To the Angel Over the Church of England

Getting the word of God into the hands of the lost was a significant breakthrough to the Salvation of many souls and thank you for your diligence,  keeping King Henry from producing an heir for his throne allowed for the breaking away from the apostate religion that restored an unnecessary priesthood whose goal was to control the message while not understanding it themselves and making others think they did. I noted that everywhere I found a false god or king enthroned who did not serve the King of Kings our blessed LORD and Savior Jesus Christ the priesthood was the common denominator. It was unknown at the time of King Henry that it was the male who was responsible for the gender of the child an ignorance that still plagues many today, my own beloved’s father left her mother claiming as late as the 1960s her mother could not produce… Read moreTo the Angel Over the Church of England

Daily My Enemies Swallow Me Up Psalm 56:1-2

“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Proverbs 13:22 The wealth of the sinner is also the same wealth of HIS enemies. There are very few of us who know how we are going to die. Jesus knew from the day HE was born how HE would die, and it never concerned HIM because HE, above anyone else knew that death was a lie. One simply goes from one reality to the next, and we go with our free will intact; what will, will you be doing? For us, all to enter heaven in our fallen state would make heaven the same we have here, and that can never happen for heaven to be heaven. Why do individuals think that after they die, they become a better person or the automaton HE never wanted is… Read moreDaily My Enemies Swallow Me Up Psalm 56:1-2

Insanity Repeating History

It is said that it was Albert Einstein who coined the phrase to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results is insanity.  What can I say other than the man was a Genius?? Minus the fact he never understood Messiah nor accepted the one God had sent to be his Messiah,  he died a failure he died in his sins,  so he was a genius only by the world’s standards he was a loser in God’s economy, and so was Stephen Hawking who died denying God existed, he died on the same day Albert Einstien was born 3.14 do you know what the odds of that were? When the sheep do not recognize they are being led to the slaughter by the same system over and over again, what’s that, make them? When their shepherds support the system, the Bible refers to them as wolves… Read moreInsanity Repeating History

Seeking the Sides of the North the Power Crazed

Do I lack faith if I believe God to save billions of souls in the end? Hebrews 13:2   Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. In the second rebellion, the angels saw the daughters of men and bailed from heaven to be with them so God shortened man’s lifespan from 900 years to 120 years to curb this from happening. He wanted them to come in and be with the women but only after Jesus showed them how it was to be done to get here. How angels arrived and the ships, they came in.   Isaiah 14:12-16 KJV (12)  How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (13)  For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above… Read moreSeeking the Sides of the North the Power Crazed

If Only Remus had killed his brother Romulus we would be dealing with Remans not Romans.

From Malachi to the Birth of Christ God remained silent on the earth in order to allow the enemy to gather all his false gods into Rome in order to hinder the work of Christ. The images below are part of the following audio message. Jesus is coming to destroy the wicked and will you be ready and on the right side of it? A double-minded church is unstable in all of its ways.   A far cry from his horns and pitchfork.   We will either hear,  “Enter into the joy of the LORD.” or “Depart from me I never knew you!”   777 adds to 21 2+1=3 Gospel of John/Lazarus has 21 chapters in it the 21’st has Peter catching 153 fish, 1 x power of three is 1,  5 x power of 3 is 125, and 3 to the power of 3 is 27. 1 + 125… Read moreIf Only Remus had killed his brother Romulus we would be dealing with Remans not Romans.

Freezing in New England Old Protestant England Can Help us out!

Our God is brilliant, a wonderful counselour an everlasting Father who hates evil and will not allow sin or sinners into heaven without coming through HIS only begotten SON. We are all here because the rebellion in heaven insisted on seeing the SON and denied HIM the worship that Father insisted that HE was given in heaven before the creation of man. Without faith, it is impossible to please God, and without the SON, creation could not exist. Unlike them, we know HE IsREAL. It is a catch 22 situation, but we are here to prepare for eternal life. Is free will never satisfied, and shall it always strive to want more than needed? Deuteronomy 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: This means when the angels were looking at FATHER, they seen the SON for the SON and HIM were one, and to look on… Read moreFreezing in New England Old Protestant England Can Help us out!