One Ring Forged to Rule Them All.

To truly understand this story is to know who was wearing the ring when it was written. The carnal mind cannot perceive the things of the spirit and a muse is not the HOLY SPIRIT, if darkness was in the author how great was that darkness? One could make the argument “STAR WARS”, is more accurate a theology than “Lord of the Rings” I give you a better movie theology “Toy Story”. A house divided cannot stand and to worship the image of the beast is never a good idea. The word teaches us that the enemy is cunning and clever, but I do not find it difficult to recognize him when you know the Bible and know who JESUS is. He should not be too hard to spot. So why do those who claim to be full of the holy spirit not recognize him? They even go so far… Read moreOne Ring Forged to Rule Them All.