A Total Eclipse of the SON leaves us with this Corona.

It is when one heavenly body blocks the light of another; the good news is an eclipse is only momentary.  Though during it, we can see the future of the plans of darkness and the new world order. Which began long before man was created. I don’t see those floor stickers being lifted anytime soon, do you? They look pretty permanent, telling us not to invade another’s space to keep our social distance. Democrats have always been healthcare conscience. Obamanation ushered in the socialist healthcare system here in America and the leadership behind the downing of the twin towers used that as leverage to purchase his seat away from McCain, they did not care how many people went homeless. The same goes for the economic shutdown. A minister I liked talked about how God does not see this as a game, and I agree HE does not; it is they… Read moreA Total Eclipse of the SON leaves us with this Corona.