Christians There is no Spiritual Israel and Don’t be a Dunce it Does not help the Lost.

You cant save souls if you do not understand whats going on. The featured image is a meme of a modern-day drama, one with too much violence for my liking.  I did like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix and so did the LORD no doubt who made a crop circle called the Hall of doors to relay a message to this generation who really liked the movie they need to know why the doors to heaven remained locked to them and why this generation is plagued by a coronavirus. It is all because what mattered to God did not go viral which is the truth. It is the truth that sets the captives free and true saints should have known better. It infuriates me when I hear someone talk of Spiritual Israel usually this comes out of the mouth of no doubt a parochial student’s mouth,  which makes claims God… Read moreChristians There is no Spiritual Israel and Don’t be a Dunce it Does not help the Lost.

On this day in History Anne Frank was captured.

The fear of being placed in a concentration camp forced this young woman and her family to go into hiding from the Nazis.  Christians had hid the family away as those who sought their destruction hunted them down men who had been raised as Catholic Christians who hated the Jewish people and Catholics still hate them to this day. What hope would any of the Jewish people or political dissidents of today have with our technology that senses body heat? If real men of God would only stand up and condemn the idols that the demons hide behind, rather then compromise with them to assist in our destruction. See Mary Queen of Death not the Mary Mother of Jesus. The best place to hide for us all today is in the shadow of the Cross and to be “Born Again” while not offending the angels who will decide who goes… Read moreOn this day in History Anne Frank was captured.

Destroying Nations to Build a New World Order Causes Strife

Prepare the Way · Our Nation is Under Attack WHATEVER YOU DO DON’T TAKE THE MARK (Biometric Healthcare Chip). A beloved teacher who I admired once said that “Every government on the face of the earth was destined for destruction.” The reason was quite simply that they were designed by man who is imperfect. This brings up the fact of why you are now standing six feet apart and social distancing. Several years ago I shared how God intended to complete the work HE had began in you in the same way HE drew closer to me. The key is forgiveness where would we as Christians be if Christ had not been born? The most important work of all HE died and rose again? You do not see Christ entering the upper room with the door shut and HIM saying to his followers, what’s wrong with you, you just left… Read moreDestroying Nations to Build a New World Order Causes Strife

Loose Lips Sink Ships and Here’s Hoping.

Prepare the Way · Loose Lips Sink Ships and Here is Hoping Do you understand Saints the world is not run by God-fearing saints but by unbelievers and some who think we are nuts? A pastor said to his Sunday night school class that if anyone takes issue with Santa, just smile, nod your head, and walk away. That is what heathens who love Santa do to us real Christians when we discuss God. I always felt we had something better to offer the Pagans, so where is it if Sanat is sitting in your sanctuary giving half of holy, holy, holy on what was chosen as the holiest night of the year? One church seeks to exalt itself above all others who came up with Saint Nicholas; it is one who maintains a system Jesus no longer needed. It proves they do not know him and may never know… Read moreLoose Lips Sink Ships and Here’s Hoping.