My two cents on Ravi Z.

  We live in a fallen world, and I categorize this under grace. There but for the grace of God, go I. We speak of the disaster but have no idea how many had come to Christ as a result of his ministry, are they not saved because they came through his teachings to find faith in Christ? Todd Freil hits it right on the nose when he says, “We had early warning signs in 2004 that there was a problem he was giving a pass to Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, and Transgenderism.” God must judge sin, and Ravi knew that he was weak in his walk, that may have come from his betrayal with ROME again not historically aware of the root of the tree he was defending? You cannot make peace with the demons behind the doctrines or the doctrines from demons.  For a learned scholar such as he,… Read moreMy two cents on Ravi Z.