On this day 1,983 years ago the Darkside was rejoicing until the next morning.

It was a Saturday the Jewish Sabbath; Christ was lying in his tomb having been crucified the Friday before by the Romans, who enjoyed killing people. They even did it for sport in the Colosseum gladiators were like football stars are today.  We are more civilized as to how we kill others now.   So what’s another man to them and that being a Jewish man? Jewish people were starting their Sabbath, the beginning of the Passover. This celebration lasted seven days in remembrance of what God did for them in Egypt. and it was the mother of all holy days the Passover. Many oblivious to who had visited them who it was lying in the tomb, even HIS disciples had doubt.   Though the prince of darkness recognized the nature of God in HIM for he once carried the very lamps that Jesus now was carrying only without measure.  … Read moreOn this day 1,983 years ago the Darkside was rejoicing until the next morning.