Knowing G-d

Proverbs 11:1  A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. If G-d expects it from us would it not stand to reason HE holds it to himself as well? How wrong it would be for HIM to ask us to balance justly if HE did not? In the parable of the man whom owed a great debt and was unable to pay it, the man to whom it was owed forgave his debt. Later the man in whom it was forgiven then proceeded to demand what was owed him from others. Once the one who forgave his debt heard what he did to the others he refers to him as wicked it angers the one whom forgave him. The key word is BALANCE like the word RESPECT it is a seven-letter word. The angels existed before man. Man was given 6000 years to complete… Read moreKnowing G-d