Cattle Drive Up Ahead…Move along little doggy.

I have said in the messages on this site this is a cattle drive to the cross the event we are waiting for only happens once and blessed are those whom make it. Those who are left and those whom are closest to me that are left behind are not going to be safe in the tribulation.  This creature hates what I am up to, so that when he gets his turn family members better be gone. He will show you no mercy to the point where you may even hate G-d and me.  Others he won’t bother with as much,  it is me he hates the most.  Placing his chip on you and getting you to swear off G-d may not be all that hard for him to do, some of you are already there. There is a reason he builds an image of himself to sit in the… Read moreCattle Drive Up Ahead…Move along little doggy.

The Right Hand of G-d

Psalms 21:8 Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee. We know that Jesus sits at the right hand of G-d,  but who sits in HIS lap? It is a tradition for the first born to receive the greater inheritance because he is the oldest and to be the wisest by his experience and age. Medieval biblical commentator Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman — known as the Ramban — claimed the definition of birthright might have been different before the Jews received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Prior to the giving of the Torah, suggested the Ramban, the birthright established the firstborn as being the head of the family. The birthright entitled the firstborn to inherit the position and authority of his father, which affords him greater honor and prestige than his younger siblings. An earlier commentator, Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra, apparently agreed… Read moreThe Right Hand of G-d

A good Detective always gets his man.

Solving great mysteries is the job of any good detective. We have been told that there are considerable mysteries of G-d that are too awesome for us to understand, by those who don’t understand many of them. In this video, I give you the tools you need to figure one of them out. Who is the responsible party for destroying great civilizations? Jesus and I are like the “Hardy Boys.” Psalm 21:8 I will find all His enemies because he has called me his right hand.  Like Benjamin brother of Joseph I have come into Egypt and father want’s to see me come home. It is not the percentage of Roman Catholic’s in our politics that disturb me as much as the number of their minions in our Churches continuing to defend and support them when G-d is making it perfectly clear they are being left behind! While they continue… Read moreA good Detective always gets his man.

Always be prepared… A scout motto.

We have terrorist preparedness, weapon’s preparedness, retirement preparedness and this lists are endless to what you need to be prepared for. The church, on the other hand, has something much more important to prepare for. That day is closer than you think, and we need to be ready. As we prepare the world will get invited if they refuse to join us, then we know what is coming, this will give them a better chance if they get left behind. We need to prepare them for what will unfold. I do not think it is advantageous to keep giving the attention to all of Satan’s works, you do know he loves it when you pay attention to his works rather than G-d’s don’t you?  My word for the body is to look at what G-d has left us in England and get a grasp as to what He is asking… Read moreAlways be prepared… A scout motto.

Preventable vs Non Preventable

In the transportation industry, accidents do happen and when they do they go before a review board. They are either deemed preventable or non preventable. In the case of the New World Order, it is non preventable. It will happen but not before we as Christians set it up for them. The longer we delay the more souls will be lost as seen in the middle east right now. Satan was promised by G-d seven years and G-d keeps his promises. Going back to Psalm 21:11 where they (darkness) imagined a mischievous device, they are unable to perform. It was intended to harm G-d’s people built by those deceived to believe they are G-d’s people. Supported by Jesuit ministers who are placed as Protestant ministers or seduced by them to protect their one-world agenda. Preventing a crime scene is what I should have named this.  Isn’t it amazing all our… Read morePreventable vs Non Preventable

Coming a year of Jubilee

Would it be nice to be free from all your debts and have a clean slate? In my last post, I talked about playing the winning hand in the twenty-first century. I said that I pulled the lever hitting the jackpot that it came up all seven’s. The dragon has a treasury, and I won. Like Mordecai in Esther 6:10 Haman will have to place me on the king’s finest horse and parade me through the streets while I shout “Look what the King of Kings did for me.”  I never wanted riches or even fame I just wanted to see souls saved and have a family. What the church doesn’t seem to understand is that Satan needs the peace plan that G-d our Father who art in Heaven gave me. He wrote into my life His Story adding to it my last name a divine treasure indeed, it cries… Read moreComing a year of Jubilee

Deceived by Sorceries

the enemy has made his way through the world to dumb down its citizenry by way of his extreme wealth. To destroy a great nation like America you first must hit the largest population the children. Place within their school’s text books that your money has the power over to be printed for example printers like McGraw Hill. Evolution of course would be the best that would ensure ignorance of G-d’s word the Bible and bring about division. Next when the citizenry starts turning on the education system, you tell them how you are the G-d alternative then the foolish half-hearted saints will have their children pass through the fire where they are indoctrinated around idols and things that offend G-d and not excite Him. So now you have more foot soldiers to defend their ignorance of G-d’s word, while claiming they are of G-d, just as they do in… Read moreDeceived by Sorceries

The Winning Hand Played in the 21’st Century

Twenty-one in a card game is called black jack twenty-one in the Bible is called giving the devil a black eye. We are in the 21st century the hour of Christ’s soon appearing.  I was asked by Jesus to let you all know He is on His way. Just as the first rebellion in heaven took place where Father tried to restore worship back to His Son’s throne by handing His lamps to a new cherub fresh off the creation line,  it is happening again.  Only this time it is the clergy who does not want to see the bringer of light.  So they behave in the same way they did in heaven jealous of the covering made for the Son.  (Genesis 37:3-4) Rather than assist him to bring back the lost they feel there is no need for the covering and turn him against G-d. (Genesis 37:31-32)  What was the light Lucifer… Read moreThe Winning Hand Played in the 21’st Century