Happy Great FRIDAY! The day before we celebrate our American Independence???

Unfortunately many towns this year will not be celebrating it with no public gatherings because of the COVID -19 pandemic.  The devil could not be happier,  which is his end of the age virus hysteria,  brought on mostly by Catholic caregivers. Are not most of the hospitals around the world belonging to them? Not that anyone notices these things.  They were mostly fashioned by the monies stolen from Protestants killed in the inquisition and their money invested in the war machines. The Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express America was once a Protestant nation and we were blessed and proud of our nation. Illness is rampant in our world because of where they placed Virgo in relation to where God placed Virgo in the wilderness tabernacle Tribe Zebulon also his flag is a sailing ship with oars sounds like whore who sits on many waters. She was… Read moreHappy Great FRIDAY! The day before we celebrate our American Independence???