven, now that the Son of G-d has his very own body. They watched mankind torture and kill their beloved G-d in whom they worshiped long before man had been created. If you were to ask them now does G-d need a protective covering the size of… Read moreThe Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Four and Final.

The Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Three.

Those keys, those damn keys are they the keys that have left the gates of hell open? Are they the same keys that kept the doors locked to HIS people and barred the way to the true Christ of scripture? The keys that don’t let others read the word without their private interpretation? In part two, I said Jesus came to end the priesthood. The enemy would have been a miss not to bring to your attention 1 Peter 2:9. Trying to defend his work. Let’s read the passage in context… 1 Peter 2:7-10   Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, (8) And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. (9)… Read moreThe Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Three.

The Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Two.

G-d does not take away our free will. HE requires us to see things HIS way. HIS home, has HIS rules. No one gets in without Christ and a repentant heart, sorry no exceptions. Half of the world’s culture of gamers who are in their mid to late 30s understands this simple truth. One thing has more power than another. We need rules to be presented to those who are staying in the tribulation. That means a lawgiver (rule maker) is going to be needed. Moses was the first law giver speaking on behalf of G-d who was called to lead the first Exodus and show the world what a real priesthood looks like. Jesus came to overcome the law and expound upon its purpose and meaning to bring an end to the priesthood. Satan wants to deny the end of it, to deny the Son ever came and finished… Read moreThe Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part Two.

The Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part One.

The church seems concerned about fitting into today’s culture. G-d was way ahead of everyone. HE knew our love for games, and role-playing would be the winning moves in the last days. In every video game quest,  one object always has more power over the other. Get ready to play the final game and remember we already won, we only need to take our roles. Now we need the hearts of the children to turn to rescue their fathers and open their eyes to the grand event coming. Staying behind is a poor option for anyone. Sadly even people close to me are getting left including my only son, so please pray for him.  The tribulation will be worse for him than any other if I win millions to Christ. G-d hated Esau because he sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge, what my son walked away from is… Read moreThe Lawgiver has power over the holder of the keys… Part One.

Eat this…Not that

I began a weight-loss program that forces the body to metabolize fat faster. While doing so I came upon a website that told you to eat this food opposed to another food, which was less healthy. Then G-d placed on my heart to do something along the same lines. Just as many foods contain poisons along with unnecessary calories some Bible teachers do the identical thing. It is always best to look closely to the manure the teaching sprouted from. It may not be as organic as a real man of G-d would like. The fat may just end up in your head and heart trouble will still be a problem. In the recent movie “The Martian” starring Matt Damon, he survives his ordeal stranded on Mars by creating a greenhouse growing potatoes using his own bile in Martian soil. Fine for him,  but would you eat one of his… Read moreEat this…Not that

Many are called few are chosen.

I cannot serve two masters; I cannot side with two theologies. Especially with one that approves of idols, and denies Christ’s finished work on the cross by insisting on works for salvation. While it continues a useless ideology such as a priesthood to deceive others. The original priesthood which began in Egypt by pagans was also used to deceive people. The Jewish Priesthood which begins in the wilderness ended after the final offering was made on the cross once for all. The veil was then torn so that all could enter the presence of G-d through the finished work of Christ. Should you be alarmed that you have been deceived by Roman Catholicism? If you have been, then good chances are you are not elect. Be alarmed, be very alarmed G-d leaves no room for error concerning who the harlot is. He is having HIS angels leave behind all things… Read moreMany are called few are chosen.