Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

When you fall in love you don’t expect it, it just happens, you want this person near you for as long as you can, so I get it, you just never expect it. I am usually pretty good at fixing people up, so I must say you are onto something here.  I married a Christian woman who I was smitten with; we married when she was 18 I was 23 the angels love Romance and marriage and babies I like Father only had one son.  We were only together three and a half years 3.5 when you came in like a flood because I took my eyes off Jesus but for a moment.  You destroyed my relationship, and now it’s my turn. Besides, you don’t have a Romantic bone in your spiritual body, one of the reasons why your children do not marry or have natural relations.  The peace plan… Read moreBeauty is in the eye of the beholder.